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Posts posted by rmorse

  1. How many black people have killed each other since the Mexican shot the black kid ......

    And no one in the "OMG they kill that kid carrying skittles camp was murre erred" is mentioning that.

    Only reason this has gotten any news is because the Mexican looks kinda white to dumb idiots.

    So you're trying to say that Zimmerman isn't white, he's mexican?

    I'm not white, I'm american!

  2. After all of these years, reading is still fundamental... go back and reread the question that I asked in post #229. It had nothing to do with TM.

    See, reading comprehension is fundamental. That's why you read all of the posts and speak to ALL of them.

    You say it has nothing to do with TM? Ok, fair enough. Then show me how that's an issue. Show me how law-abiding young blacks are being gunned down. Show me what you're talking about. Because unless you're talking specifically about TM (which you were, you just don't want to admit that you were using him to build your argument off) it's a bullshit question.

    See, I can do it too. I can post some story about how a white-trash dude gets mugged by a black guy,in a drug deal gone wrong. I can then ask "what do young white males have to do to, to not get mugged???" It's a bull-shit question that has no bearing on the case at hand.

    Prove to me that young LAW-ABIDING blacks are being gunned down just because they're black. Show me a story where it happened.

  3. akrite, huh?

    Well, there you have it.

    You can't get much more subjective answer than that!

    It's not good enough that the black person is law abiding - they also need to make sure that they "akrite" at all times...

    You sir, have just answered the question as to why everyone is protesting.

    I don't where you're from but here, a pot smoking thief is not a law abiding citizen.

    Check it out... I have never been arrested or charged for anything. I hold a security clearance, level secret. And I caught flak all the time from cops when I was 15, because I wouldn't "akrite." I used to wear giant jncos and kikwear jeans. I looked like a stoner/punk, and I got treated like one. Surprise surprise.

  4. Because he's racist.

    To the person who -1 that.... you're either an idiot or you have no sense of humor.

    LOL. Your mother and sister are probably a little safer in this world because of his "racist" actions.

    Lol, I was being facetious... I don't think he was a racist. I think he was a wanna-be cop who killed a wanna-be gangster.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Alain is definitively my guy... I want to be like Alain in my next life.

    With that being said, if he doesn't respond soon to my questions of his claims of "Bullshit" ...

    ... then I will have no other choice than to negate his claims of "Bullshit" with my own emphatically stated claim of "Bullshit-Bullshit" :lol:

    Damn it, I thought you were Alain. I forgot that's Burn-E, and I just slammed him in my rage-post LOL.

  6. :lol::lol::lol:

    I never SAID that it was the full definition...

    I said that I copied that part of the definition directly from the link that you provided.

    You're right. I made that statement because that was, in fact, the context in which I used the term "people of color".

    I don't give a fuck about what the blue bar said were synonyms to that term.

    How you arrived at the conclusion that I was trying to "twist" anything is beyond me - especially since I said that I wasn't only referring to blacks.

    You do realize that my 17th and 18th century comment could have applied to people of Native-Americans decent, don't you?

    You do realize that my 19th century comment could have applied to people of Japanese decent don't you?

    You say "that part of the definition." That's my point... that WASN'T the definition. Look at the symbols. You don't give a fuck about the blue bar? The blue bar is showing that YOU AREN'T DEFINING THE WORD. You're defining a similar word. You used a definition from a DIFFERENT word. You copied and pasted THE WRONG FUCKING DEFINITION.

    Now, back to your original straw-man argument....

    The whole argument by the race-baiters is how the BLACK MAN is unfairly profiled and trialed in America. How the BLACK MAN would have received far different treatment in the judicial system. And now you want to introduce everybody BUT whites.

    Alain is definitely one of "those people." hahaha dafuq that ever means...

    "those people" are the ones who give half truths. Dude, click the link I posted, then look at what he copied and pasted. It was about 75% of what was on the page. He selected the parts that supported just his argument, instead of showing the full picture.

    OK OK< everybody take a deep breath.

    Lets all just agree the GZ got away with murder and move on. :P:lol:

    NO. NO DEEP BREATHS. *gasp*

    • Upvote 1
  7. person of color, person of colour - (formal) any non-European non-white person

    copied and pasted directly from the link that you provided. (That includes Asians, Indians, Native-Americans, so on and so forth)

    Screw it. I was going to leave it alone, but I think I'll call you out on it anyway.

    What you posted is NOT the definition, and is an attempt to twist the truth to support your view. It's exactly what the lying media does (and did). They went into the situation assuming it was racist, and put out "facts" to support their view. Instead of actually finding out the truth.

    The definition of the word YOU USED, is "people of color - a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks).

    Now, you didn't copy and paste that, because it didn't support YOUR view of what the definition should be. Instead, you copied and pasted your above quote, saying that THAT is the definition of the word YOU USED. That's cool, except when you look at the blue bar next to the definition. You know, that thing that said "related words." So, instead of posting the actual definition, you posted the definition of a related word, in an attempt to have another "gotcha."

  8. What's the difference between a person of color and a white Irish person? One of them eventually assimilates into the majority culture and society and does not carry a mark that quickly identifies them for discrimination.

    I don't believe in the victim culture. I believe in people making the most of themselves in spite of whatever challenges life throws at them and succeeding in spite of those challenges.

    Ed Zachary. Yet our society loves to continue to nurture the "victims", placing blame on everything but the people themselves. And because of this, there will always be an excuse for behaviour.

  9. I stand corrected... sorry.

    Alain, I'm playing devil's advocate here... Why shouldn't it be about race? Especially when race = power in America...

    From the 17th and 18th century people of color were stripped of their heritage and history, subjected to slavery, and/or having their land(s) taken from them or being raped, beaten and murdered for having the audacity to questioning authority. In the 19th century people of color were denied the right to vote and to fight for their country, placed in internment camps, red-lined, raped, beaten and murdered for having the audacity to question authority..

    In the 20th century,people are still subjected to being red-lined, having their land taken from them (foreclosure crisis), placed in internment camps (Gitmo), and raped, beaten or murdered for questioning authority (I think that we all agree in this thread that (if nothing else) Trayvon Martin questioned Zimmerman's authority, which ultimately lead to his murder). To me, the simple answer to your question is this:

    This is about race because almost everything is about race in America.

    But, since you're rejecting the notion that this is ALL about race, then perhaps you can explain some of these potentially racial elements ::

    - When Zimmerman 1st saw Trayvon he associated Travon's behavior with that of suspicious activity instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt that he may have recently moved to the neighborhood and was lost?

    - I know that it was reported that there had been a rash of break-ins, but I never read that a description of the perp was provided to the public by the police. So why did Zimmerman automatically zone in on Trayvon possibly being a suspect as opposed to someone from a different age group or racial group? Furthermore, why did he feel empowered to stop and interrogate Trayvon?

    - Why, during his 911 call, did he use them term "them/they" instead of "this guy" or "this kid"? (Historically, them/they has been used as a euphemism for people of color. i.e "They only get scholarships due to meet a quota."

    Individually, each could be explained away, but collectively they do seem to point to Martin being profiled. You do realize that most acts of racial intolerance are done covertly, not overtly and because of that, people typically will draw upon their personal experiences to define whether someone's behavior is racist or not..

    My Final Springer thought:

    Here's an analogy for you... If you were investing in commodities you would be very concerned with the trends. Whether calls or puts, day trading or a longer term investor - you would want to know which direction the market is going, correct? Now, sometimes you may do some in depth analysis to see "why" the market is performing the way it is... but, even then, more times than not, you're probably doing that in order to gauge when the trend will shift in the direction with which you will profit. Although their actions may influence it, no one investor is in a position to control the market forever.

    To me, racial issues in America are like this hypothetical commodities market and each racial group is like one of the individual commodities that this "market" is comprised of.

    Individuals, like you, me and others who've posted in this thread, etc... ,are the "investors" who are trying to understand the direction of this market, Some individuals may see the trend line from a micro point of view, and declare that the "market" is going in a "bad" direction due to "racist" behavior. Others may take a Macro point of view and say that things have gotten better over time, that this is a momentary blip, and we are trending toward equality. Then you've got the group(s) who are just trying to influence the market (by quoting "skreet peoples law" or having "tea parties", "Klan rallys", etc...) in order to profit from it.


    Alain, I'm playing devil's advocate here... Why shouldn't it be about race? Especially when race = power in America...

    From the 17th and 18th century people of color were stripped of their heritage and history, subjected to slavery, and/or having their land(s) taken from them or being raped, beaten and murdered for having the audacity to questioning authority. In the 19th century people of color were denied the right to vote and to fight for their country, placed in internment camps, red-lined, raped, beaten and murdered for having the audacity to question authority..

    In the 20th century,people are still subjected to being red-lined, having their land taken from them (foreclosure crisis), placed in internment camps (Gitmo), and raped, beaten or murdered for questioning authority (I think that we all agree in this thread that (if nothing else) Trayvon Martin questioned Zimmerman's authority, which ultimately lead to his murder)."

    Remember, class, the only slaves that matter are the black ones.

    Guess what! I'm an Irish-Italian American. My people were discriminated against, enslaved, sold as goods, refused jobs. My grandfather had a sign hanging in his house that he stole when he was younger. "Help wanted, Irish need not apply." But no one truly cares about them. Oh, they're white. They were priviliged from the start. They didn't have to endure the struggles that the black man endures.

    I find it incredibly amusing that the people who are the most up-in-arms against racism don't really care about all racism and discrimination. They just care about the "popular" outcry.

    • Upvote 1
  10. We've already explored the question of race and Judaism fairly thoroughly, I'm not interested in devolving this thread back into that conversation. Race is a social construct and unless we're talking black and white not worth exploring in this thread.

    It's a social construct, currently defined quite clearly in the Census Bureau. I appreciate your opinion, but you don't just ignore the current definition of race because you think it shouldn't be like that....

    • Upvote 1
  11. You're introducing an irrelevant argument to the conversation - that's why I called you out.

    Darnell's point was that Zimmerman, as a Hispanic is being labeled a white American racist for his suspicions toward Martin. As a minority, one would think he would be less likely to be a racist due to his own encounters with racial discrimination. That's why he's surprised that the Hispanic community is taking this treatment sitting down rather then responding.

    Then again, Zimmerman lives in Florida, where the majority of the people look like him, so maybe that conclusion is wrong too.

    Race is a convoluted concept unless you're talking black vs. white in the very American, very Southern perspective. And it is that concept which is under consideration for Civil Rights purposes here. It is that concept and the power relationship historically attached to it that has people up in arms. Even if the case doesn't warrant that type of attention.

    I understand that and I agree with that. However, he was also suggesting that his race is not White; it's hispanic. I didn't disagree with his argument at all. I'm just tired of people saying that Z isn't "white", he's "hispanic."

    That's like saying he's not white, he's jewish.

  12. Tell that to all the little brown kids who happen to speak Spanish and whose family come from south of the border and regularly are discriminated against. Whether it's a race or an ethnicity, people are talking about color here.

    Ok? It's still not a race. That's like saying being Jewish is a race, because they're discriminated against. And please point out where I said Hispanics aren't being discriminated. And do you really need me to post pictures of a white, a brown and a black hispanic?

    I responded to the post that was saying "but, ironically, Zimmerman (Hispanic) isn't categorized as either of those races." He was saying Hispanic was a race. He was suggesting that Zimmerman isn't caucasian; that Zimmerman was Hispanic.

  13. Alain, I think that the root issue, both at the Macro and Micro level, is power. And historically in the South, power has been a black or white issue. This case, for all intents and purposes is a black and white issue - both literally and figuratively - but, ironically, Zimmerman (Hispanic) isn't categorized as either of those races. He may self-identify with one or more races, but the media has painted him as a white guy. (Side note: I think that the overwhelming silence of the Hispanic community on this issue is deafening)

    I'm really getting tired of telling people this, but....

    Hispanic is NOT a race. It's an ethnicity. He is a white guy, who happens to be hispanic.

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