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Status Updates posted by TaskMule

  1. believs that seeing new art is good for my brain.

  2. - 'Gone crazy, be back later'

  3. - If you get an email from stickladAThotmail.com, it's not me anymore. I don't use that account. I haven't for months. Add it to your blocked senders list, and report it as spam. Thanks.

  4. is going back to bed.

  5. has you in mind. Welcome.

  6. is having dinner with two BABES!!

  7. is pleased that Peter Regin has been re-signed.

  8. thinks tomorrow is another chance to try and get it right.

  9. - Children with special needs don't have an illness, so there is no cure and it's not contagious. They want what we all want -- to be accepted. Most of you won't copy and paste this, but will you do it and leave it on your status for at least an hour? It's special education week and this is in honour of all the kids who need a little extra help and understanding.

  10. - Izzy ♥ ♥has outgrown my lap....but never my heart ! It's DAUGHTER'S week, if you have a daughter that makes your life worth living just being around her repost this with names. Izzy makes life worth living just being around her!

  11. is out of tequila. It's gonna get ugly before it gets better.

  12. - Living in the burbs is REALLY good for sleeping. Do I miss the fire engines, buses, delivery trucks and construction? Nope. So long down-town. I'll come visit.

  13. - My buddy K-Mac sez; A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge"

  14. - Happy 4th of July to all my friends and family in the U S of A!

  15. - Happy Canada Day, peeps!

  16. A guy walks into the doctors office with a carrot in his ear and some celery in his nose. The doc looks at him and says, "you aren't eating right".

  17. The document shredding over at the vatican today must be something to behold. You are finally getting whats coming to you on a scale which matches what you did, boys. Oh how the tables have turned.

  18. - stuff kickin' thunder storms are heading this way! Secure the pets.

  19. - ”the greatest thing about Facebook, is that you can quote something and totally make up the source.” – George Washington

  20. was told today that England is like the Leafs of soccer, overpaid talent, heaps of wanker fans, and no results.

  21. feels great, great, GREAT! Not sure why, I just do.

  22. - What would Prince do with this mix?

  23. - Doors are a swingin', open and close, open and close.

  24. - ok, lets get the ball rollin'.

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