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Posts posted by rmorse

  1. Post pics! I'd love to see the handsfree kit.

    Found some pics of the antenna switch kit:



    How about the electric leveling headlights? Not an accessory I guess, just another market. Looks like the adjusters in our headlights get replaced by servos that are controlled by a switch in the cabin. Trying to get more info about these from some people in the UK, but it seems that even they don't know much about the system. I guess it must not fail much http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/tongue.png It'd be cool if the wiring could be removed from a UK harness and installed into a US harness. I'd love that feature for HID retrofitting.

    I have the headlights, wires, stitch, etc. I just haven't installed yet. Dunno if I ever will

  2. Bobby, I appreciate you posting up the link and pointing to the maps, it helps further the discussion.

    BUT, what you did was post the maps as if that tells us everything and then pointed to the thread. The problem with that thread is that you have to dig and search through three others to get the full details of what he's pissed off about and discussing what the issues are. So no, it doesn't exactly clear up the question.

    I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to nail down detailed answers.

    All I said was "Here you go."

    That's the *only* thing I added to what I copypasted. I was not trying to say that is the be-all, end-all.

    You and Chuck were asking for firsthand experience. I found another person with firsthand experience, who had shots of exactly what was involved in an ARD "tune", and provided them. Because it's helpful, and it's not the typical "I heard he drinks virgin's blood" BS that's being tossed around.

    EDIT: That's cute. Moving it to political discussions?

    EDIT 2: Yea, it's not firsthand. Which is why I provided a link, so you can acquire first hand experience. I know you're not an idiot, dude. Come on.

    I do find it amusing, you moving it to political discussions. That way, only those who have given you money can participate in a conversation about someone who is....giving you money.

    "What he pays in vendor fees is less than Burn-Es membership. " Your vendor fee is $300. Burn-Es member ship is $125. $300>$125. You either can't do math, or you're implying Lucky pays less (favoritism). I'm assuming you have favoritism towards Lucky, which is fine. That's cool that you guys are bros. That also explains your reaction to this thread, and why you want to bury it. Why you want to put it where a lot less people will see, and less people can comment.

    It definitely makes sense, but I can't say that I'm not dissapointed that you can't show unbiasedness when faced with something like this. Reminds me of the Swedespeed incident.

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  3. It's all second hand unless the one posting physically owns the software and a computer and actually possesses the knowledge to read the maps.

    I totally agree with not bashing someone you've never dealt with or have never used his products..

    But in cases like this there kinda has to be some second hand info

    Alain, you've known of my issues since day 1 and I included emails and details in my private thread,..

    I've never dealt with him with a tune. I have dealt with him with other products, and have ARD parts on my car. I started this thread to get more info, because I was ready to move forward with a tune and was ready to go with him. I've only driven cars (2005 S60R) with his tune, never owned his tune.

    Are you suggesting that I spend money first, before trying to figure out what's going on?

    Shhhh. It's ok. All is forgiven.

    Glad we're friends again. Sorry you're so upset about one of your gravy trains getting flack.

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  4. Yes, because my delete and lock thread button are not working correctly. My ban button is running five by five however so why don't you keep your mouth shut when you are talking out of turn. K, thx!

    Sorry. I guess next time when you try to discredit me, I should just roll over. I'll be sure to remember that.

    EDIT: I'm just annoyed, because I got called out when I posted actual results. Screen shots of the actual logs. Basically, exactly what you and Alain are asking for.

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  5. Chuck's asking for the same thing I am. Let those with actual experience speak and provide their insight. Otherwise it becomes yet another game of whisper down the lane that just leads to more BS.

    I followed the thread and went and posed similar questions on SS. The results and experience of people who have actually worked with Lucky is what we're driving after. If his work sucks, the results will speak for themselves.

    Really? Jesus dude. Ok, I'll try one more time.


    I'm not playing a game of whispers. I'd suggest you re-read my posts in this thread if that's what you think I'm doing. I posted what that guy on SS said, because THAT'S WHAT YOU AND CHUCKLES ASKED FOR.

    Click the damn link, read the damn thread. You can see me clearly asking him to post here directly SO WE CAN GET FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE, and you can read him tell me how he doesn't have an account and wants me to post for him.

    God damn dude, it's not that hard.

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  6. Chuck (1 party) + Bobby (1 party) + SS Guy (1 party) = ?? I'll give you an hint :P

    Chuck isn't involved; he isn't repeating it. SS guy = First party. Bobby = A recap of first party, so second party. However, I would argue that I wasn't offering a "recap." I posted exactly what the first party posted, as well as a link so you can talk to the first party yourself.

    Chuckles just doesn't want this thread to continue.

    EDIT: I supposed Chuck would have been correct had he said "third person." But he didn't.... there's a distinct difference between third party and third person. And even had he said third person, I still would have been annoyed at his attempt to discredit what I was saying, seeing as I'm bringing information relevant to what's going on and I'm bringing it *directly* from the person who is saying it, PLUS offering a means for everyone to ask that person what's up.

    But no, he'd rather try to discredit it to downplay what's going on, for whatever reason.

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  7. I'm curious how many of the people who are posting about how the tunes aren't significantly changed over the stock settings have actually compared stock to other off the shelf tunes from IPD, RICA, etc?

    I can appreciate that looking at the settings and saying, "Gee that didn't change much," can seem damning but it only goes so far without additional baselines to compare. We're getting deeper into the weeds than I expect most commenting here have the competency to actually have something useful to contribute.

    Don't parrot to me what you read somewhere else - I'm interested in hearing from those who actually have sufficient understanding of the mapping AND have examined other off the shelf tunes.

    I'm an interested potential buyer but I want to see actual evidence that substantiates the claims. It's clear that Lucky has issues with customer service. It's probable he has overstated his capabilities and what his tunes actually do. But it's not been truly demonstrated yet that he's actually doing something other so called reputable off the shelf tuners aren't doing.

    Again, look at my post above and click the link. The owner is not a volvospeed member, but is active on swedespeed. That link will bring you to his thread, where you can directly ask him any question you want.

    Apparently that's "third party" though.

  8. So this is third party?

    Click the link. I copied and pasted directly from the owner of the ARD tune, who did the research. It's his words, his pictures, and I supplied the source. Are you really going to try and discredit it, because it's "third party?" This wasn't a "I heard someone compared the tunes, and didn't notice a difference." It's the *actual logs*.

  9. C) He's busy with work and trying to help behind customers the scene to get everything back on track. Using your logic and inferential statistics, we could conclude that Microsoft has the same two issues your cited every time they do not answer a problem directly that someone posts on yahoo answers.

    See a lot of ambitious issues here. Someone who has actually been jerked around should posts actual emails to show us an example. The letting the imagination run wild game is getting boring on page 9.

    Here you go.

    From SS:


    Fueling is barely changed called KFLBTS - high EGT enrichment, there is another map that IS modified called LAMFA, fueling based on TPS

    KFMIOP - OPTIMUM torque


    both unchanged, and must be changed

    the wrong RPM limit is changed

    KFZW = ignition timing, unchanged




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