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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. I tore my PCL a year ago skating a bowl; took a bad knee bail in a tight corner, straight into the wall w/ my knee. It was borderline needing surgery, but I guess w/ a PCL they're a lot worse to fix as far as long term issues go, so they need to be torn fairly bad before they do surgery. You should see what I can do w/ my knee now. Sitting in a chair, I can push/pull my lower leg in and out of the knee socket, pretty creepy. Hurt like hell for a while but its a lot better now. I still feel it when I skate or run up and down stairs though.

    You getting surgery for yours?

    I'm not sure yet. I have yet to get to the doctor. This is the second time it's happened, much worse feeling this time. I actually tore it skating a mini ramp a couple weekends ago. slipped and planted my feet while my body was twisting. Felt my knee pop, then fell on the ground like a bitch holding my knee for 10 minutes. :lol:
  2. don't know why, but Mike's pictures of vintage cars are giving me goosebumps... everytie

    any chance You have time at least in fulHD? :ph34r:

    It was actually shot by both Mike and Andrew. They did a nice job. Not a huge fan of their editing, but I like how they shoot details. It was fun watching them shoot, and I've stole a technique or two from them to help refine my processes while shooting.

    Here's two of Andrew Ritter's shots.



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  3. Got a 2-post, 10k Challenger lift set up in an asymmetrical layout for ease of working inside the car when on the lift. Bought it on Craigslist from a guy who got it for his garage but didn't measure his ceiling height first. The posts really don't seem to take up too much space - the most annoying thing is tripping over the arms all the time now. How thick is the concrete in your garage?

    4" Measured when they dug up the asphalt for the new driveway.

  4. IMO, that garage looks like its about 3x the square footage of yours. The main issue in your garage will be the space it eats up. Will you be able to use the other side if the lift is installed in your garage?

    I'm in the middle of doing my M66 swap at my friends and he has the Snap On version of this lift in his garage. The major downside to the scissor style lifts is that you obviously don't have good, clear access to the middle of the car, like if you had to pull the drive shaft or exhaust or something like that. But its nice for what we're doing now, and I could see it being good for suspension and brake work too. In his garage w/ 8 1/2' ceilings it gets the car 3' in the air, and at that point the hood is on the ceiling.

    If you read above, you'll see I've already figured out to make room for the lift. They don't take up that much room. Robbie's garage is a 3 bay, mine is a 2 bay and the left bay is just as deep as his garage. My garage is 25' wide. My ONLY restraint for the lift is ceiling height, not width or depth. As for the scissor lifts, they make lifts that have clearance in the middle to do drive train work, like the bendpak P-6fb.

  5. how bad do you just want to make the garage about 10-15 feet taller, storage space above and full lift travel...

    thought about a home equity?

    The issue isn't money, the issue is is it worth putting the money into this house or move to another house? I don't think I'd see the pay off finacially here. Here are some things we've explored recently:

    1. Rip the roof off the garage, and knock the back wall out of the garage. build a master suite on top of the garage, and push the garage back another 30' and build a larger shop section back there where i can drive through and have lift access.
    2. modify the roof trusses over the right bay so I can gain ceiling height
    3. knock the back wall out of the garage and build a larger shop area like in option 1.
    4. build a 30x50 shop in the back yard with 3 additional bays and move all my tools back there and keep the attached garage for Krista and I to park in.
    5. move to a new house

    Right now I'm leaning towards option 3. We're getting ready to do a kitchen remodel, which isn't going to be cheap and I could build a garage for the cost of the damn thing and we're building a new deck with an enclosed screened porch. So I'm no jonesin to spend another 50k on a shop behind the house or a garage remodel.. We looked long and hard at moving and we've committed to staying in this house for another 5-10 years. We like it here, we like our neighbors, and our street is perfect for our kids, so I just want to make do for awhile. What I really want is option 4, but as previously mentioned, I don't want to spend the money.

  6. Just got a lift as well and it is worlds of difference. The days of laying on the ground to rip out transmissions, suspensions, etc. are long gone. The peak of the roof in the shop is about 14 feet, but the beams are at around 10 feet. With the current setup, a car can get about 6 feet off the ground (which is fine). Currently in the process of sistering joists and diverting the load of the roof/building to other areas in order to accommodate the full height range of the lift.

    Best garage purchase you'll make.

    What lift did you end up getting, Josh?

    Here's the atlas lift I posted before in a garage similar to mine.


    Here's a shot of my garage. IF I do this, which I'm 90% sure I am, I'll remove the shelving on the right hand exterior wall to gain more width for the lift. If I do that, I'll have plenty of floor space to work with. I'm probably going to get rid of my work bench, build a smaller one in another location (my garage is deeper on the left side than the right and has storage behind the wall on the right) get rid of my box, and get a 72" long roller cab w/ a stainless top to work off of. I'd gain a considerable amount of space by doing that.


  7. I'm considering altering the roof joists to do a partial tray ceiling over the second bay. I could do the work my self and it would gain considerable ceiling height. My wife likes this idea too. Going to consult an architect. I don't see any reason it can't be done. I really want to build a shop in the back but I don't know that we will be on the house long enough for me to see the benefits financially. I have plenty of lot space (just over an acre) behind the house.

    As previously mentioned, sitting down is worlds better than being on my back. I can't stand being under the car with one end jacked up only needing to access something on the other end and having to get out from under the car and jack the other end up.

    I've so seriously considered recessing the bendpak scissors lift into the concrete floor so I don't lose floor space. I've been thinking about how to put a lift on here for ten years now. After jacking the race car up last night I decided enough was enough once I realized I had to jack the front end up to remove the exhaust vband because the exhaust is run under the axle.

    I'm all about streamlining processes at this point in my life since I have such little free time. A lift would make my life so much simpler. I also plan on passing the race car on and moving to something rear/mid engined. To make that happen I'd have to the major engine services myself to save on the entry costs which means removing the engine to do so. So a lift is top priority.

  8. at least looks like they got some decent color out there, it was total shit this year for us, so dry, went from green to brown in about a week

    We should be hitting peak this weekend, leaves are finally starting to get some color. I've had to postpone photo sessions because it's come so late.
  9. Being from CA, and not venturing east really, I have never seen a real Autumn. These are a few shots from my recent trip to Minnesota. I have to say despite not being used to the cold, I really liked it there. Has got me thinking about maybe relocating at some point out that way.

    Sorry about the shitty cell phone pics, but thats how I roll

    Go back in the winter for a month, you'll rethink that real quick.
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