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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Ok how about this one.

    Each and every gun owner must carry LIABILITY INS on themselves and all residents in the home.

    you can not leave the gun store without proof of ins. first.

    to get ins. you'll need proof of guns safety etc.

    the more guns you have, the more your ins.

    You would still be allowed to have every conceivable weapon, just have liability ins.

    FIRESTONE denies it was totally their fault, you could say they were pressured into recall.

    How about we leave the gun laws alone and give the people that have issues the proper medical and phsycological treatments/care that they need. The people commiting these crimes are not sane people, and in most cases are documented as having "issues".

    I think we should all pitch in and buy Mike a gun for christmas.

    • Upvote 3
  2. was firestone resposible for tires blowing up? YES.

    if i go 4wheeling and tire pops was firestone responsible, NO.

    application and use.

    Guns aren't meant to shot civilians cowering against a wall. Lets make them have some skin in this.

    and your point is. lol

    Mike, they were responisble due to a manufacturers defect. That is an entirely different ball game.

  3. So I saw an SRT4 today, and I thought to myself "wow, you really don't see many SRT4's lately." So then I started thinking, what the hell happened to all of them? Or is it just me not noticing them? Are they all such giant POS's that they're filling up junk yards already or is it because they were all bought up by douche bag kids that had 0 experience driving a relatively quick car? OR, did they all get modded into oblivion and they're all sitting in garages waiting for rebuilds? But really, who cares.

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