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Everything posted by susannice

  1. I took my first Zumba class at the gym that 10.00 per class. I enjoyed it so much. It'been easy, the teacher was brilliant. He took the time to show us the instructions. I decided to save money by ordering the DVD and workout at home. I absolutely do not dance, or even cordinated. I do this 3x a week to start. I'm still stuck on the DVD novice, it does not take step by step, each move slowly, and then take the pace. I sweat and my heart rate may not get there ok so I'm stuck with the beginners dvd now. I had to stop and answer a lot of beginners to grasp movements. I said okay, the more you do, the better you get. I tried to go to the next DVD, but they move so quickly, and move your hips, so that moves barely remember what I learned the first DVD, and I have difficulty following along. So, until it changes my Pat, I think I have a crush on a DVD.Yes,I love it very much.I really liked Zumba classes at the gym, so I decided to buy myself for domestic use. The Amazon service is great, faster than expected. But the videos themselves, I thought, was very confusing. I do not even use them now because they leave me frustrated. And he speaks only Spanish. Time will tell what he did for my weight and size, but in my humble opinion, everything that enters the fat ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD on your mobile is a good thing. I have a lot of other videos, Turbo Jam workouts in shape, The Firm, Jeanette Jenkins, etc and was happy to add to my collection Zumba - again, anything that makes me my couch and moving is a good thing. I can find the videos and really hard to exercise - I've been soaking with sweat? NO, but even 20 minutes of work worked moisture. The point is, you are looking for a different and fun to do something? If you are open minded enough to try the steps and willing to work on them until they get it right. If your answers are yes, I recommend Zumba - unless you have absolutely no coordination, they will be able to do the training - moving both people in the video? Probably not, but again, did you ever look at people in the videos? probably not. The West Wing DVD 1-7 Will and Grace Complete Series DVD House MD DVD 1-6 Navy NCIS DVD 1-7 Scrubs DVD 1-9 One Tree Hill DVD 1-7 CSI Lasvegas DVD 1-10 Supernatural DVD 1-5 Lost DVD 1-6
  2. True Blood is naturally based on the number of novels written by Charlaine Harris, author Arkansas. The series was originally known as the Southern Vampire Mysteries, but has since become known as the Sookie Stackhouse novels. The assumption is that the Japanese company successfully created artificial blood, a product such as the real thing as vampires, who spoke earlier feeding people in the dark, "out of the coffin" and in society, determined to live in fake blood again. The series title comes from the name of the artificial blood is marketed and sold in stores. TV wise not to try to cut too close to the novels, but most of the story of Sookie does. And the way things go at the end of the season, it is clear that the second season (the show was renewed early in the season) will resume with the second novel in the series, even if the process is likely to be in Bon Temps, and not in Dallas. "Must see" TV for me is defined as watching all the episodes of True Blood on Sunday night, which was originally sent as rewatching and savoring every episode recorded on request. We watched the first season of True Bloodagain and again but most anticipate pre-ordered the DVD so we can watch each episode with commentary by director and cast. For example, at 42 minutes mark in the last episode of the season, Ryan Kwantin who plays Sookies brother Jason comforts her sister overcome the brutal beating she suffered, Jason then turns towards the exit Travel on the coffee table and almost fell on his face. I personally think pratfalls was an accident. I guess the creator Alan Ball has decided to keep this scene because it worked so well and so naturally to define humanity Jason troubled but sympathetic base. The commentary track is usually supplied with most DVD software must say if my suspicions are correct. It will be fun to know anyway. True Blood DVD 1-3 Zumba DVD James Bond DVD Zumba Fitness DVD The Office DVD 1-6 Zumba Your Baby Can Read DVD Bones DVD 1-5
  3. As a James Bond fan, I've owned movies on DVD.This series is a good series, I'm really a nice job restoring these films should be HD. Nice is full of extras in full menus. The only drawback is the packaging and this applies to all levels, not only that. Come from this book and a device which keeps disks in place, these buttons are only small foam glued to the package. Are really inconsistent, and one must be careful to take the disc out, because once I got the button completely. I do not know why he had to go so unique and could not simply put them in closets, as most DVDs do not. As for the film itself, it is one of the classic James Bond films and will remain so for all time. The tone of the series would be altered slightly from what director Terence Young had established in DR. NO and in this film. The next film, GOLDFINGER directed by Guy Hamilton, would retain the style established by Terence Young yet he would refine the character of James Bond with a more tongue-in-cheek approach. In FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE James Bond is the dedicated civil servant with a licence to kill and he uses it in the assassination of Krilencu (Fred Haggerty) just as coldly and objectively as he had eliminated Professor Dent (Anthony Dawson) in DR. NO. For these reasons I believe there are two distinct camps in the ranks of Bond loyalists. One prefers the style or more specifically the portrayal of James Bond found in FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, while the other faction favors that established in GOLDFINGER. The James Bond found in FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE is a much tougher fellow not to be seen again until ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE and LICENCE TO KILL. True Blood DVD 1-3 Zumba DVD James Bond DVD Zumba Fitness DVD The Office DVD 1-6 Zumba Your Baby Can Read DVD Bones DVD 1-5
  4. This show is by far one of the funniest comedies on tv. Steve Carell is a comic genious. He single-handedly takes this show to new dimensions of comedy - I have never laughed so hard watching an actor on tv make such a spectacle of himself, in a setting where such behavior is so obviously out of place. And this is precisely what makes this show so hilarious - the awkward moments coupled with the hilarious behavior of Steve Carell's character. Plus, the show takes place in an office, which is a very relatable setting to many of us. Office politics have never been funnier. You must watch this show. "The Office" is one of my favorite television series. Nothing beats the deadpan British humor offered in the original series; extremely funny and brilliant writing. When NBC picked up the show, I grimaced, thinking back to horrible mistakes such as Coupling. But, thanks to a quick DVD release, Entertainment Weekly's glowing review, and Steve Carrell's hilarious turn in "The 40 Year Old Virgin", I gave it a shot, and found myself laughing hysterically. Steve Carell plays Michael Scott, boss extrodinaire of "The Office". He is clueless, brainless, sexist, homophobic, racist, all under a disguise of political correctedness that has gone astray. He prides himself the office comedian, but fails to understand that his role as boss should supercede this role; therein lies the genus of the comedy. Carell does an admirable job in the Gervais role, and probably is the only actor that would be daring enough to step in those big shoes, and clomp around the office in them just as funnily. He doesn't attempt to impersonate Gervais, but makes Scott his own. The other office mates, from Jenna Fischer's charming Pam, the office secretary, to Rainn Wilson's role as Dwight Shrute (a name that deserves to be said aloud), all turn in great performances to accompany Carrell. The interaction between Shrute and office stud Jim (played by John Krasinski) is a gold mine of comedy, the two actors play off each other brilliant, and unlike the precessor, Shrute is occasionally allowed to win, even though he's the office buffoon. This comedy is quite, yet rich. If you've ever had a boss in your career that is clueless, and you wonder how on earth that person ever got to where they were (who hasn't?), you can relate to the hijinx and comedy of NBC's "The Office". If I were NBC, I'd be making sure this stay on my lineup, and perhaps, even reduce the number of episodes per season, allowing this fine troupe of performers the ability to produce the high quality of shows that these wonderful six are! True Blood DVD 1-3 Zumba DVD James Bond DVD Zumba Fitness DVD The Office DVD 1-6 Zumba Your Baby Can Read DVD Bones DVD 1-5
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