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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. ha, right to bear flags. :monkey:

    It pisses me off to no end, that the Mexicans come here - not to be Americans, but to be Mexicans, and then demand American privileges.

    With that said, our sorry political leaders and activist judges - BOTH "D" and "R" should be fired!

    G. Gordon Liddy for president!

    hahaha g. gordon liddy.

  2. put a cage around all the illegals while they're marching and protesting, and then figure out a way to do a mass deportation. Then, build the Great Wall of America on the border. Every two weeks I look at the 35% taken out of my check, and I can't stand to think that I'm paying for these people to go to school, and go to jail, and then I won't be getting social security when I retire probably.

    I understand that there are poor people and all they are trying to do is survive, but there are 300 million poor people in India trying to survive, and you don't see them hiking through Mt. Everest to get to China, do you? The governments of these countries have to do something about this rather than dumping illegals into other countries to cause problems.

    I know hundreds of people from India and other countries who have waited 10 or more years to come to this country legally, and I respect that. They have earned the right.

    My vote is to cage them and ship them.


  3. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Plan B @ Apr 1 2006, 05:35 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

    I agree.

    +1. take it easy gdizzle, your always getting bent out of shape. they didn't take your job, so don't worry about the issue.

    WTF, yes they did. Go back to the first page and read.. Oh and no one is getting bent out of shape. It's the internet Josh.

  4. I'm not saying that they don't have to. but, you can't just go and get citizenship overnight. i know people that have applied for citizenship over 10 years ago, and still haven't' gotten a response. so as i mentioned earlier, it's easier said than done. and that's the reason that i asked how long ago. so, your not a citizen? make sure you keep following the rules.

    ......wtf Yes I am citizen. I think we have a new Josh.

  5. i don't know that they can deny you a job just because you don't speak spanish. might want to look into that. but being that southern cali has a high hispanic population alot of employers would like for you to speak spanish. and in terms of becoming a legal citizen, it's alot easier said than done.

    Not my problem, my family had to do it when the they came over, they can to. If you don't like it, then good bye.

  6. most of the people that come here, come to stay. and in terms of saving up, their usually sending money every month back home, so that " live like kings" theory is not so true. again more of the hispanic immigrants tend to stick around in the US because they have such a better life here than back home.

    I'm just speaking from experience. I've worked with TONS of them and ALL of them planned on doing this. ;)

  7. That's ironic! ;)

    Close the border to Mexico and there goes a ton of good, cheap labor. Plus, there's a reason these people are fleeing their country, right? I'm no bleeding heart liberal, far from it. There's pros and cons to leaving the borders as they are.

    I like Carlos Mencia's solution. :)

    yes there is, they want to come here work for 10-20 years and save up there money and then go back to their country and live like kings.

  8. i didn't say anyone was keeping ME down, but discrimination exists in sac, especially in Elk Grove (where i grew up). EG is a farm town with a lot of closed minded people, its been getting better, but there are still a lot of problems. Before my dad retired he had a student whose father was the Grand Wizard (is that what its called?) of the KKK... those were some awkward parent conferences :o

    there will always be racism, you can't stop it. It's human nature to hate.

  9. My personal economy is feeling a little weak. I am tired of providing you with message board welfare. Its time you carried your weight.

    So that's how you shut a know it all canadian up, make 'em come off the cash and they run away with their tail behind their legs!

  10. I know someone who grew up there and still has family there. She said that most of the people who stayed haven't had jobs in years. They are wellfare cases. Most of the can work, they just choose not to. Like Charles said, FEMA had jobs available for them immediately, jobs that paid better than anything they have had before. They still chose to do nothing and wait for the government to give them money.

    I feel sorry for no one who stayed. They made their choice and rolled the dice.

    Totally agree. They knew what was coming, hell the entire world knew what was coming.

  11. If you really believe that, u have no humanity and your utter disregard for human life is sickening. I take it you didn't lose any family or friends there...if you did i think you would be singing a different tune. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but god that statement is beyond infuriating. No man, women or child deserves to die like that no matter how poor, stupid or stubborn they may be, NO ONE.

    Yes Chucks statment is very harsh, but it holds a lot of truth... ;)

  12. I was in LA for both storms. Everyone who wanted to leave could have. If they wanted to stay they should have had water and food on hand. There is no excuse not to fill a tub with water. The mayor has huge amount of his personal money invested in insurance companies all over the city. As someone who lived there in the last 5 years, spent 2-3 months there since the last storm and has read the GAO reports, trust me. 90% of those people screwed themselves.


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