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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. I never heard anything so asinine before..., you supposedly have this great sense of humor and like every American you met, but because you hate Fox News, and read one book, u compare the U.S. to nazis?!?!

    I never knew there was this hatred between Canadians and Americans.  Thank you for pointing this out.  Therefore, if "u people" can't stand our culture,  STOP COMING DOWN HERE TO OUR AMUESEMENT PARKS, VACATION SPOTS, ETC, AND FIND THINGS TO DO IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GET THE F*** OUT OF MY COUNTRY IF U PEOPLE HATE US...

    You sir, need to chill out.

  2. I agree with this, with the exception unless they find a reasonable way etc.  An idoit, woops, lets try a 10 year old if given the basic facts would say, "That doesn't sound right to try and hold back the water from the ocean, so they can build a city in a swamp thats below sea level"

    It would be like trying to pump out the Everglades and make that prime land for a new City in Florida.

    Pompeii, Italy was wiped out when the lava consumed the city.  They have not rebuilt there for a reason.

    Sometimes it doesn't pay to be smarter than we really are.

    lets just say it's a modern day atlantis and call it a day.

  3. I'm not saying that Canada can supply the US exclusivly, but the fact is that your single largest source of oil is Canada - that's just the facts.

    The stabilization of oil is not a good reason to go to war!

    Cheap labour and good suitcases and shoes does not imply genocide, in fact, i don't know many piles of ashes that can realign railway tracks or pack shells.  People knew jews were being herded and persecuted, but few knew the extent of the genocide.

    Go read a history book. Concentration camps were almost always located a mile or two out side of a town. Everyone knew, and everyone turned a blind eye to it. I went to school in the south. The school was 10miles away from a Perdue Chicken plant. On a hot day with a calm breeze, all I could smell was chicken crap and rotten chicken parts. So imagine piles of dead bodies, must smell pretty good and you think the people never cought a "wiff" of that in a town less than mile or so away? RIGHT!

  4. That is one of the problems we have to work out.  Several members in the DC area have received free maintenance help in the past, going to have to call in a few markers for the extra help.  The use of tri pods and editing will help a lot as well.

    You can call me anytime Rich! :)

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