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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. i think i was one of 4 in a graduating class of 300 that didnt ever drink in HS, and i know im the only one in my Co. at school that doenst drink, not against it, just thought itd be fun to save that first drink for my friends and dad when i turn 21

    Thats cool, I drank some in highschool, but stopped. Never had another drink until I turned 21.

  2. SHWEET!  Now all we need to do is catch up to AudiWorld....  They have an absolutely fantastic ridiculous amount of members.

    8,000 is good though...  VS rulz PwnZ0rs

    Audi World 2003 stats -

    This year we had a new top global user: EdP with 21,838 posts. That's over 5,000 posts during the year more than last year's top global user HS. Don't feel too bad for HS who's still in the Top 20 (#20 to be exact). Back to EdP - he averaged one post every 24 minutes of every day throughout the entire year! Oh and did we mention that over 99% of those posts were on the Off Topic Forum? Who says you can't build a community around an automotive brand?

    :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET A LIFE!  *cough* EdP

    These are the currents stats of the vortex(vwvortex)

    180819 users, 1618573 threads, 16685200 posts. Today's Active Topics

    Welcome to our newest member, jimt@ionpro.com

    152 active users.

  3. LOL LOL LOL LOL... and I came very close to being a 4 star general!!. lmao. Sign up or shut up tough guy. I know you wont though. You're the type that would be on the first train to Canada if there is ever a draft.

    Actually, I would be proud to serve my country you @ss, unlike you. If the time came I would serve my country.

  4. Drinking is one of those things that people can or cant do. Yeah, it makes relativly intellegent people act stupid and stupid people act even worse, but there's also tollerence levels. For example, my boss, can drop a 6pack of beer, and no-one would notice. I can have 1/2 a spirit cooler, and not be able to find my own car, even if it was the only one in the parking lot.

    With regards to underaged drinking, define drinking. I don't feel there's harm in a 16y/o having a beer. But I do think there's a problem with a 16y/o having 6, every weekend, for 'fun'.

    Everything in moderation. Same applies to speeding/eating/working/sex/everything.

    alcohol makes me smarter! So much so, I do everything drunk.

  5. Do you even know how our military works?  Tooth to tail we average 6:1.  Every 1 guy on the front line there are 6 supporting him.  I guess you do not care about the people who make the equipment, drive the supply trucks, staff the hospitals, develop the weapon systems.  You want use like 3rd world armies.  All troops no chiefs.  Pull your head out of your jerk.

    Thank you Charles!!

    Fact is, I came very close to sighing up for the military. Instead, I persued my musical career and went to college to study percussion and recording. The military wasn't the right choice for me as it obviously wasn't for you either. You don't seem to understand the concept of war and why we fight for things.

  6. Are you signed up yet???  C'mon! what are you afraid of??  Don't you want to fight for Bush?  The national guard didn't meet their quotas, officers and Bremer both think we need more troops on the ground.  You would obviously be of use to the military and at the same time you'll get to PRACTICE the ideals of which you claim to believe in.  Prove that you really believe the rhetoric you spew and ship out to Iraq.  If you don't want to join the military you can always join and aid group or PMC.  Let's see less talk and more action. Maybe if all you war drum beating neo-cons got to see what war is like first hand you'd get some reality kicked in ya.

    I suppose you know all about that huh? Fact is, I may not be in the militarty but I do my part. I build the equipment our boys are using and if I F*** my job up that could mean someones life. I take pride in the fact that my job helps keep our boys safe.

  7. OK, this is not going to turn into a "don't drink and drive" discussion.

    I want to know, what do people think about 16+ year olds drinking? Lately I've gone into this state of mind where I think no one under 21 should be drinking  <_< which really strikes me as weird, yet I can not seem to be comfortable while drinking as I can not justify it in my mind. I think "oh it's illegal, I shouldn't do it" or something along those lines.

    Anyone here agree/disagree? Have their own views?

    If they are with family, I don't really see it as that big of a deal, but otherwise I am totally against it. Drinking is probably the most overrated thing ever, right behind having kids. :) :P

  8. The idea that Iraq has no oil is complete stuff.  Iraq has the 4th largest oil supply in the world.  The oil is what Bush keeps on saying is going to pay for all this bull stuff.  The war was so poorly planned that there is probably no choice but to pull out at this point.. or start a draft.  Cheney told Tim Russert that the war would take weeks and the troops would be welcomed as liberators.

    If you still think invading a country that posed no threat to us and had nothing to with 9/11 than you should definitely enlist.  Maybe you'll be the lucky guy that finds that stash of nuclear weapons and delivery systems.  Goarmy.com should get you started... put your money where your mouth is and sign up.  Prove that you really give two shits about the Iraqis.


    spoken like a true idiot!

  9. Wow.. um. yea, wow. Go look up the facts, seriously. That's all the breath I'm going to waste on this. Go look up the facts, go read, go digging around and see if you can find a reasonable facimilie of truth. Go beyond your little world, and expand your horizions abit. You sound like you need it.

    Maybe you should pull your nose out of a book and take a look around. I don't see anthing wrong in his statement. They do the same thing over here. Plus the crime in NOVA is getting out of hand. There are two rival mexican gangs in NOVA right now that are tearing everyting up. Things are really getting out of hand in the DC area and something needs to be done about it. I don't mind if they are here leagally, but if they aren't they need to get F*** out ASAP.

  10. I'll get right on that, 'cause I'm sure you can really school me on economics and the real world being that you are still in school...  I was just joking though, well...to a certain extent. I lost my job and my father lost his job due to the "cheaper" labor, so...I have every right to dislike them and want them out of here. If they are here illegally, then they need to be delt with ASAP.

    This post has been edited by gdogg16: Today, 05:39 PM

    Sorry to hear.  At the same time I out source everything.  I can have it made in china and mailed here for about 20 cents on the dollar of what it would cost here.  Hell look at steel.  We can ship that two ways for refinement and still have it be cheaper than in country.  And its not like its light.  In a lot of ways, unemployed US workers should thank their labor unions that screwed us over for years.

    In both cases, it was a matter of replacing more expensive workers with cheap workers. My fathers company was bought out and after 28years of service the new company layed him off and replaced him with "cheap" labor. They kept a few of the guys on to train the "new" employees and I recently heard that the company stripped the leave away from these guys and they have to start from scratch now. Some of these guys had 30+ years of service and 6weeks vaction. That sucks! In my case I was just phased out and my jobs were given to mexicans. <_<

  11. LOLLOL. I know your not. But we dont want him either. Maybe we will call him green party :P

    As for bandwidth, there will of course be a high res $19.95 cd to follow once all the content is in place. Also may come down to memeber get discounts, premium members get more discount. So at a certain point upping to premium saves you money.

    LOLOLOLOL!!! I say do it Charles!

  12. I agree that part of it is that we live in an instant-gratification country. Personally, if I seem war-weary, it's because I don't support this sort of thing in the first place. While I know Charles is going to delight and call me a hippie, I'm a pacifist. I don't believe in going to war, and especially not for the reasons we gave. There are peaceful alternatives that we decided not to pursue. Unfortunately, the situation would probably result in violence one way or another, but we happened to choose a route that promotes much more than is neccisary. I've got alot of family in the military, so it really irks me to see the way the current administration just seems to feel that they're there to die. Like Patton pointed out, their job isn't to die for their country, it's to make the other side die for theirs. I guess I have alot of conflicting feelings, but first and foremost is this: we shouldn't be there.

    It's great that you are a pacifist, but history shows that "peace talks" just don't work. We would be running through same hoop for years and Sadamm and is wacko sons would be killing more and more people everyday while these "peace talks" were going on. I respect your opinion but peace talks can only go on for so long, then it's time for plan B, which is were we are at now. If we pulled out right now, then all you "hippies" would be freaking out and wondering why didn't finish job, it's no win situation for us if you ask me. I say, finish what we started and do what ever it takes to get that done. Sorry to say, but our boys knew what they were getting into when they signed up for the job!

  13. Actually, it's attitudes like that which are screwing up our country. Disclaimers? stuff, he's just trying to clarify intent. Now, before you rail against the immigrants, go educate yourself on economics and the real world.

    I'll get right on that, 'cause I'm sure you can really school me on economics and the real world being that you are still in school... :rolleyes: I was just joking though, well...to a certain extent. I lost my job and my father lost his job due to the "cheaper" labor, so...I have every right to dislike them and want them out of here. If they are here illegally, then they need to be delt with ASAP.

  14. I had a woman at work the other day (I work at a department store) with whom I was having a conversation about credit card theft/fraud. I had asked her for her ID, she thanked me for doing so. It went on for a little bit, and she closed with

    "Well, if we'd just close off our borders, we wouldn't have to worry about this stuff [credit card theft/fraud]."

    I simply replied with a "I have no idea why you could possibly think that's anything worth wasting your breath to say" stare. Bigotry at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen. God bless the USA, but not all the foreigners that come here to seek the opportunities we take for granted.

    *Disclaimer: Previous comment about foreigners not being blessed was sarcastic in nature.*

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: Man, you are such a tree huggin hippie! You put a disclaimer in! It's people like you that are the reason this country is going to hell. I don't agree with what she said, but I don't agree with what you said. I think we need to close off our borders and ship all that are here illegally out. Sorry, but it just needs to be done. Just MO and it's right! :)

  15. if someone really is referring to the holiday season, i don't care.  its when people specifically refer to Christmas as the big "H" Holiday.  for example: "lets go get the Holiday tree!", "when santa comes this Holiday...".  gimme a break, you are referring to the holiday of Christmas, call it Christmas.  if you are referring to haunakuh, call it haunakuh.  i celebrate Christmas for what Christmas is, so i'll call it Christmas, unless i decide to refer to a different holiday.  so, just to repeat, i hate the word Holiday when referring to Christmas, or any holiday, for that matter.  call memorial day weekend memorial day weekend instead of this holiday weekend.  before you know it, all of our holidays will completely lose their meanings and just be generic, holidays.

    haunukuh celebrates israel's retaking of the temple, Christmas is celebrating Christ's birth, Memorial day is remembering those soldiers who have died in combat, Veterans day is remembering those who have served in our armed forces.  keep the meanings of what you celebrate, they usually are there for a reason, not just a chance to party for no reason.

    now, the commercialization of Christmas is a completely different issue, which i won't get into.

    yall have a great night, and have a merry Christmas!


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