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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. thats a shame.

    didn't mention how many mag's guy had.

    glock is military type weapon.

    they were ambushed, doubtful they would of had guns at ready either way.

    32 shots in 31seconds.

    She managed to fire a shot w/ the taser. If she had a gun, she could have taken him, because she wouldn't have been limited to one shot. Retardedness. And why is a glock a military type weapon? It's pistol. Since when are pistols "military types"?

    AANNNNND this happened in the mighty UK, where guns are illegal. So much for that gun ban, eh? Oh, he had a grenade too? LOL.

    • Upvote 1
  2. isn't this your guys wet dream?

    a Bball coach was walking a couple of the girls out of the gym, a couple boys attempt to rob them. Coach shots one dead and wounds other.

    so instead of maybe turning over the couple bucks he had, maybe a pair of michael jordons, we have 1 dead and 1 wounded? good trade off?


    Maybe next time they'll think twice about being scumbags.

    "I lost my son, and I want answers"

    Ok, you're son was a POS, tried to rob someone, and got killed for doing it. There's your answer.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Yes, recommended by the owner of a site I use a lot. Also bought a UV filter, haven't tried it yet. Silver car + bright sun + light background + bad photographer = crappy results.

    The UV filter can go in the trash. It'll do nothing for you. The polarizer is an essential tool for shooting cars.

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