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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. It's not just that: the wheel lock key has 4 small bits that fit into holes on the lip of the locks. The bits broke off and the holes look damaged on the locks. I think I'm going to end up drilling them out and replacing the wheel studs. <_<

    Take the car to a machinist.

  2. Well, I've resigned myself to the fact that the 142 just isn't going to make Carlisle. Too many issue to sort and just not enough time. H20 it is. The work on the car is starting to impede on my ability to work(photograph) and I just can't have that (I really need a studio space :( ).

    The radiator I bought is just too big, I was confident I could make it work, but after some serious evaluation, it just isn't worth the effort. I've found a much better candidate and will be purchasing that soon. New rubber bushings are on the way from IPD for the front suspension as well as a rear bar install kit since mine is missing. <_<

    As for the wheels, have new wheel screws coming in for the last two wheels and I'll get them sealed up and finished this month. So that's that, I'll be in the T5 at Carlisle, possibly co-driven by my old man. :ph34r: :lol:

  3. Thanks Greg. There is some work in that shot but not nearly as much as the digital ones. Velvia is pretty saturated but I scan the negatives a bit flat so that all the information the negative contains ends up getting scanned. I could scan a much punchier version but I'd risk crushing the blacks and blowing the highlights. I'd rather do the minor edits in Photoshop than in the scanning software.

    On my work monitor it looks like dog shit. I hope it looks better again when I get home otherwise I really screwed that one up.

    Edit: The sky looks muddled on my home monitor too.

    And I saw this again the other day. I always like seeing Ansel Adams' before/afters.

    Contact print:

    Final print later in his career:

    Richard Avedon did the same thing. All the anti photoshop purist "photographers" should read this.


  4. gf wants to know if there is any post-processing in that shot? beautitful either way. I like the black and white above the best though.

    Lifted from his flickr

    I did not know how Velvia would reproduce the scene and I wanted to shoot 3 other types of color film to compare but my cable release broke. I do know Velvia can have a magenta cast to it. I injected more magenta into the digital images with a graduated color overlay.
  5. Thanks Greg!

    So you've been using that 4x5 crown graphic, right? Where are you having the film developed, or are you developing it yourself? Reason I ask is, I just found out I'm inheriting a load of cameras (My great uncle was a photographer), one of which is a Rochester Opitcal view camera in working condition. As w/ all my cameras, I'd like to take it for a spin.

  6. Nice!! Where did you get the new metal from? I was contemplating cutting some out from a JY for the gray car. But then I acquired the black car which from a rust perspective is damn near immaculate. I think tabco was where I was looking for some arches but I was worried the 244 arches were not the same.

    I'd have to dig the source up, but I got them from Sweden.

    • Upvote 1
  7. MMM fun. I ended up cutting my lip out the rear for the BBS

    I plan on doing the same. The left rear needs repair though.. Rusted out from a bad repair job. :rolleyes: Have the replacement arches for it, just need to weld them in, which I'll do next winter probably. Hopefully repaint the car too.

  8. Greg, which adhesive are you using on the wheels ? I might have to do this to a set of Gottis as well in a week. <_<

    Dow Corning 832. You can get it from mcmaster carr.

    Favorite part of the entire car for me is the Gotti font on those center caps. That makes the entire build worth it.

    Agreed! The fact that the wheels came w/ center caps, let alone mint condition center caps is a huge bonus. Apparently Gotti's are hard to find w/ center caps and the caps aint cheap.

    What product(s) did u use on the wheels?

    They look amazing!!

    I used white rouge on the buffing motor, and then I used polishing cloths and Blue Magic Metal Polish Cream. It seems to work better than Mothers, for me at least.

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