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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. As many of you know we lost a admin not too long ago, that leaves just Chuck and Kendall as site admins and Kendall hasn't been on much because of school and the hurricane. So, Kevin and I are now "member admins." We can fix most issues with member accounts like password reset, and ban/unban accounts, so if you have an issue with your account please contact myself or Kevin well take care of it ASAP!


  2. Hundreds of thousands of refugees. Death toll rising. No return their lives anytime soon. Mile long lines for any "help". Sounds like fun, right?


    So let me get this straight.......

    The government can't/won't do the right thing, so let's tell the people to laugh about the hellish predicament they find themselves in?


    IMO, the last thing the refugees need is some rich prick telling them how insignificant their problems are.

    DeLay gets my vote for jerk of the YEAR.

    IMO, the last thing the refugees need is some dude on the net telling everyone what he thinks the refugees want/need/should be thinking etc..

  3. wait! let me try.

    In order to really appreciate this concern, you need to recognize the historical aspect of rights infringement. They don't all go away at once, but often gradually. One step in the wrong direction is a slippery slope. That's all I'm saying.


    If any of your are actually sent to cuba and stripped of your rights I will stream video of me giving grant the bumm raid. Cause its NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Why dont you all stockpile, food, water, and guns and go live in the mountains you nut jobs.
  4. Hitler was a genious.. he just had a little bit of a problem with purity of his race etc...

    he brought a country out of a horrible depression in a time of economic recession and then made them one of the leading superpowers in the world... all in a very short amount of time.

    Everyone loved Hitler......at first. He built some nice roads! ;)

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