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Posts posted by Deltablade

  1. 1) I do take the view that largely, people are animals. I'm not saying I treat them both the same, but I don't see us as being all that different.

    2) Babies are people, in potentia. However, I don't really think they're human until they are sufficiently developed (sometime in the 2nd trimester). Until that point, I don't see much difference in a human fetus and any other animal fetus.

    3) Adoption is a great idea on paper. It doesn't always work out. When it does, I'll support that instead.

    I'm not saying you can't have your views, you're allowed to. I just feel that:

    1)As men, we cannot tell women what to do or what not to do when it comes to their reproductive system.

    2) You have your beliefs, I have mine. I don't impose mine on you, and I expect you not to impose yours on me.

    That is very true. We can't make decisions for women like this. There is a living person growing in her body. Its intetended to stay there until it is fully developed. Why does anybody have the right to mess around with this? In my eyes, aborting a fetus is killing a person, no matter what stage of development. This is no different than killing mentally or physically deficient adults for the argument of "its not really a person" (absolutely no offence intended to said individuals, just making a point.

  2. Right on Donstruke, one of the reasons the terrorists hate us now more than ever is that we have a leader that threatens their very existence. However, I do believe that Kerry would have done most things the same as President Bush, but he would have just gone about them in slightly different ways. We've all heard John Kerry him say that he would have gone to war with Iraq, even after knowing what he knows now.

    If you are really against President Bush's policies, do not vote for "Senator" Kerry. Vote Green Party.

  3. [

    Why is it that just because you accept that they are a propaganda machine that it is ok for them to lie to us and then still do the wrong thing.  Are you saying you agree with their policies blindly?  Scary.

    I would also like to know what is "the wrong thing to do"? Answer me this, is it "wrong" for people to pour acid on women who don't keep themselves completely covered? Is it "wrong" for the leader of a country to use biological weapons on people living in his country?

    Volvospeed Admin has hit the proverbial nail on the head. Most people are too simple-minded to understand the reason for war. There are many things we don't and simply can't know about.

    Also, concerning the UN resolutions: Let's see, no one would deny that Saddam Hussien had wmds before and during the Gulf War. In fact, during and before the gulf war, Saddam had created at least 3.9 TONS of VX gas, over 8500 liters of anthrax, 550 shells containing mustard gas, 107,500 casings for chemical weapons, at least 157 aerial bombs containing bacteria/virus, 25 warheads containing things such as botulinim, aflatoxin, etc., and 500 bombs fitted with parachutes which can be used to deliver nerve gas. If Saddam claimed to have destroyed all of these, would you believe him? But when he violated UN Resolution 1441 by kicking the U.N. inspectors out, naturally, you'd think that he just destroyed the weapons without telling anybody, correct? Obviously these weapons are still around somewhere.

    Actually, the fact that we didn't find anything is the most frightening thing about the war to me. If Saddam no longer possess the weapons we knew he once had, where are they??? Answer that. Let's asess what could have happened to them: 1)He destroyed them (see above), not likely. 2)They are still somewhere in Iraq, perhaps. 3)He sold them or gave them to terrorists, or maybe a country like Syria, a known harbor for terrorists around the world. That scares me. But maybe it doesn't scare most people. They probably think that Saddam is actually a pretty cool guy once you get to know him and that the war was a big mistake. I'm sorry Mr. Hussien, you didn't have any "weapons of mass destruction" that we could find so you can have your country back. Continue spending your time and money building yourself lavish palaces and neglecting the welfare of your people. Keep killing an average of 32,000 innocent people each year. The U.S. is terribly sorry.

  4. if bush does get reelected, expect the backlash to take form of terrorism on american soil. ...thats why im voting for kerry

    First of all, do you honestly believe that if Al Gore won the 2000 election, there would have been no 9-11 and no war?

    Kerry would've done the same exact thing in G.W.'s situation. He's said it himself, he supports the war in Iraq. He probably would have gone about it a bit differently. I don't see why everybody seems to think that Bush and Kerry are polar opposites. They are virtually the same! Tell me, what has Bush done insufficiently and what could Kerry have done better?

  5. I love you InlineTurbo.

    And just something I'd like to add something about there not being any justification to go to war with Iraq and there being no link between the terrorism we declared war against after 9-11 and Saddam Hussein.

    We know that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons around the time of the first Gulf War. Part of the agreement with the UN after the war required Iraq to disarm all of its chemical and biological weapons. UN inspectors were sent in 1991 to make sure that Saddam was complying with the UN agreements. They were part of a treaty to end the war. Saddam kicked the inspectors out. So now he's had more that a decade to do what he wanted with those weapons we knew he had. Other that building lavish palaces for himself, Saddam Hussein used his money to try to achieve nuclear capability. We don't know if he had succeeded in that respect. I hope to God he hasn't.

    Anyway, the thing that bothers me the most is when more inspectors were sent a few years ago before the war and they didn't find anything suspicious. When everyone was marching in the streets at the onset of the war and protesting the justification, saying "If there are no weapons of mass destruction, why do we have any reason to go to war?" Well here's where the link between Iraq and Terrorism comes in. It is widely known that the Al-Qaeda hate America. It is also widely known that Saddam Hussien hates America. Saddam likes terrorists who can kill Americans in anyway possible without having to get his hands dirty.

    After not finding any weapons during the inspections in the past few years, I'm even more afraid than I was before. Hmmmm. We know Saddam had weapons before and now they're gone? There are a number of things he could have done with them between the Gulf War and the present.

    1) He could have destroyed them, in accordance with the UN resolutions in 1991. If he did this, why would he have kicked the inspectors out originally and not have told everyone this?

    2) He has them hidden somewhere underground, not where inspectors can just walk in and find them sitting on a shelf.

    3) He has either sold them or given them away to dangerous terrorist organizations in the Middle East. What if Saddam has sold them to Syria, a haven for terrorists?

    Well, I guess we didn't find any weapons......We're sorry to trouble you Mr. Hussien, we'll just leave you alone now. Carry on with the killing of your own people and the development of nuclear warheads.....

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