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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. ill be studying civil engineering

    good answer :tup::D

    im in the 4th year of a 5 year program for civil engineering. Im doing a Co-Op/Intern stint for the semester out in Pittsburgh, working on one of their bridges out here. Civil is...interesting. Hope it turns out to be a good fit. Good luck with your classes.

  2. Wooh i am sooooo glad to be back in school, I was ready to leave about 2 months ago lol. Even though I have a bunch of shit to do, clean clothes, go school shopping/grocery shopping, I was sick of living with my parents.

    wut?? now do you mean your glad to be back on campus with all of your friends just a couple of blocks away??

    although as everyone was moving back on campus i left and went out to pittsburgh for my co-op but it equals mucho moneys B)

  3. so one of my friends who lives out in San Jose sent one of my roommates a pic text of just the tailgate on a p1800es. roommate shows it to me and asks me what type of volvo it is, i tell him. he texts it back to my friend, who then texts back. "how the f*ck can you possibly know that" :lol:

  4. and cutting spending leaves your country impotent in many areas. for example, if you cut education spending you end up with a less educated population less capable of performing skilled jobs in areas that require higher intellects. if you cut spending on public safety, crime goes up, more people die in house fires or whatever. cut health care spending and more people die because ambulances couldn't get to them or 911 lines were busy, or there weren't any hospital beds.

    however, this country certainly does waste a ton of money on the military when it could be spent much more efficiently, perhaps on flack jackets for troops in afghanistan instead of the F-22 Raptor program and so forth.

    unless the terrorists get 5th generation air superiority fighters of course.

    hey the Taliban is pretty sneaky, you never know. :rolleyes: but keeping the program going was a waste of money when we haven't even used the ones that we already have...except in battling the Deceptions in Transformers :D

    as for the taxes part. ambulances fall under emergency services which fire and police do as well. now maybe a cut in health care(Medicaid/Medicare) spending could mean that grandma/grandpa couldnt afford some kind of heart drug, etc. education is a black hole when it comes to spending. we are always promised that more money will give kids the tools to succeed and become productive citizens.

    now im not advocating a cut in taxes. its just that it seems that when there is a problem, especially when involving the federal government, the immediate solution is to chuck more money at it seeing as its fast and easy and it makes for good headlines.

    So now that the White House is keeping a "list" of these e-mails... they are denying it... and of course the media is dumbing it down.... if this was Bush Administration or McCain... EVERYONE would and the media would be calling Bloody Murder.

    Of course they would be. Although there are more important things going on right now than this story...mainly Michael Vick going to the Eagles. Comon. (sarcasm if you were wondering)

  5. i'm so bumbed out.

    we had a virus in our company email somewhere.

    in a panic i had to delete all the funny pics, thread links etc etc. basically years of acquiring internet junk from my computer.

    i basically only have an operating system and a few things left. i lost stuff i'll never get back.

    i guess its my own fault for using a company computer for personal fun. lol.

    well my help and fun will be limited for some time to come. :(

    i did not have the virus at least.

    carry on.

    you mean no more funny well placed pics like this one:


  6. that's chump change compared to the entire gov't

    the airlines were all bankrupt at one point and they're all private and up and running... it goes both ways when our economic system sucks

    i wouldn't mind paying extra taxes in return for a more efficient and better funded gov't

    true enough, but the usps hasnt had many years where they werent running up a deficit.

    and yes i would like to see a more efficient and properly run government, but its a lot easier said than done. and as for better funded, theyve got plenty of money already. more money is not always the best idea.

  7. I think you meant to say "whom" and I have never had a problem with the post office that I haven't also had with a private parcel company. USPS is superior when it comes to coast to coast shipping IMO (2 days for under $10). So even with all these problems, they do their job and I don't notice a difference in service. What's your point?

    the usps is or is predicting a 7 billion dollar deficit for this year. they may be doing their job but they are losing a hell of a lot of money doing it.

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