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Posts posted by Livvakt

  1. QUOTE (Plan_B @ Jun 11 2008, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    gold rims FTL :(

    hot car, lame rims.

    I messed up the image tag on the second photo, so I made a second post due to lack of edit button... but it threw the second post up in the original for some reason, so it got a little confusing.

    They look SO AMAZING in person, honestly... I'm not usually a fan unless it's on the right kind of car, but believe me, they look killer.

    To each their own though :)

  2. The only people whos lives are ruined by weed are the ones that are prosecuted for doing it. When the consequences of an action are far worse then the action itself, there is something wrong.

    Ah, now I see why you were banned. You're self-righteous and can't take a hint when to let something go, haha.

  3. I dont have cancer, but my mom has a brain tumor, one she will eventually die from. So anything that might contribute to her living even just a day longer or the many people who suffer from types of cancer that can actually be helped by being slowed or prevented but isnt just so the gov dosnt have to admit to one of the biggest ongoing lies its told to the ameican people is something that I would want to see happen. But I get banned for exposing a huge injustice of this country. Its like trying to tell slave owners that owning slaves is wrong.

    You had me until there...

  4. posting an article where they state one of the biggest promises for curing cancer is weed, but its not being persued for the sole reason is they cant have a war on drugs and a war on cancer at the same time, when one of the easiest targets of one might solve the other.

    Do you have cancer or a strong tie to it, or was this more motivated by "pro-weed" sentiment?

    Just curious... If you posted it to be informative and bring light to a current event, or express discontent because cancer has affected you strongly, then yeah, maybe a little harsh.

    ... If, however, you posted it as one of those lame "See! Weed is awesome! :D" attempts, then banination should def. have occured.

  5. QUOTE (matt b @ Jun 9 2008, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    "A TV crew going back home to Warsaw (road 801) in a Volvo V40, near the town of Dziecinów, was blocked by a green Seat Ibiza which suddenly drove out feeding road 805. To avoid direct hit, the driver changed the driving lane. To avoid another direct hit with a vehicle coming from the opposite site he changed it back. Our car slid, which resulted in a roll, falling to a ditch."

  6. Step 1) Piss and moan and whine about how awesome your stuff was and how everyone else's sucked.

    Step 2) Get called out by someone.

    Step 3) Get on their nuts and question their legitimacy.

    Step 4) Get called out by someone ELSE who has WAY more cred than you do and basically owns you.

    Step 5) ....

    Step 6) Profit???

  7. I'm granting your wish: I'm looking at your poster "artistically" [whatever that means].

    First off... I'm sorry to hear that waste 20 hours. Looks like you need to point your finger right back at yourself. Unless you photographed the car you used then it seems to me you acquired through ... hmmm... google? [side note... most of the photos used in other posters shown appear to be personal photos — not googled images as you used].

    By this time tomorrow I could have my 4 year old daughter using live trace in Illustrator... whoop doo... you can create vector art. Way to go. It matters not how difficult it is to create artwork — what matters is how well it is done. I'm afraid everyone is selecting No. 8 because its design is far superior. Good design [same as art] does not rest in the method but in the result.

    Let me drop some reasoning on you. Your color palette is all over the place. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt because I'm viewing your work on screen, your color selection and use of light is causing your poster to be less effective. Your choice of typography is not spectacular and could stand to have some additional thought behind it. How you placed the type does not lead my eye through the poster as it should. The entire layout is imbalanced is simply is not pleasing to the eye.

    You say you took the time to focus on the final production ... I say neigh. The bkgrnd of your poster would print like mud... not to mention the ghosted image serves no real purpose in the design.

    Your headline is tired and not very accurate and you should have an appostrophy in "Volvo's"... oh and you probably won't get way with using "Volvo's" anyway... so some rewriting is in order. And you thought you were copyright safe.

    From a branding standpoint... you failed to use the volovspeed logo. Why?

    If you put as much time putting THOUGHT into the poster as you did tracing the dumb car you may end up with a better result.

    So stop whining about why number 8 was picked... It was picked because it was simply better.

    This is so full of win.

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