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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. What one of my friends had to say on the Obama award...

    "His actions to bring about peace include things such as not pulling out of Iraq, renewing contracts to mercenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan, sending more troops to Afghanistan, keeping Gitmo open, bombing Pakistani villages, and supporting extraordinary rendition. His actions to "help" people include wonderful programs such as signing backdoor deals with pharmaceutical companies to guarantee them a profit off of any health care reform bill, refusing to meet with single payer advocates, effectively ending support for the public option in the health care bill, increasing spending on the military while people lack food, shelter, and basic medical services in the U.S. and around the world. Past people who received the Nobel Peace Prize actually did something to help people; Obama has just said that he wants to help people, yet has done nothing concrete on any level near that of past winners."

    "While I do agree that his movement towards multilateralism is admirable, it is still lagging behind the multilateral beliefs of the rest of the developed world. He continues to support unilateral military action in both Iraq and Pakistan. He has been hesitant to fully support multilateral action against the coup in Honduras. In the end, his multilateral steps look good simply because they are less insane than those of past presidents. Sure he has done something, and yes it was arguably an overstatement to say that he "hasn't done anything", but that doesn't excuse his lack of action in regards to a number of issues regarding human rights and peace, which is the real root of my criticism of his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize, that being that he hasn't actually worked that hard towards peace, particularly in areas where he could directly impact violence, such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Moreover, his stance on a number of human rights crises, from Darfur to Sri Lanka, has been far behind that of most world leaders, so in the end he should never have gotten anywhere near the prize."

    and just fyi...he isnt on the right side of the isle...quite far to the left in fact.

  2. My Sisters Italian Greyhound was hit and Killed by a car today. Jerkwads didn't even stop.


    Same thing happened to our neighbors across the street. Car coming up our street hit their dog. Pretty sure the person in the car realized what they had just done then sped off. Didn't see it, but heard it all. Sorry to hear.

  3. My time to do the o2 was worth more than 40 So i would pay 40 again. But I would also watch them the whole step to make sure they dont fuck it up. So all in all I'd probably just do it myself on a pair of ramps. Which I did on the R when I first bought it. Dave ramps are sweet for small things like oil changes and replacing lines, turbos ect. Who wants to jack the car up, and worry about messing up the pinch weld because they put it on the pinch weld not the subframe... when you could drive up a ramp.

    Couldnt agree more. I did my front 02 sensor this past summer, drove it up on the ramps. Located the old sensor, popped it out(took some effort) then popped in the new one. With ramps, it shouldnt take you more than an hour. And they are very handy for the other things BB said.

  4. soooo I am assuming people heard and saw SC Rep say "YOU LIE!"

    It was not a good time to yell that but...

    Double standards.

    Plus one could argue all they did was boo, they didnt call him a lair. Playing devils advocate with that one.

    Did anyone actually listen to the entire speech? I watched through his first sentence when I realized that for every minute he talked there might be 3 minutes of applause...

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