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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. OK, so you got me, and is this the reason why we took Saddam out of power? Why didn't we do it during 2001, after the attcks, or was it just a split-second-decision cause we were right there and Bush Jr. wanted to finsh what Bush Sr. started. There were no terrorists in Iraq, they were from Saudi Arabia, and we didn't attck there, why not? BECAUSE OF OIL, selfish pig. O, and does this look familiar?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BULLSH*T


    Right, it was all because of oil. My mistake. I'm so glad we're in Iraq for oil and I only have to pay $2.25 a gallon now. Great logic.

  2. Yes, he killed a lot of Kurds over how many years he was in power... maybe 30? That is discusting, but most of those Kurds were extremist terrorists who tried to take over his government. Saddam was bad, but we should have worked with him, I know it sounds stupid, but it could have been worth a try. He hated terrorists and extremists just like we did, we should have used that to our side, or at least tried.


    you really don't know what you're talking about.

    Kurds led by Mustafa Barzani were engaged in heavy fighting against successive Iraqi regimes from 1960 to 1975. In March 1970, Iraq announced a peace plan providing for Kurdish autonomy. The plan was to be implemented in four years [36]. However, at the same time, the Iraqi regime started an Arabization program in the oil rich regions of Kirkuk and Khanaqin[37]. The peace agreement did not last long, and in 1974, Iraqi government began a new offensive against the Kurds. Moreover in March 1975, Iraq and Iran signed Algiers Pact according to which Iran cut supplies to Iraqi Kurds. Iraq started another wave of Arabization by moving Arabs to the oil fields in Kurdistan, particularly the ones around Kirkuk[38].Between 1975 and 1978, 200,000 Kurds were deported to other parts of Iraq[39]. During the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the regime implemented anti-Kurdish policies and a de facto civil war broke out. Iraq was widely-condemned by the international community, but was never seriously punished for oppressive measures, such as mass murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians, wholesale destruction of thousands of villages and deportation of thousands of Kurds to southern and central Iraq. The campaign of Iraqi government against Kurds in 1988 was called Anfal (Spoils of War). The Anfal attacks led to destruction of 2,000 villages and death of 300,000 Kurds [40].

    Jalal Talabani elected as president of Iraq meeting with U.S. officials in Baghdad, Iraq, on April 26, 2006.After the Kurdish uprising in 1991 (Kurdish:Raperîn, led by the PUK and KDP), Iraqi troops recaptured the Kurdish areas, hundreds of thousand of Kurds fled to the borders. To alleviate the situation a "safe haven" was established by the Security Council. The autonomous Kurdish area was mainly controlled by the rival parties KDP and PUK. The Kurdish population welcomed the American-led invasion in 2003. The area controlled by peshmerga was expanded, and Kurds now have effective control in Kirkuk and parts of Mosul. By the beginning of 2006 the two Kurdish areas were merged into one unifed Kurdistan Region and by 2007 there will be a referendum in other Kurdish-inhabited regions of Iraq outside the KRG-controlled areas

  3. Ya, I know about that, and do you know how many people he killed? Maybe 5,000... And we should ignore Darfur which is like up to 200,000 dead...ok... :blink:


    What does that have to do with Iraq? The US is working with the Sudanese Govt to "try" and resolve that conflict. Also, the UN is working on implementing several thousand "peace keepers". So I ask again, wtf does that have to do with Iraq? Also, the figure is more like 300k dead. :monkey:

  4. OK, and you know who told this information and started that BS that Mark Foley didn't do this stuff...UMMMMMMM... Washington trying to make an excuse... and MARK FOLEY ADMITTED IT AND WHY WOULD HE HAVE STEPED DOWN IF THEY WERE FALSE... UMM, OK. And futue of this country is fu(ked, we have a 5 trillion dollar deficit, which was a 3 trillion or some surplus in 2000. And when I look at the screen on CNN and see baghdad IN RUINS, it kind of reminds me of, o say, south-central LA, possibly the slums of Detroit. We should be focusing on domestic things, not fu(king up other countries and making EVERY GOD-Darn middle eastern dogma hate us!!!

    AND, gdogg, who was he commiting genocide against, all of the Taliban, Al Queda, and islamic extremists that were trying to take over his country and steal his power? :rolleyes: And I do remember him saying that he had nuclear weapons, but if he said they didn't, don't you think Iran would try to take over Iraq. Yes, Saddam was bad, but Darn, the country is more fu(ked up than he could have ever made it...


    P.S. and beside the point, the Republicans would do the exact same thing exposing someone like that, IT IS POLITICS!!! And he did do send stuff to other pages, and people are ignorant and just STUPID to think otherwise.

    Edit: Yes, Saddam needed to be removed, but we did a bad job of it.

    O, and I forgot, a fun little activity to see where you stand on your politics, although I think most of us know, hahahahahaha...


    Google "kurdish vilagers" :rolleyes:

  5. Cause the war in Iraq is not Genocide, it is about terrorists, which is sort of vague cause there will always be terrorists and we will never get them all!!! I don't know what it will take to get that through evryones heads. Plus, this would all be solved if we would take out the military base that is like 50 miles from Mecca...


    P.S. Mark Foley is a Lamo!!!

    It's not? So Saddam and his sons NEVER committed genocide? You son, need to go back to school and read some more.

  6. They didn't want to bump the date so more could attend, so suck it (as you would say :) ).

    Thus back to my point. WTF cares.

    I wanted to bump the date back so I could attend, but was told no repeatedly.

    As for getting all the yellows together, I have been trying to set that up longer than you have. I have been trying to get all 3 wagons together. It was over a year before I first met Brett, and he is easy to get a hold of compared to Barnaby. Only 2 of us have ever met him. Actually, 3 since he is friends with Nat, but then were the hell has Nat been lately?

    And what is the deal with Greg being nice anyway? He hates everyone! :)

    I am tired of being the nice guy because you don't get shit in return. Maybe Greg and I are switching places. :lol:

    I don't cry. ;)

  7. I am only saying that with more planning, they could have gotten 5 yellows or more. A meet at 9:30 in the morning is pretty much going to rule out Kevin and Jake. A little farther out and you might of gotten Dan, although the day would have to be right. If you are really lucky, Barnaby will email my back in the next month or so and we can get the three wagons together. That is a serious long shot though.

    Who cares. If they wanted to meet at that time then let them. WTF are you tell them they can't or tell them anything for that matter. If you don't like the time THEY picked, then don't go. no reason to slam a n00b just because it doesn't fit your protocol. just sayin.. ;)

  8. Johnson, Carter, Clinton

    1. War on Poverty, welfare state, massive shift of gov't funds from infrastructure to social entitlements (Welfare, Medicare)

    2. Vietnam

    3. Oil Embargo, Oil Crisis

    4. Fall of the Shah, Rise of Ayatollah Khomeni, American Hostages

    5. Billy Carter

    6. Cancellation of B1, Space Shuttle, MX Missile programs during the Cold War.

    7. Bosnia

    :lol::lol: :lol:

  9. And I am supposing Fox news and Bill O'Reilly is the source on TV :rolleyes: ... I got ur back Plan B. Ok, Clinton wasn't the best president, but I don't think he started a war because his VP hounded him to do so. We know that now and it is a FACT. And why didn't we continue to fight in Afganistan where we new Osama was hiding? AND WTF... Iraq was better off with Huesin in Power!!! I know it sounds crazy, but he was the guy WHO KILLED ALQEDA CAUSE HE WAS A POWER FREAK!!! He didn't want none of them in Iraq to threaten his power, and now we have them running all over the god-Darn place, blowing people up... I was for the war till we deverted away from our main goals, and NO ONE can defend that. WERD.


    P.S. I love to debate politics, so no one take it perssonal :tup:

    First off, you were what, 10 when Clinton was in office?? :rolleyes: Second, we're are STILL fighting in Afaganistan. Thrid, Irag was NOT better off w/ Huesin in power, only a moron would make a statement like that. Fourth, where are these "facts" about Chenney hounding Bush to go to war? :rolleyes: Another MTV know it all.

  10. I would hate to have a concours winning car, so much work to keep it clean and the fact that you never really get to enjoy it out side of your climate controlled garage or trailer en route to shows :(

    I know there are exceptions out there for daily driven car show winners (judged shows), but still, I am happy with how my car is and also accept that it won't win any real shows without a lot more work...

    My buddies dad won the pebble beach antique car show in his weekend driven 300sl gullwing. ;)

  11. B)-->

    QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 9 2006, 05:21 PM)

    Honestly I wouldn't know.

    To me they're all sleazy.

    Seems the world was a better, happier place when Clinton was around though.

    So you think the world is a better place?

    sure, when clinton was in office there was the bosnia war, and other conflicts. There will always be conflicts, it's human nature.

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