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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. So, I'm sure we all remember that Enron defrauded so many financial statements and created so many off-shore legal entities that it drove itself into bankruptcy, and in doing so financially devastated thousands of employees and share holders. Both the CEO and i believe CFO are still being prosecuted.

    Similar story applies for Worldcom which practiced some nifty accounting and hid billions of dollars in losses. The former CEO Bernie Ebbers has been sentenced to jail time as a result.

    The list of accounting offenders goes on and on. Tyco execs, Conrad Black, Martha Stewart, etc. all facing difficult trials and many facing or have already served jail time.

    So, what's the point?

    Well, today or yesterday the US government released it's account of the national response to hurricane Katrina. That Katrina bitch killed a bunch of people, reduced a great number of people to anarchy, turned a great city into a pond with roofs like lillypads, etc. etc.

    Also, I heard from John Stewart or Stephen Colbert that the US government is re-classifying previously declassified documents.

    Moreover, if you watch any interview with an US politicians these days it's the conversationalists equivalent to riding a stationary bike because they won't answer anything.

    So, my question is - when is George W. Bush going to jail? The US people are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigate Enron which bankrupted a bunch of people, but no one is being prosecuted for the gross mis-managment of Katrina.

    What about casualties of a war based on Colin Powells 'intelligence'. What prosecution is being carried out against people who colluded to take a nation to war based on lies, then see thousands of young Americans injured or killed as a result of that collusion.

    Is it becoming clear to anyone else that the US government is attaining Nazi-esque control over the US. GWB was elected by the supreme court, not the American people. On his watch terrorists have struck his nation, he is surrounded by secrecy, his second in command can shoot someone and not have it reported for hours, he's setting new records for fiscal mismanagment to fund a war, his government failed to react to impending domestic threats such as Hurricane Katrina. And within the past 72 hours his office has approved the sale of many US ports to the UAE, a country which has had a spotty record at best for harbouring terrorists.

    Moreover, up until the past few weeks or maybe now months, GWB never advised Americans to conserve energy or oil, and never supported the Kyoto accord. Now he is pleading with Americans to reduce their dependence on oil. He said in his sate of the union speech that America is ADDICTED to oil - that's quite a significant change in policy.

    My concern here, is that for the past 6 years the President has generally done a pretty good job running his office wihout letting the American people have one iota of an idea of what's really going on. His cronies make policy decisions and go forth, creating facts as they see fit and informing only when absolutly necessary. This scares me as a Canadian as a neighbour, and also becasue Steven Harper is as much of a nice guy as GWB and his policy with respect to the media is very much the same - which is, say nothing, be accountable for nothing.

    Accountability eh. Ken Lay (former Enron CEO) should be held accountable for his mistakes in oversight. He claims he didn't know exactly what was going on, and in doing so he's a lot like the President who continually tries to dodge accountability bullets. George W. Bush should be held accountable for his mistakes in oversight, which include but are not limited to all casualties of the war in Iraq (if you don't know by now, that was a HUGE mistake), and the casualties in New Orleans.

    The US government is jerk BACKWARDS. If the republicans have as much political power in 2008 I'm moving, becasue Canada is either going to be taken over for our oil, or destroyed by the catastropic path that 'good ol boy' administration believes in.

    In closing, this rant comes one day after Canada lost to Russia in the Olympics. Canada brought a team of old players who were used to commercial breaks, and extended intermissions. Many Canadian players admitted afterward that putting on a Team Canada jersey doesn't mean the same to them as putting on a Russian jersey does for the Russians - or pretty much any european team. We assembled a bunch of Canadian super stars expecting a cake walk. My point here is that this is serious business, if you're in it for the prestige or resume building you're in it for the wrong reason. Our hockey players need to LOVE Canada to win, and the US politicians need to LOVE America to accomplish anything real. Hockey used to be Canada's game, as geopolitical dominance used to be Americas!

    The New Orleans area is being re-built with mobile homes as 'temporary housing'. That area has been devastated and is being rebuilt as a trailer park, while real expensive rebuilding goes on in Iraq, or are they even at rebuilting yet. Again, CEOs are punished for breaking accounting laws, but the President of the USA is unscathed for wasting life on account of his administrations stupidity. Not to mention engineering future crisis' such as Social Security, health care, education, etc.

    Demand Accountability!!!

    Don't you live in Canada? Don't worry about what we're doing. :monkey:

  2. B)-->

    QUOTE(Plan B @ Feb 10 2006, 02:09 PM)

    So I was watching Regis and Kelyy yesterday, and they decided to help out a family that had everything destroyed by Katrina.

    They picked a white subbarn family to sponser, there house was flooded and there Camary was destroyed.

    Out of all the people that lost everything, they picked these white people, even though they have wealthy family that they have been living with.

    Truely makes me mad.

    WTF does it matter if they're white or black? Just because they're white doesn't mean they weren't equally affected.

  3. A bunch of "Muslims" who throw firebombs, destroy property, and generally cause violence and mayhem, because some really small peninsula of a country printed a cartoon of their god with a bomb on his head that insinuates that "Muslims" are extremist and volatile and might throw firebombs if you upset them. Even if it's a cartoon.

    Man I couldn't agree anymore Ken.

  4. There is a major difference between the Catholic Church and a Christian Church. The doctorine of the catholic church is severely flawed. Pergatory, confession are just two of the many things that don't hold true to the original greek translations of the bible. The Catholic Church IMO is a complete mess and ruined by the greed of man.

  5. Wow. Believing in God is one thing, but to believe the Bible is unchanged or an accurate descendant from the "original" bible(s) is just plain ignorant. The bible has changed hugely over centuries, hell there even used to be 2 "Gods" which were condensed into one.

    Read the article I linked a page or more back.

    I'd say writing an internet article off as fact is pretty ignorant. ;)

  6. You would think being a good person and leading a normal good life would be enough to be "accepted" ;)

    Of course the cult would have trouble sustaining itself if it ever was as compassionate and forgiving as it claims to be.

    Good luck with religion fellas, i've spent enough braincells on it :)

    Which cult would that be? :unsure: Do you know what a cult is? ;)

  7. Religion, without a question, is something that humanity created to try to understand the divine. And I'm saying this as a person of faith. So as a result, there are a lot of errors in religion BUT those human errors should not reflect on the nature of God or the existence of God. Case in point, we would all admit that violence and crusades were errors committed in the name of religion but that is no indication of the nature of God. Crusades were human errors committed in the name of religion. We (humanity) misunderstood. But we shouldn't dismiss religion entirely just because there has been some errors. Like SteveS said, there is value in it for guidance, spiritual strength, goodness, etc. My point is this: even though there are errors in religion, lots of them, of which I contribute many, it is not a reflection of the existence of God or the nature of God. Errors occur precisely because religion is humanity's attempt to understand God. Religion should be dynamic, never static.

    Scientist in the pursuit of finding out facts about our universe makes errors all the time (Structure of Scientific Thought - Thomas Kuhn). But we don't dismiss the contribution of science, do we? At one time, the scientific community thought that everything revolved around the earth. (I know, I know about Galileo and the church, I'll concede that to be another error in the name of religion) But now we think we got it right, eveything revolves around the sun. Then we find out that even the sun moves in the galaxy and the galaxy is moving in the universe, etc. But no one dismisses the value of science even though there appears to be errors made in the past yet some people dismiss religion as for the weak, crutch, blind, etc. etc.

    Well said.

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