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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. This weather here sucks. Rain for 10 minutes, then sunshine, then more rain, then sun, then more rain... Oh Texas summer.

    that was this past weekend for us up here. except it was torrential rain...then nothing.

    but we are suppose to peak at around 90F up here in Wisco. which just doesnt seem possible after this winter we had :lol:

  2. so my sister leaves for Sweden at the end of this week...but she says she wont be able to visit Gothenburg... <_<:(

    I just finished replacing the AC compressor, Accumulator, and expansion valve in my sisters Turbo Beetle. I thought it was going to be a bear to do, but it was actually pretty easy! Here's the pics and a video of how a compressor looks when the valve body is removed. She said it was working perfectly before she got to a friends house, then on her way home it just gradually got warmer and warmer till it was blowing outside air.

    easier than on our cars?

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  3. ...4 hour baseball games suck. especially when your team doesnt win. <_<

    Cool, if you come out this way you'll be surrounded by Volvo gatherings, we tend to pwn. :lol:

    Seriously though, if you head out this way let us NEC guys know and we'll throw something together.

    yeah, no doubt we could throw something together.

    thanks guys ill definetely keep everyone updated.

    Took this at work on the 9th

    nice shot dave. reminds me a lot of the pic i had from last summer


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  4. :lol: So without reading back bc I'm uber lazy what's this about you coming to PA Tom? If you do I'll take you for an ice cold ride. LOLOLOL

    theres a chance. the highway const. company i interned with this past spring semester is taking me back for the fall semester and they have a couple of job out in PA. basically im waiting on HR to figure out what jobs need an intern in the fall. they let me choose where i wanted to go last time, so im hoping i have that option again. who knows.

  5. new york times?

    First, even if a health overhaul does pass, it may not include the tough measures needed to bring down spending. Ultimately, the only way to do so is to take money from doctors, drug makers and insurers, and it isn’t clear whether Mr. Obama and Congress have the stomach for that fight.

    Wow...I honestly dont know who would have the balls to do that...

  6. thanks, what i cant wait to see is how small the class is going to get. there are only 20 people in my class and its the only diff e course offered

    for calc 3 here at my university, one of the teachers had two sections, half the kids from both sections had to withdraw from the class because they were failing.

  7. And continues to tout his Muslimness?

    Yeah from the tidbits of his speech that I saw, he sure was trying to make it clear how Muslim he was...quite the contrary from the election where he went completely the opposite way and never talked about it.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Taxing you by recording your mileage using GPS would be just as bad in their view. The cops could track every car at any time they wished. A car without a tracking unit would be an arrestable offense. GPS would tell them when you are speeding, so they would just send you a ticket. No different than a red light camera.

    glad to see someone else realizes this.

    I drive 100 miles a day for work, a tax on my mileage would kill me. It's f'ing retarded. This country is being shat on and flushed down the toilet.

    i can kinda of relate with a 60 mile round trip commute for the first half of this year, and during "peak" driving times.

    trucking industry would probably get hurt the most by this, not to mention the cost of shipping would go up.

    laugh.gif IT was on Fox News and you didn't know about it? :)

    This has been out for a few days at least, but I can't see the military ever letting it fail. Too many weapon systems depend on it. It is just the media reporting on worst case senarios like usual.


    I thought we werent going to be around a year from now...you know with everybody having died from Pig Flu. :D

  9. are you kidding .40 per gallon tax hike!?? people will just walk and the roads will still be fucked

    and the GPS thing is so stupid... 10 years and $$$$$$$$$ of tax payers money to develop the software.

    if it were one or the other...i would take the tax hike. BUT id rather have government officials sit down and figure out a way to get more creative with the money they have rather than going to the instinctive answer to any problem, which is to raise taxes.

    Can't see this happening at all. A tracking system for all cars? Civil rights people will shoot it down.

    thats the same thought, but its america...anything can happen. MADD or some other anti-speeding group could push for this with the addition of being able to track speed so they could ticket you that way. who knows.

  10. dunno yet :( chances are slim on fixing this one and even slimmer on getting a new one so.. looks like i'm outta the volvo game for now :( so bummed you have no idea. dunno what i'm gonna do all summer.. i have the money to fix it or get a new one but not much more than that so i really can't justify it especially considering i won't be taking a car to school next year.

    soooo...what happened to it? :huh:

    maybe you should just fly justin out and he can fix it for you :lol:

  11. shit. had some PBR and some other good beer. then went to the bars to celebrate another 21st.

    one of my friends had...and i quote "3 black bitches" all over him. we witnessed it. he pretty much ran out of the bar because they invited him back to their place...which according to the location was indeed ghettoish... and again, he said "i dont want that street pussy"...

    might actually see some of his texts on "texts from last nite" pretty good chance :lol:

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