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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Tomorrow morning between 07:00 and 10:00 GMT the site will have brief outages. This is due to an upgrade to a degraded RAID controller which caused Thursdays outages. In thoery no DATA will be lost, but everything is backed up as of 22:00 today should something go wrong. The longest outage should be under 20 minutes. Post upgade the site should speed up.


  2. They woudn't.. that's my point.

    Seems like if the other two countries in north america can figure out how not to step on thier dick, and have their indigenous people WANT to stay there... that mexico could give it a big tug, and pull it's head out of it's ass.

    just to be clear, I tend to lump all the south americans into one category and call them mexicans(and nothing is more fun than calling a peruvian a mexican!) but it's not just mexico, even though they all go through mexico to get to here. Am I making sense? I like cake, actually, I like cookies more, well, I like ice cream more than cookies but cookies kick ass but not as much as ice cream.

  3. US has the most laxed boarders in the world? lol ... Do you think you would have a lot of immigrants if Norway was your Neighbor instead of Mexico? Ever see alot of Canadians trying to cross the boarder illegally?

    if you were a canadian and wanted to come to america illegally, all you would have to do is walk through the woods and BAM, you're in america.

  4. I could not have said it any better!!!!

    Greg 4 Prez!!

    Half those fuckers don't even know what they are protesting, they are just doing it to get a free day off of work or school.

    The US has the most laxed boarders in the world, this needs to change or it is going to come back and haunt us.

    already has... ;) YOu have no idea how mad it makes me that I have to pay 1k bucks to have a baby and some illegal can just walk in shoot a baby out of her clam trap, walk out with a big FU to the USA and pay nothing.

  5. jeeze, a lot of negativity here. just because mexico has that policy, it doesn't mean we should. try thinking about why they left mexico

    eventhough their demonstration wasn't as successful as they had planned, its nice to see a significant amount of people stand up for what they believe in

    What they believe in!?!?!?!?!?!?! They believe that we should just bend over and take in the pooper so they can get a free ride. F that. I don't think so. I'm paying out the ass in taxes so illegals can have babies, get medical care, put their kids in school etc and I'm tired of it. "Hey, give us our citizenship, if you don't we're not gonna come to work anymore." translated to::: Hey, were already fuckin ya, give us what we want or we'll fuck ya some more!

  6. Blah.. Alright, for all the people saying we're being made to embrace minorities' cultures and to hate the American culture in the name of political correctness, give me a break.. The "American" culture is diversity. This country is built on immigrants. You guys have turned "don't be ignorant and bigoted" into "hate yourself for being white". You're just sounding paranoid/overly defensive.

    The politcally correctness trend is a joke. You can't do anything anymore with out "offending" someone or some group. They can all suck it IMO.

  7. Disclaimer: In no way are the views and ideas written below shared by the Marine Corps. These are my personal thoughts and are not to be misconstrued to be representative of the Marine Corps'.

    hmmm this topic has irritated the hell out of me for a long time. Let me start out buy saying that I am by no means against Mexicans, hell my best friend is a native Mexican that came here legally. So basically I agree with the majority of posts in this thread. The part that really gets to me are illegal immigrants seem to get more privileges than my wife who we got over here legally, and let me tell you it is not an easy short or cheap process. So it seems to me that we are being penalized for doing things the legal way. I know alot of people that have joined the military and held jobs that don't require a clearence in order to get American citizenship. The school districts around here decided not to even play with all of this and just extended spring break by starting it early. So the basic things that are being protested here are making illegal immigrants phelons and the building of the wall, these I think are good ideas. The part I don't like is making 13 million illegal immigrants legal, that just boggles my mind. That is pretty much saying it's ok to come illegally, hell why not go down and pick everyone else up and bring them here.

    The whole flag thing really infuriates me, I grew up overseas on military bases not knowing my own country. I was a part of the flag detail throughout elementary and middle school. I basically became extremely patriotic, hence one of the reasons I am in the Marine Corps. Oh and the small insignificant detail that I have plenty of friends that have either been killed or injured protecting the rights and freedoms of AMERICAN citizens and legal immigrants, not somebody that somehow managed to cross the border.

    :tup::tup::tup: :tup:

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