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Everything posted by JDELUNA

  1. What is up with this person PMing me with SPAM messages to a PORN site ???

  2. Just another piece that I copied and pasted from a CNN article that hopefully by giving these Iraqi's and former insurgents an education and another chance that they can better themselves and their country. God Bless "......................Each detainee has a chance to take classes up to a sixth-grade level, and high school classes are being planned, Stone said. About one-third -- or 8,000 -- are in school, with 7,000 having passed the fifth-grade level, he said. The 860 detainees who are 17 or younger are all in school, Stone said. The average stay for a detainee is 300 days, but some have been detained for two years or longer, he said. A review board interviews detainees to decide if they are a threat to security, he said. If they are deemed not to be, they are offered freedom in exchange for taking the pledge...................."
  3. You are correct some won't appreciate it, but it will always be like that. I remember in the late 80' to early 90's when I was in the US Army stationed in Northern Germany, the older german people loved us American's because they told us that we freed them from Hitler. When I was attached to the scout unit and went to the field, we had old German farmers let us use their barns to sleep in. Me and some of the other soldiers would sleep up in 2nd floor of the barn where they stored some hay. During the cccccooooooollllldd German winters we were kept warm with all that hay surrounding our sleeping bags. Then in the morning the farmer would bring us breakfast with eggs, schnitzel, bratwurst, etc. much better than the breakfast from the chow hall a couple of miles aways where the rest of the unit was at. We did this several times in different barns at different cities. God Bless :)
  4. Here the Iraqi teens do not want the US Soldiers to leave right away but appreciate their presence and the sacrafice they make: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/09/13/...able/index.html I have a friend that did 3 tours there and he told me that the American's would give the children there candy, Beanie Babies, etc. to make friends with them. The children in return would later return and approach the American soldiers letting them know of "Bad Men" hiding in so and so building, or a bomb in that area, etc. They also thank the soldiers that they are able to go to school especially the young girls. These are the things you do not hear in the media, as they do not want to report it. These chidlren are Iraq's future, when the older Al Queda, insurgents, etc. start dieing off from old age, etc. Eventually these kids will be the leaders of Iraq. They will remember the sacrafices that US Soldiers did for them and will eventually change Iraq to a much better nation. Just my rant. God Bless :)
  5. Jesus was not a prophet. Jesus is the son of God. I am not going to argue with anyone that disagrees, just read the bible. Hope this helps and clears things up. God Bless :)
  6. As you all know I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. People have often asked me prove to me that God exists. I tell them look at yourself and look around you. All this is can not be by chance, even Einstein said that all of this could NOT be by chance. Then some ask why is it that science can not prove that there is a God. My answer to this is that God the creator of everything is way beyond science or physics that we know or understand. If there was a way to scientifically prove that God exists then everyone would be believing in him and his son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but God gives us FREE WILL he wants us to believe what we want and yet have FAITH in what we do not understand, see, or explain. God Bless :)
  7. What is the biggest spacer I can user front an rear without rubbing ?? I am using 225/45/17 and Comets. Thanks again for any info. God BLess :)
  8. CJ, Some of these people forget how much a good CNC machine is not cheap to produce some parts. I remember seeing the price tag on one.........$250K !!!!! God Bless :)
  9. Actually when I did my estimate I used $750 for the downpipe, so subtracting $750 bring it to $2300, you still have the downtime for custom tuning. Unless of course you have an extra ECU which I have and cost me $300 and about 6 months to find. God Bless :)
  10. My Opinion the price that IPD has is pretty good for a tuned system. The one thing that BREAKAWAY you did not account for is tuning. SO let us see here, using the figures you listed above: turbo $1000 ( pssh ill give u that ) turbo back exhaust $500 ( custom ) ecu $300 to $400 ( other ) Custom downpipe with Cat $750-$900 Dyno Time: Minimum 2 sessions @ $75 each = $150 Custom tuning for the ECU = estimate @ $150 for each re-write, minimum 2 = $300 FEDEX @ $25 next day air X 2 times = $50 Total= $3050 - $3150 this still does not account for DOWN time when you are waiting for the ECU Re-Write to come back to you, which may take days or even weeks. SO for the price they are selling it is not bad. God BLess :)
  11. You guys also have to remember that DYNOS are different. What they may get at approx. 260whp on their dyno may be 290whp on other dynos. The best thing to do is have someone that has dynoed their car stock and then get this stage 3 and then dyno again on the same dyno that they did stock. Example since I did 217whp when I was totally stock, I would expect in the neighborhood of about 287whp with the IPD stage 3 using the same dyno I ran stock. God Bless :)
  12. Kashif, I am sorry I should have said SOME muslims, I did not mean all muslims. Yes there are some Americans that also hate the USA, well maybe they should just get out of the USA and live somewhere else. Also I was not lumping ALL muslims together in one group. I know that us Christians have fanatical groups too such as the KKK, etc. but the people in the KKK must be reading a different Bible as in the Bible it teaches people to treat one another as you would want them to treat you. So why they treat people of color or minorities the way they do, I have no idea why. God Bless :)
  13. Why is it that many groups of people like muslims hate the western world especially the United States ?? I mean some of them come here to this country take full advantage of the resources that they have of this country, oppurtunities, etc. I know many of them probably send money back to their families top improve their lives. Also the US invented many of the things the world is using now, yes even if the US did not invent it someone else in another country may have invented, but still many items that these people take for granted were invented by the US. Also when a natural distaster strikes, such as the earthquake in Iran, the US sent people to help and millions of dollars in aide, yet when we need help they do not offer any. Just a thought. God Bless :)
  14. What is the largest size you can use for the front and rear without having to roll the fenders or cause any problems ?? I am using Comets with 225/45/17 if that helps. Thanks for any info. God Bless :)
  15. My question is I know that Islam is supposedlly a peaceful dogma, but is the teachings of Prophet Mohammed peaceful ?? Also why is it that Muslims take offense so easily ?? Like the cartoon thing, etc. When the movie DeVinci Code came out, you did not see Christians burning down cinema-plexes down, or etc. There were some small demonstrations around, but no one that I know of that got violent, etc. God Bless :)
  16. Are Muslims going to apologize for this ??? Probably not. God Bless http://news.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1377592006
  17. I do not get it, why are Muslims angry for a quote that the Pope did ?? I mean what he did is quote someone that died long ago.......I believe thousands of years. They always want someone to aplogize to them, yet when they do something wrong they do not apologize. God Bless :)
  18. If the yeast rises too quickly...............you better go to the store and get yourself some Monistat 7 to control it . Hope this helps. God Bless :)
  19. I put the VOLVO Vinyl decals I won from Ebay, on mine and clear coated them about 4-5 coats to seal the decals in, and also put them in my oven for about 30 minutes to have them cure. SO far it has been close to a year since I did my calipers and they still look great. They do get dirty with brake dust , but I just spray them off and then they look new again. God Bless :)
  20. You can always try and it will not hurt to do so. God Bless :)
  21. Check with your insurance as that may be covered under comprehensive. God Bless :)
  22. The holes on my EST intercooler lined up nicely. God Bless :)
  23. So are you saying that Israel does not have the right to exist ?? Or that the just because the UN recognizes it, that it is not official ?? God Bless :)
  24. Even if the WMD that they found are pre-1991 they are still very dangerous and deadly. God Bless .................."Asked just how dangerous the weapons are, Hoekstra said: "One or two of these shells, the materials inside of these, transferred outside of the country, can be very, very deadly." The report said that the purity of the chemical agents -- and thus their potency -- depends on "many factors, including the manufacturing process, potential additives, and environmental storage conditions." "While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal," it said"..........
  25. You do know that we did find WMD in Iraq. It is just that the media does not want the public to know and that the Bush administration does not want to make a big thing about it. God Bless http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/06/22/0...5.07o4imol.html
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