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Commander Riker

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Posts posted by Commander Riker

  1. In three seconds I can empty a 10 round mag into a target and reload a second one and empty it. 150 rounds in 5 minutes is nothing. I have seen people dump 30 rounds from pistols in under 30 seconds in combat. In room clearing if there was a target rich environment 50-70 rds a minute is very plausible.

    Well then... apparently the logical answer to this is to ban magazines larger then 10 rounds. I mean... right? :D

  2. Do you have any pics of the govt coming down your street collecting weapons?

    Paranoid about that must be distracting for you?

    Just because I do not trust my government does not mean I'm paranoid. I just hate the government, that's all. They're dicks, and I do not trust them. See : how they have treated the world for the past 50ish years.

    I am pretty sure we have already banned most drugs, rape and pedophilia...

    Oh. Whew. For a minute there I was starting to think that they weren't banned... you know.. because they are EVEN IN PRISONS.

    • Upvote 1
  3. To that point.. we should probably ban drugs... and drinking and driving... and rape... and pedophilia... and corruption... etc.

    I'm all for solutions, Mike, but blindly banning something because it looks scary will be little consolation when someone uses a hatchet instead.

    I know you probably hate this fact, but good people with guns is not a bad thing. You have nothing to fear from them, and they are the ones who would likely protect you from our dickhead government.

  4. Texas is pretty awesome!! Kickass weather... good roads. Gotta watch out for broken windshields, though... lots of rocks.

    There's a possibility I could pass through later in the spring. Should that happen, I will make sure to bug ya. Would love to see the Turbo5 again, and all you've done to it.

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