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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. My main beef with this whole health care debate is over the price tag thats been put on it. First it was JUST a trillion dollars...now they've upped it to 1.5 trillion dollars. Guarantee you that 1.5 trillion still wont come close to the price tag over the next ten years or whatever time period they place the 1.5 tril. with.

    Reason being...politicians keep promising that over the next 4 years or whatever that this, this, and this will get done...When the hell does that ever happen?!? During the 2000 election...could anyone of imagine 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq...hells no!

    I see all of these promises as being completely empty cause theres no way you can put a price tag on something over 10 years, no way in hell, to many things always happen that derail things and cause them to go over budget(see examples above). If this national health care somehow passes, I cant wait till people starting defrauding the government on a massive scale to get some of that money they will be dolling out.

    Still trying to figure out how this all goes into Obama's plan to cut the DEFICIT in half by...2012(am I correct on that). Even still...wtf about the debt?!?!?

    Time to go drink.

  2. however, i just had this weird thought. do you think thoughts are more or less precise after the knowledge of language is gained if you assume this could be tested on a fully grown and developed person.

    dude that question would of been perfect for my phil 50 class that i just finished up. god how i hated that class. and to the question i would say they do become more precise/clearer because with language you can communicate what you are thinking instead of using hand gestures or drawings of some sort.


    had some of this tonite...not bad, but not good.

  3. yeah, I plan on it. i won't be setting any records though, the longest I've done in one day is 1150 miles this will be only 900 via Detroit where teh moneyz is. I have three friends going with but one falls asleep at the wheel and the other two don't like driving so it's all me :D I will be beating a rental car though not my Volvo.

    :blink: 1150 miles in a day, holy crap.

    and im sure you have no problem with doing all the driving. lol.

  4. lol, Obamaa supporters have been MIA since he got elected

    eh well its not like the republicans have introduced any big legislation since obama came in. so the dem's cant attack them that way.

    although you dont hear that many people defending Obama and his policies, so yes they are MIA in that respect.

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  5. its summer school, its not thaaaaaaaat bad :lol: (i consider it a vacation)

    well the teacher for my engineering usually throws curve balls left and right on tests. so you basically have to cover all possible questions.

    and my philosophy teacher takes the class way to seriously, so the tests are annoyingly hard.

    ...but yes, from what i heard from my friends who took engineering class this past semester, im thankful im taking during the summer.

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