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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Having a GTG/party/bbq at my place on Saturday August 19th. If you're 21 and older, come hang out, drink, talk, work on cars, make fun of Towery, give me money, eat food, mow my yard, make fun of Towery some more, drink more, eat more, make fun of towery some more, hang out some more, and repeat till everyone leaves. I live 45min to an hour outside of DC in La Plata. PM me or post up if you want to come.

    Ok guys, my address is:

    405 Butternut Court

    La Plata MD 20646

    I guess we'll kick things off at around 5-6pm, PM me if you want my cell number.

    IPB Image

  2. 1500 is a cheap EMS. Gems is 3kish, Pectel is 4-6k, everything I can think of is over 1500. Do you NEED ignition, injection and datastream? If you dont need a datastream you can go with 034EFI. Look for the nearest box of cracker-jacks and check the bottom

    you just made me choke on my food! :lol:

  3. So I take it no drilling needed since it says the only required tools are a socket wrench?

    Added to the list of "must have's."

    nope, there is a welded insert there for the 3rd row child seat. Just uses a 3/8" 16 bolt. I had my ohlins installed in the same place...

  4. Why would you grieve if the egg wasn't concieved but fertilized in a test tube?

    Main Entry: con·cep·tion

    Pronunciation: k&n-'sep-sh&n

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English concepcioun, from Anglo-French concepcion, from Latin conception-, conceptio, from concipere

    1 a (1) : the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both (2) : EMBRYO, FETUS b : BEGINNING <joy had the like conception in our eyes -- Shakespeare>

    2 a : the capacity, function, or process of forming or understanding ideas or abstractions or their symbols b : a general idea : CONCEPT c : a complex product of abstract or reflective thinking d : the sum of a person's ideas and beliefs concerning something

    3 : the originating of something in the mind

    The part I will point out- THE PROCESS OF BECOMING PREGNANT

    In no way is a woman becoming pregnant and her baby being stolen for testing this is a scientific process done far away from a mother and a father.

    This stuff is coming straight out of a dictionary, why do I have to explain the meaning? And people give a hard time for not doing a search before asking a question. I get slack for having a vocabulary, and using words like ignorant or conception. I thought those were words the general population understood. :blink:

    read it in context. the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both You can't just take a section of a statement and base your opinion on that. The rest of the information is there for a reason. Fertilization of an egg is fertilization of an egg, regardless of where it happens. Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

  5. Um, yeah. Wouldn't you consider a human being something concieved from two humans in the act of sex. I have coughed things up in the morning that more closely resembled a human being. Girls drop more developed fetus' in the toilet after a missed period month. If someone is so concerned for the welfare of babies go adopt a child, there are plenty of living people that need attention. These cells while they do have to potential to become a human under the right circumstances will never, and could never become that. Do women grieve every month when they have a period? Just because it could have been a baby, doesn't mean it was a baby.

    why would they grieve if the egg was never fertilized? :rolleyes:

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