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Commander Riker

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Posts posted by Commander Riker

  1. People are dependent on the left vs right paradigm. People want to simply be apart of a group that is against a group who is against their group. Like football.

    I agree with matt sk8 There is much greed in the country... and the greedy mawfuckas have figured these systems out before anyone else.

  2. It is sad that children hurt themselves on the lack of attention from their parents, but it's not the gun's fault. It's the lack of parenting. Let me clarify, no 3 year old "deserves" to get shot. That's just a dickish thing to imply.

    Their son is still going to impale his crotch on an iron gate when attempting to jump their jet ski from a lake into a pool. Solution? Ban jet skis. :blink:

  3. I moved to to Texas 2 years ago. I can tell you this... everyone here hunts. To which point, I feel kinda outcast because I don't.

    I've met some women here who are wicked hunters. I'm not against hunting if people are going to respect the animal, use the meat/hide, etc.

    It will sadden you to know those treasured big african animals she killed overseas? You can kill them here. There are many hunting farms here... and some include those animals specifically. Bred and hunted for sport. It sucks.

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