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Posts posted by Karlson

  1. Sir, I think you are over reacting because of my post. I didn't want to offend anyone by my post, my post was the answer to the previously posts about how great VS improved from past. That’s great that you spend time on this board and helping us, but all I wanted to say is that before it was more helpful and there were always help on a site, like Rich was answering in Repair section almost every night after he was getting back from work. And that’s about it. And regards about learn about we have to learn ourselves, I might agree with you, but some people just don't have enough skills or time to learn our self. It is great to follow instructions on stuff that you have no clue how to change it.

    It is like building new PC, you got all the parts, but you still need to know where to plug motherboard and how figure CPU. It is just example about learn it your self

  2. Well, I don’t think that site is moving forward. There is nothing going on lately on this message board, and especially in past 6 months. I don’t even want to mention about closing sales section on the site. VS lost a lot people who knew about Volvos and how to tune them. Rich (bay13), Doug (you know who I am talking about) Swedish Mike and list goes on. Only Johann is still here that knows the stuff. For past 12 months I didn’t see anything in maintenance and repair section of the site, and a while ago it was one of the most helpful parts of a site. Mark mentioned that people are starting to take tuning more seriously, but I think this is because the price of our cars is falling down all the time, so demand for them is increasing. I don’t want to criticize Charles, because I see that he is trying his best to keep this site running. He invests a lot of his money into VS. But if someone asks me, I definitely prefer Volvo speed that was a year ago.

    Probably many will disagree with me, but I had been here for almost 4 years.

  3. lol man

    Piney bridge pioneer and u, you guys are special! no matter what, you are always right. and thats ok. I won't argue with you anymore, because it is just waste of time, u still don't want to listen what others told you, not only to me

    so go ahead, get that downpipe for 1k and enjoy it, hopefully it will make you feel better, and don't get distracted from the wor.

  4. SO Karlson shut up already about downpipes, you clearly dont know what they cost, even after being told by PEOPLE WHO MAKE THEM what they cost. If you want to do it your way, then do it and shut up and gloat about paying less later. This thread really is pathetic guys. Here people are whining about the lack of aftermarket Volvo stuff, and here is a company working on expanding the market, and all you guys do is bash them for their prices when you wouldnt be buying from them in the first place. So get off your f*cking soap boxes sit your rear end down and shut up.

    /stands down from own soap box

    oh no, another one from California.. WHo a hell are u to tell me shut up? Jesse did his downpipes and thelostartof made his, and people bought them and it didn't cost 900 bucks. So I don't give a shiit what u wrote in your post, we are giving our ideas in this and then mr.smartass like you, trying to tell us that we are all stupid and everybody must get IPD, u know what.. fk that

  5. nevermind, I don't want to help people anymore, if they are ok to pay 1000 bucks for a downpipe, go ahead do it then

    400 with a race cat is a normal price for a custom downpipe. but oh well. u guys are just too smart!

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