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Posts posted by patrick

  1. my worries about bush:

    no im not happy w/ this country right now... rapists have shorter prison sentences than first time drug offenders, and yes that is a vague statement but bush's anti drug plan is alittle out of control i think.

    when bush first took office he did not always "show up" , he was constantly away, not that he wasnt doing his job, butr with a low approval like his it was plain stupid to not at least look like your in washington more often than not.

    do we really need to reinstate the draft right now?

    why is it that lately ive been conversing w/ so many people in the armed forces, everyone whho has seen first hand what we are doing in iraq etc is voting for kerry. im talking numbers in the 50+ range(lots of military friends) why? i think i know why... bush is far from perfect and so is kerry...

    one thing i hear people harp on is peoples past, i dont care what kerry, or bush did in their youth and past. smoke drugs whatever, just wait til our generation is up for offices.... haha

    there are very few things from candidates past taht i beelive will truly effect their office abilities. same thing when clinton did not inhale, who really cares??? you think tokin' up one day 20 years ago is going to ruin him as a person and leave him unable to make rational decisions.... haha i make MORE rational decisions now.

  2. i had a great night, charleston really has some awesome bars, i love how every night i can go out and hit a new bar ive never been to, and it be crowded and happenin.... tonight went o a place called manny's

    had a band that was in love w/ good music, played chili peppers, van halan, peter frampton and an ACDC song, its like i requested them or somethin... i had to "drink to that" several times haha

  3. i should prolbably be posting in the drunk forum, buit i gotta say one thing about the last say...3 posts

    HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH, you guys hit my views right on the nailhead, cool to know someone agrees w/ me, everyone around here is so "BUSH" or so "KERRY EDWARDS!!" i guess you could say im sorta like Oh hush

  4. a strong republican leader w/ a good head and some experience would really change alot of my generations radically liberal views i think. not saying im a repub, but i could be. i just dont like the conservative side, mostly the older ideals that seem to be being edged off the cliff.

    on the same note a strong democratic leader would encourage all the youngin's who are so radically liberal to vote more, much larger voter turnout in the youth i would think. im pretty liberal personally, but i try to keep an open mind. i would never necessarily vote for a prez b/c i thought he was cool in my mind, or like me the most, i know im somewhat radically liberal, so i vote for a prez who i think would do this country the way it needs to be done, wiht my interests in mind :-)

    still sort of unsure which one that is gonna be...hmm

  5. im a democrat...mostly. certainly not a kerry fan and not quite sure how he ended up where he is, i dont find him the personable person we usually have going. Im not a bush fan, i dont hate bush by any means, he did a mcuh better job than many gave him credit for(democrats) however i think he could do better, or someone else could do better. i could be wrong but i think voter turnout is going to be pretty crappy this year, if anyone feels even remotely like me, im pretty disatisfied w/ both men.

    in alot of ways i hate to say it but i miss Clinton

  6. its amazing how completely liberal my generation is, just wait til we are fully in office, problems will be solved :-)

    i dont think i know more than 5 people my age that are republicans. i share some views w/ them, but only about 5% of their wants/arguments. and people like gee-dub make me embarassed to do so. i dont see whats so difficult to understand about the iraqi situation, it was not completely illogical imo, but definately executed for the wrong reasons.

  7. ok hitler jr, you realize their race embodies boatloads more people than just the rather small group of extremists who perform acts like this, 80% of iraqi people want us there. I dont think nuking Arabic people is going to do anything remotely close to good(that may not be what you meant but was implied by your statement)

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