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Posts posted by gdizzle

  1. Just like the crackhead bush doesn't represent the american people as a whole.

    I would be interested to see statistics, however, on your '80%' figure. I think that very few Iraqis support the US occupation. They may support the rebuilding of Iraq, but how would you feel if someone bombed up the USA and didn't bother to put things back in order?

    Who said were not putting things back in order? What about the schools we have built, the powerplants, the clean water, medical assitance etc........... You need to stop watching TV.

  2. why was bush so eager to send troops to the death over a stupid country that does not seem to want us there?

    You have been watching too much TV. The fact is, most of the country does want us there, we have dona A LOT of good over there. The liberal media(pretty much every station/channel etc..) doesn't report the good. There are a few insurgents causing a whole lot of trouble. I hate to have to tell you this, but you can't believe everything you see on TV.

    the worst thing is bush still has a 50% approval rating... :blink:

    I know....I know! It should be much higher!

  3. He was a contractor, and did not have to be there.  He was actually told to leave.  When he was captured he was out soliciting money.  I have 0 sympathy for him none.  I think it is horrible what happened to him, but this falls along the lines of what happens to the missionaries that go to Africa all the time.  A lot of them get eaten and die horrible deaths.  I am really sick of reading some of the stuff posted here.  Doug, I am sorry you had to see that.  Most people I know who saw the video saw it after they knew what it was.  Also I don't know if you know this, but this shlt happens in the US all the time.  You know how many people were brutally killed last year in fashions much worse?  It happens a lot.  This is just the media trying to make a buck.  This story should be reported but it should have been a 30 second story on headline news.

    AMEN!!! It's a great chance for the TV stations to get...........RATINGS!!!

  4. I think he blames them because of the way the US handled their POW's, and this is how we get paid back

    Nick was offered a direct flight home and didn't take it. He was over there on his OWN, he knew the dangers! This is not the first time this has happened, most grim, but not the first time. Only Nick himself is at fault.

  5. Yes, I have seen the video. Very disturbing and my heart goes out to his family. I don't agree with his Father blaming his sons death on the Bush and the government though, it's not there fault Nick was over there. Nick new what he was getting into so.......

    Anyways stop jacking the thread and talk about the topic on hand.

  6. This is true but the government gets thousands of threats like this. Its up to them to pick out the ones that seem realistic and not a prank or some drunk guy pissed at the world that aint gonna do stuff when he sobers up. The government cant do something about every threat that comes there way, its literally impossible. This is the case with the Twin Towers. But yes Bush is not the greatest president, but i sure as hell dont want Kerry comming into office.

    Why people keep harping on this subject baffles me. What is done is done. Yes thousands of people were killed, but why are we wasting millions of dollars in investigations about why we didn't act on the information we had and how much information we knew. Who cares! Nothing you can do about it now. Do you think mister "talk it through and put it in a lock box" Gore would have done anything, don't know! IMO I don't think he would have, but that's just my worthless opinion. I don't think there will ever be a president that holds respect from the entire nation. Yes, some are respected more than others, but they all have their critics. I am very pleased with the way Bush has handled things, but I voted for him so I better be happy with his performance. Bush gets two thumbs up from me. :)

  7. But sadly, losing in the national polls.

    Ann Coulter gets absolutely owned by Franken in "Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them". I'd read that if you really want a good laugh. I decided to read a few of her columns to get a flavor, wow, seriously vindictive spin from that repubi-nazi.

    Franken.....Al Franken!!!!! He's a comedian! What the monkey does he know! Franken is an idiot! Don't tell you listen to what that filthy C Janeane Garofalo says! Why would I want to go read all this bias propaganda bullshit you keep posting? Where's the proof? In a book written by some tree huggin' leftwing author!

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