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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. pussy. If you work out more you wont feel as shitty in the morning. The first week of cross country i would barely be able to walk, after the first week though no soreness. oh get some potassium so eat some bananas

    xc brings back horrible memories of shin splints.

  2. Im not sure if you have ever used matlab before...but i haven't so last night I spent 10 hours on an assignment and finished at 5am. Then proceeded to get lost trying to leave campus because it was so late they closed up the gates, and since 6am i have been studying physics. I still have yet to do my statics hw due at 5pm.

    :lol: yeah i had a general engineering class freshman year that used it...matlabs the devil. i mean im a Civil when am i ever going to need to use it.

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