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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Glad you were not the guy the found dead today.

    Yeah, bad press for a great facility, it's a shame. The place is in the ghetto though...

    Travis, the event is nuts on so many levels. The grand stands hold about 60k people, so that's 60k people with a shit load of money because those seats are NOT cheap. Next you have about 20k people around the paddok, these are typically people that have money but can't afford seated tickets. THEN you have the infield, the dump drunk a-holes. This makes up the large majority of the crowd. Yesterday was a record high of 163k+ people, so roughly 80-90k drunk assholes all in one small place. THEN, you have the millionares row, which is the rich of the rich, next to the horse owners suites, and then the celebrities next to that. You name it, you can see it at this event, and I pretty much did. And for all you perverts out there, the calibre of women at this thing is insane, spend 10minutes just watching people walk by in the grand stands and your jaw will be on the floor. :blink:

  2. You'll be all right Greg, we've all been there.

    Baby's 4 day away. Master bath that was started 2 months ago still isn't done. Wagon decided to shit the bed this morning on a run back from Louisville (multiple misfires Cylinder 1), R5 still isn't done (told myself 4 months, here we are 13 months later), work is nuts (3 more cars in 24 hours) and I just tallied up how much we have spent renovating this house over the past 3.5 years. :(

    Have a beer and laugh it off. :tup:

    Yeah I know. It's just getting old... I had no idea you had another on the way, congrats, Matt!

    BTW, I'm definitely shooting the Derby May 4 & 5th, so I'll be in Louisville for that weekend, but I don't think I'll have any free time. :(

  3. Was that why you were so stressed out?

    NO. Because I keep hitting left and right with BS. In the last two weeks, the transmission has gone bad on my honda, my dog racked up 1k dollars in vet bills, I got a $185 speeding ticket, and my lawn mower broke. Plus, I have a mountain of work I have to do. I have another kid on the way and have to build out a new office and then refinish another bedroom for the next kid. I'm out of town for the next 5 weekends for photography jobs. Etc. That's why I have a stress factor of 90 of 100.

  4. Not long after you posted this, you immediately regretted it didn't you.

    I'm in your area, I'm in California. I was at Target, and noticed an employee's lack of teeth. That's when I realized that Maryland is on the same latitude as Kentucky. The roads are beautifully laid out though, and soooo smooth. It's ridiculous. And I've got a new generation Focus rental. It's an auto with a hydraulic dual-clutch 6speed. It makes it minorly enjoyable, and the powerband is actually applied pretty nice. Interior is still poor and lacks any kind of features I'd expect their target audience to want that they could easily provide for dirt money.

    HA! Yeah. Surprisingly it's the first ticket I've ever received in the wagon.

    I work down there, Rmorse lives down there. We should do dinner or something.

    Today someone told me there's a 'Hollywood' down the street.

    "Hollywood is an unincorporated community located within St. Mary's County, Maryland.[1] It was named in 1867, when a storeowner at Thompson's General Store near the Uniontown section of Hollywood required a name for the post office inside the store. The storeowner was inspired by the gigantic holly tree planted in front of the store and named the post office Hollywood."

    They're virtually right next to each other. It's amusing. Watch out for the cops down there, they're everywhere. The speed limit on 235 is retarded.

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