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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. anyhow, i failed. so at like 10 i was kinda tired and decided to lay on the couch for a couple minutes. i wake up and it's 1:30. looks like i'm gonna be awake awhile..

    are you trying to be nocturnal? and i fell asleep at 11 last nite :lol: the holidays are very tiring.

    ^^^You JUST "found" that at 4:30 in the morning and had to share?!


    he is currently residing in alaska... :D

    still the fact that he came across it is :lol: :lol:

  2. i am not too concerned with her poon anymore but i'm tired of putting up with all these girl's bullshit :lol: :lol: but the year is still young, i still got 6 months left in high school :D

    cant have the poon without the bullshit...

    meh the first weekend of college will be filled with drunk freshman girls :lol:

  3. ^^^ HA HA! Well at least now I know where all of my faucets, sinks, toilets, and bathtub stuff came from.

    :lol: yeah when we left today i guess with the amount of snow thats fallen, part of one of the roofs collapsed at the factory. and yes all the fixtures were from Kohler at the place we stayed...go figure


    i'm getting closer :D kept getting cock blocked by this fucking guy that was over there. i'd walk into a different room, girl would follow, we'd start cuddling on the couch or whatever and then he would come and sit down by us and just make it so fucking awkward. i was getting pissed off.

    and so continues the quest for the illusive poon :lol:

  4. anyway, i just got involved with the most BS girl shit ever. so here i am, sitting here playing COD4 enjoying my time in the good year blimp. i decide to text this girl i like, we'll call her bitch A, and i'm like hey what's up. so like 5 minutes later i get this text that's like 3 texts long about how supposedly this other girl, bitch B, told her my only motive for talking to bitch A was to somehow make a third party, bitch C, jealous in some crazy plot. i've been talking to this girl for like a month and didn't hear from her for like a week ( now i know why :P ) and i try and start a friendly conversation and BAM biggest fucking buzzkill ever. high school girl shit is so stupid :lol: :lol: :lol: they just fucking like launch preemptive strikes assuming i'm pulling sketchy shit. and inevitably this girl will never believe anything i say over what her friend says so i'm pretty much fucked in the situation. oh well, fucking girls...

    I quote Ben Folds: "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"


    You're going to college soon. Chances are you will not associate with said bitches once you are at college/home on breaks. Girls in college are 600 times cooler then girls in highschool. Tell her you'd rather give someone else a pearl necklace (see if she gets that) and find/bring girl DD into the equation.


  5. so i planned to move out of my apartment day...great day when it just snowed a foot...anyways i get all my stuff loaded up, start trying to get traction...i think i was close to redlining to eventually get moving. so now im driving or sliding down the road, i forget but when i looked down at my dash, it said \"Tracs Off\"...so i think the Tracs Control said \'fuck this\' and turn itself off :lol: ...eventually it came back though thankfully.

  6. haha i have a couple but i dont know how to host them!

    if you can copy the image location, you can just select insert image and thatll work


    i was debating whether or not to put this in the R Forum...i guess someone can make a separate one in there if they feel the need to

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