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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. See as soon as you say its from the ceo it makes me wonder if its bs or not...

    if its real, looks like im spending some good money soon.

    It's really not that impressive. Any power saw that can cut through wood can cut through aluminum, brass, copper, plastic, PVC, tomatoes, etc.. The rebarb and other steel items is the only thing that sets it apart, and any saw can do that w/ the right blade. I would venture a guess that after cutting just a few pieces of rebar, it would be D-D-D-D-DULL.

  2. Yeah, the funny (for lack of a better word) thing is. Sean has traveled ALL over the world. He spent months in the worst parts of Africa. Spent the last 5 years in NYC and just moved to SF last month to what is seamingly a "safer" city. Obviously there are whacko's everywhere and this could happen anywhere. It's just kind of odd. It is nice to know that people give a shit and saved him. I wish I could shake their hands and buy them a beer.


  3. A sparkle of positive in this shitty situation, it makes me happy to know that in a time of need, at least some people will still act rather than playing ignorant in order to stay uninvolved.

    Yeah, the funny (for lack of a better word) thing is. Sean has traveled ALL over the world. He spent months in the worst parts of Africa. Spent the last 5 years in NYC and just moved to SF last month to what is seamingly a "safer" city. Obviously there are whacko's everywhere and this could happen anywhere. It's just kind of odd. It is nice to know that people give a shit and saved him. I wish I could shake their hands and buy them a beer.

  4. holy shit

    He make it? Did he turn over his shit without struggle and they just stabbed him anyway?

    Apparently he was in a very nice area/residential... he was alone and attacked from the back after a group walked by him. The knife that punctured his lung is the one wound they are most concerned about. They took his backpack, ipod, wallet and other things. The police retrieved his things and some of the attackers. Two people came to his rescue as he was being stabbed and that's probably why he is alive.

  5. Looking great Greg. What don't you like about that camera? They seem to be having some issues that will be fixed with a firmware update but I don't know what those issues are.

    It's start up is slow, very slow, over 5 seconds at times. It writes slow, even w/ fast cards. It's menus are convoluted and need cleaning up. It's got 5k different ways to switch between the EVF, OVF, or LCD, and a million different options for how each of those three are displayed. Probably the most annoying thing about it. Another top annoying feature about it is if you switch to "macro" it doesn't stay selected, so if you take a photo in macro mode, then go to the playback and then go back to shooting, you have to reselect macro mode again. So annoying. The dial on the back is flimsy and too sensitive, it will change your selection if you just barely touch it. Breathing on it would seem to affect it. The manual focus only works in manual focus mode and is SO SLOW that it's damn near pointless. All that said, the camera ROCKS on so many levels. The lens is PERFECT. There is something about it, it's just gorgeous and sharp. The feel is amazing. The images it produces is amazing. It renders JPG's like no other. SOC the images are damn near perfect. The Fuji Film simulations or "actions" are great, and are a really nice feature. The 1/16000th flash sync is money. The built in ND filter is incredibly useful and effective. It forces you to slow down much like a film camera does. The build quality is on par with Leica. The tactile dials are wondeful, and the exposure compensation shows in real time when in Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority, or even in full auto. I could go on and on about the Pro's of the camera.

  6. I think you're right. It's rumored to be over the 2k mark... But sounds like an awesome lens.. Nikon is smoking crack on their prices as of late.

    More w/ the X100.... Love this camera. Been shooting JPG and it renders jpg so wonderfully. They're all SOC except the B/W, I tweaked the contrast a bit on that one and up the blacks just a hair. This camera rocks in so many ways, but is a giant PITA in many others. Still love it though.

    DSCF1025.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

    DSCF1045.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

    DSCF1055.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

    DSCF1063.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

    DSCF1064.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

    DSCF1081.jpg by KeysarPhoto, on Flickr

  7. well boys, looks like a new body is right around the corner...did the comparo's and the D5100 seems to trump the D7K for me, the features the D7K offers for just don't add up to the $400 price difference for my uses. Unless you all can convince me other wise :unsure:

    I don't know man, the D7k is an amazing camera. The big thing is size. Do you want a gay little consumer camera made for miniature asian hands, or do you want a body that will actually fit in your hands? Go test drive them, the D7000 is worth every cent. It truly is an amazing camera. It's the first camera I've been consistently impressed with out of the prosumer category. Another big thing is as Zach mentioned, the in body AF motor. AFS lenses are more expensive, and heavier, and leaches on your battery life.

  8. I wasn't aware the 4990 would do 4x5 negatives let alone glass plate negatives? If the 4990 will do medium format and 4x5, then I'd probably settle for that. The lab scans all my stuff and I just send the negative out for prints when the customer orders it, so resolution isn't a big deal at this point. However, I don't think I can get prints made off of the glass negatives so resolution may come into play on these items alone.

    135mm on nearly full soft:

    Great shot, but the blacks are bit flat and lacks contrast. Compared to your previous photo, it's lacking but an easy fix. Great shots though, makes me want another puppy and makes me miss my old buddy. :(

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