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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. They arent bulky at all. They are perfect for getting the car up in the air in 5 seconds. You just drive up them. They obviously dont work if you are doing suspension work, but for everything else under the car they work great.

    the only thing i worry about with ramps is going over the far edge. hasnt happened yet but it always feels like its going to.

    blah tired as F from work. nice weather though. :)

  2. you guys act like our country is falling apart because obama got elected. i don't agree with everything he has to say but it's kind of harsh to be judging him in this manner so early into his term when he has such a massive problem to take care of. i have a feeling there's no amount of good he will be able to bring about to be liked by a lot of conservatives.

    The government spending trillions of dollars it doesn't have doesn't bother you? Your going to be paying that debt off for most of your life.

    And I would characterize myself as a fiscally responsible...something most republicans claim to be all of the sudden. <_<

    You don't need to wait for it to happen to know a bad idea when you hear it.

    Case in point: "Hey lets shoot roman candles at each others faces!!!"


  3. For 5 years we heard how the Govt was inept at running a war, now all of a sudden it is fully capable of running the banking industry? With no change in personnel or process?

    thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

    You hit it dead on. A mindset seems to have become embedded in most Americans brains that at the first sign of trouble, run to the government, regardless of whether they are competent or not to handle the problem.

    The next thing I'm waiting for is when people will start calling for Obama to stop trying to push through health care and focus more on the economy. Both of which, technically, he shouldn't even be involved in.

  4. so i go into the local library with the intent on checking out a repair manual for my s70, since im a little cheap right now. but anyways as im walking up to the reference desk i see a guy looking at chilton manual, as i get closer it says volvo, and as i get to next him i see its for the s70. :(

    so we get to talking and apparently he has a 98 s90 and hes going to be replacing some bushings...so pissed. <_<

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