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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. i loved indy... clean and new city imo. i went there over my winter break to visit family in columbus (45min south of indy. their car show sucked though haha

    Sounds about right, my family & friends described it as Milwaukee...except cleaner. :lol:

    Out by the airport so probably no chance of going downtown, just here for the night. Gotta say I-65 is about as boring as a road can get.

  2. Shit. Bummer dude. Exactly why I stopped ever driving my car to campus. Most college students don't have the respect for other people's cars (or anything for that matter) like most of us do.

    Yeah took a Calc 3 class over the summer a couple years back at UWM, got my hood f'ed up while I was in class. <_<

    I keep my car in a structure, nothing bad has ever happened to it when its been parked there. Oddly enough I've been able to tell which cars have owners that care about the state of their car, their the ones that back their cars into a spot perfectly. :lol:

  3. All the kittys I've ever known prefer to be left alone and out of sight while they do their thing on the litter box.

    I'm doing my thing on the toilet and kitty apparently doesn't feel that respect goes both ways. Meowing non-stop and putting his paw under the door, I let him in, figuring he'd go away after a few pets. Nope, he demands full attention for the rest of time :lol:

    My parents cat would do that as well, or just start scratching at the door.

    Also, for some reason if you were to catch the cat just after he was done with the box, he would act like he just did something bad and run away. :huh:

  4. 1working14watchingp1.gif

    thats like a joke we have here in PA.

    Penn dot had to lay off Half its workers, the chinese invented a shovel that stands by itself.

    probably make one of City of Milwaukee public works people. Except in our case it would maybe be 5 guys patching a hole but they would have five vehicles with them. :huh: That and it would take them two hours to patch the hole. :facepalm:


  5. bottled last night. been doing it on and off for about a year and a half.

    Going to have to make an IPD garage sale special brew I think.

    Nice, any other NWC brew? I think theres just me and another MWC member that brews his own periodically.

    Have an imitation IPA ready to drink this weekend. :)

  6. The problem with public transport is not necessarily the cost but how effective/efficiently it can be designed and run. If its slow, unreliable and expensive you're not going to convince many people to get on it for example.

    If you do get it working properly (not the likeliest of scenarios) there are all kinds of advantages, traffic jams for one thing cost handfuls of money as well with time and gas being wasted.

    Oh and your fuel prices are still not high. Less cheap than you're used to, perhaps.

    This past winter the new governor of Wisconsin vetoed a 'high-speed' rail line between Madison, WI and Milwaukee, WI. It would of been paid for by the federal government but he still didnt want it. It was questionable as to whether the investment was worth it and the state would have to pay for maintenance costs. Theres not enough traffic between the two cities, not enough to warrant a $800 million dollar rail line where the 'high speed' train would only get up to its max speed for a brief moment(110mph). The overall time & cost for traveling by road vs the new train would be equal if not more expensive and a little more time(various stops along the way.) A better option would have been to start between Milwaukee, WI & Chicago, IL, which has a lot more traffic along that stretch of highway and people actually use the existing train line. If they had proposed that, I believe the project would have had more support.

    Thats something that we learn in the classes im taking, for designing a new roadway you look at congestion your trying to eliminate and if people can get to a from work/where their going, they can be more productive/spend time at home after work. Its one of the points you try to make to explain why the money should be spent. And it also helps improve the longevity of the roadway if you have cars constantly moving over it instead of just sitting on it creeping along.

    My family and I were in Italy the summer of 2006 and I cant remember what the price of gas was but it was enough to make me scratch my head for a bit, maybe $2 a liter or something? And that's probably why mass transit works better over in Europe due to high gas costs, its cheaper to get on a train.

  7. Super high individual transportation prices fueled by hydrocarbons would hopefully promote cheap urban mass transportation.

    The initial infrastructure investment would be huge. I think the DART system Dallas put in was around a $1 billion...although at the same time the pricetag for one of the interchanges up here in Milwaukee is going to be around $1.75 billion easily (although labor rates are a bit different)

  8. If the trouble in Libya doesn't resolve itself soon and oil prices keep spiraling upward expect to see gas prices moving up. Saudi Arabia will work to manage the oil prices but speculators will still have fun with the chaos.

    Pretty much. Anytime theres a chance that supply will be interrupted, they start buying, betting that whatever might happen will happen.

    About to go fill up... and not looking forward to pain at the pump. I remember when people used to rage over 3 dollars a gallon. They are raising it slowly and making everyone used to it.


    They've factored it into their monthly budget, so it really isnt a shock to them anymore. I can remember when I first started driving back in 06, talking with my friends how I paid $45 bucks for a tank of gas! Now thats common.

    Why President Comacho? :lol:

    And tax reform laws that were proposed in 2007 will tank the economy and lead to wide spread lay offs.

    Ill have to send this to one of my friends who's a big time Socialist. See what his thoughts are.

  9. But he has decided we should "play" more often. And I'm stupid enough to think my reflexes are faster than kitty's. My forearms and hands look like I got in a knife fight :lol:

    It's murder all the time :lol:

    When my parents cat was younger he would get pissed if you did that...but as he got older his ability to give a shit declined so you he doesnt bite/scratch nowadays. :lol:

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