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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Not telling me anything new. Wow, you can cut and paste an opinion. Impressive B) What's your next trick?

    haven't seen you bust out any facts, other than what I saw in a lab once walking through it.

    1. Stem cells used for research are taken from fertilized eggs in a petri dish, never intended to become a human being or had any chance of doing so.

    this is where the ethics comes into play. If you believe that life begins at conception, then it is a human being, if you don't then when the hell does it begin?

    2. These are not babies being torn from a woman's womb and subjected to scientific testing, it is a group of cells being grown for scientific study.

    see my response to #1

    3. Blind faith is a very dangerous thing. Complete trust in religious leaders or government leaders is not the most intelligent decision. The only way I am going to back that up is Hitler.

    I agree, you must make decisions for yourself.

    4. Religion is a very powerful and meaningful part of many peoples lives. There are countless religions all over the world with many different beliefs. To assume that one is right and another is wrong is very arrogant. The teachings of Jesus Christ have only been taught for ~2000 years, so what was correct before that time? Some of the islamic radical groups have shed a bad light on the religion as a whole, but it is still a valid religion, along with the Jewish, budhist, hindu, catholic religions.

    Ever read the first half of the bible?! :rolleyes:

    5. Asking questions about your faiths belief is okay. You are not a traitor if you don't blindly believe what your church tells your too. If they are making valid points, then if you ask questions there will be valid answers. If not the more questions you ask the less it will make sense, then decide on your own with the information you have available. Unless you would rather cut and paste someone else's opinion.

    Nothing wrong with cutting and pasting someone elses opinion if that opinion is exactly how you feel. You've never sat down with someone and started talking about something and have the exact same opinion on a topic? Could be anything, "man, this food is great!" "that car is sexy!" "I hate californian hippies!" "if Bill doesn't get his job done right, the molecular stability of the refractors might deteriate and we'll all be up shit creek! yah, I agree!" :rolleyes:

  2. OK, this is how I roll, F*** GB, I can't believe people still like him, is this country too full of hicks or am I just blind, haha. Nothing wrong with em' I just hate REALLY Right fielded people. Myself, I am extremely middle fielded with a hint of liberalacy (pulling a GB). I judge each political candidate by his views, and GB has not earned a penny of my respect... I dunno if it is just the blank stare, the crappy vocab (which I am a victim of) or the complete and utter arogance. Countless numbers of his TOP advisors told him NOT to go into Iraq, but the dumbF*** didn't listen. I could have forgiven him cause we do make mistakes, BUT WE ARE STILL THERE!!! No plan whatsoever to leave...WTF?!?!?! Now our military resourses are GONE!!! If this war never happened, we would now be taking care of N. Korea, we would be helping the poor inocent people in Israel, and kicking syria's @$$!!! Sorry, I have takin too much time and I don't want anyone to get the impression that I hate conservatives, just GB, the WII (war in Iraq) and FAR Right wingers. Thanks for letting me voice my opinion VS.


    :angry::unsure::monkey: YA RIGHT YOU A-HOLE!!!

    wow, I don't think I've seen so much missinformation in a single post before.

  3. Well can you back up your opinion with any facts, reasons, arguements. If not then the answer is YES. I am open to listening to why you believe its immoral but a blanket statement saying " I've read countless number of studies on it and I still think it's immoral." Sounds pretty ignorant. So back up your opinion with reasons and maybe I will change my mind. :rolleyes:

    It's immoral in my opinion because I believe life begins at conception. I do not believe in abortion and I don't believe in embryonic stem cell research. Just because someone has a different opinion than yours doesn't make them ignorant, you thinking that person is ingornant is actually you being ignorant. Like I've said in previous posts, if you go back and read them, I believe there are more viable solutions to using embryonic stemcells, so how about you prove me wrong boy wonder.

  4. Wow, and here I thought of you as the level headed one.

    Main Entry: ig·no·rant

    Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt

    Function: adjective

    1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>


    - ig·no·rant·ly adverb

    - ig·no·rant·ness noun

    synonyms IGNORANT, ILLITERATE, UNLETTERED, UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge. IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing <an ignorant fool> <ignorant of nuclear physics>. ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write <much of the population is still illiterate>. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading <an allusion meaningless to the unlettered>. UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization <strange monuments built by an untutored people>. UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects <poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>.

    Yes, anyone who thinks stem cell research is illegitmate or immoral is ignorant. If you take all your information from the media and derive an opinion on something you know very little about you are ignorant. Ignorant by definition posted above is- IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing

    I have spoken with the doctors that are pioneering stem cell reasearch personally and seen what it can do. The reasearch in no way affects a living organism and if you really want to argue something along those lines argue abortion. Go tell a rape victim she can't have an abortion because it's immoral to kill a developing fetus. When you win that arguement come back and debate stem cells. Hopefully with an educated standpoint.

    The viable uses for stem cells take a very few of the purest cells from the earliset stages of development. Then puts them in a petri dish and replicates them millions of times. The core of the reasearch going on at the research center that I have heard from is using only a few different cells for all the work and just replicating them over and over and over. These cells were never in danger of becoming a human being and have not affected any lives. Yet they have the potential to save thousands and cure countless diseases.

    Castration? Um, sounds a bit extreme for calling someone uneducated.

    Maybe the south park episode where Christopher Reeve ate fetuses has helped some of you form your opinion on stem cells.

    I think it's immoral, am I ingnorant? I've read countless number of studies on it and I still think it's immoral. I don't get my info from the mainstream MTV like media, I get the facts then make my own opinions. So am I still "ignoranant"? :rolleyes:

  5. Screw that... I'd paint them black if anything :lol:

    Foglights might happen sometime, might not, who knows? And I want to put the black jewels in and see how it looks, but that is a no-go until I get them fixed <_<

    Thanks for all the comments everyone.

    f fog lights, go wtih brake cooling ducts. :monkey:

  6. .23 works, but .25 should work as well, if you are getting blowout or misfiring at .25 gap, id look into your ignition system to see if there is anything worn out that needs changing., theres 850's tons more power than you are, with stock ignition and .25 gap.

    I don't know anyone runing .25

  7. you guys are on crack, the black mesh looks great with that large opening in the VST bumper..

    If you say so... :rolleyes:

    Carson, i was just looking at the pic of again and I think I see what is throwing me off and why it looks weird. With the slotted vents on the bumper now and the larger hole in the center of the bumper, it looks like a replica of what is 8" above it ie your head lights and your grille. the reason it works on Johanns SDI IMO is because the OEM grille breaks that up and fills the hole in the center making the bumper look more unique. Just my $.02. :monkey:

  8. What's the vote then, OEM, OEM with black center? Anyone have an OEM grille? :P

    I want to do a lip on this, but buying the CF VST lip would cost damn near the price of the bumper (:o) so I am planning on doing something "custom" locally. Again, I just put it on and am in no real hurry to change it since I haven't even had a chance to admire it as is...

    Thanks for the feedback, I don't mind if you guys dislike this bumper, I was weary of how it would look on my car up until last night when it was actually bolted on, and it really looks great in my mind (seeing it in person and from different angles other than the above picture).

    I love the bumper, think it looks better in white, but it looks great on you car. :tup: I just don't like the grille with it. Maybe paint the edge black. It looks like there is a big hole in the front of the car now. Maybe try the OEM grille.

  9. Fixed.

    Anyone who thinks stem cell research is immoral and illegitimate is entitled to their own opinions/beliefs and it does not make them ignorant, however, anyone who thinks some one is ignorant because they oposed their ideas and principles is a freaking retard, not to mention their declared God-like status with thinking they are right warrants castration. IMO.



  10. Stem cells are a very promising form of medical research. The funding from the government would be helpfull to the use of stem cells in US markets but there is no stopping the reasearch. When the US government realizes how much money they could make with viable stem cell treaments they will be on the banwagon. But anyone realistically wanting stem cell treaments will be going to europe or china until then. There are already viable uses for the stem cell work being done now but to get us government funding seems to be a joke until Bush is out of office. Anyone that thinks stem cell research is immoral or illegitimate is just ignorant and should go back to and debate abortion until they are blue in the face. :P While I support him because he is our president and I am slightly patriotic Bush is a numbskull. :ph34r:


  11. Listen.... i wasn't posting about any paticular problem or solution... just suggesting something... read the post, i never claimed a BOV had anything to do with the A/F topic, gee whizzzzz :huh::excl: i was mostly going to suggest it for keeping the new found boost, because stock bov can push open with high pressure, but i think i'm done anyway, i'm retarted, sometimes i forget.

    you should stop while you're behind! :lol: :P

  12. ya... when your throttle snaps shut at 20+ psi and stock BOV can't dump the pressure you can bend stuff, or your throttle can snap back open due to the pressure and you end up in the ditch or the back of another car. i never said it was the cure all for high boost, just another idem to consider if your running high pressure.... gee whiz save the attitude, everyone's so stuck up around here i think i'm about to ignore all the posts.... well not everyone.

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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