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Posts posted by Gideon35T

  1. It wasn't intended to be a joke. It was intentional to show how the taking of a single life is mundane news of which we barely take notice. It takes something truly disastrous and shocking IN THE MEDIA to cause the public to sit up and take notice. I live in a metropolitan area where taking life appears to be a game given the epidemic we're experiencing this last year. And that pales in comparison to what it was 20 years ago.

    Fixed that for ya ;-)

    And the intent of the 2nd Amendment is entirely debatable because the understanding has shifted significantly from its legal precedence since it was originally written. Back in 1995 the Supreme Court was still sitting on a long held belief that it didn't bestow complete rights to individuals including the right to concealed carry. As we know they've since shifted away from that in several rulings.

    The intent is not debatable to anyone who understands the english language and context. "understanding has shifted" has nothing to do with anything. The fact is not maliable just because we view something differently. This is besides the fact that the same document notes that the Federal government does not have the right to impose anything along these lines because it's not a right specifically granted to them to have power over.

  2. Chuck is more human than human ... So does that mean that Chuck is ... *gulp ... murder personified ?!?!?!

    You know, I would agree with you Lucas if it weren't for the fact that it's the lobbying arm of the NRA - the Institute for Legislative Action - who has completely shifted the modern conversation and interpretation of the Second Amendment. The NRA of my childhood has dramatically changed as a result of their near complete paranoia around creating the image that someone is going to come take your guns away and everyone should have the right to own a gun.

    The intention of the 2nd ammendment really isn't debatable. I don't care which side tries to distort its meaning they are still wrong.

    Let's ditch lobbying firms and then allow people to discuss things like always and hold peaceful protests. Lobbying is not a right.

  3. NRA points at our violent entertainment media, our unwillingness to prosecute violent offenders who use guns, and the glorification of shooters by the news media. The entertainment media points at poor support for the mentally ill. Many things contribute to this problem. Politicians and celebrities say reduce the number of guns and their availability. Everyone wants to point the finger and blame something else.

    Here's a post - by a professor at BYU who I know through my brother-in-law who also teaches there - that reflects my own upbringing and seems to be the most sensible approach because many factors need to be addressed:


    I read the whole thing and agree almost completely. #5 is the only one that I truly get hung up on. Hunting is not what the 2nd Ammendment is about so the idea that only hunting guns need be allowed is absurd. The entire point IS to be as well armed as those who could infringe upon your rights. Other then that ... Yeah, what he wrote sounds reasonable (again, mostly).

    I agree with much of this article... except the "influence of the NRA." They are often demonized as trigger happy people.

    I am not a member... nor do I feel influenced by them... but suspect that they have quite a bit of weapons training that could be useful to more people to educate them about the power of weapons... and to not fear them so much.

    I'm fine with them giving up their influence so long as every other lobbying agency does the same. Lobbying should be illegal. Then they can all just be clubs for enthusiasts of whatever.

  4. Years ago you went to school and were handed a gun. Target shooting in school swas very popular once upon a time.

    When my father was a kid he could buy pretty much whatever he wanted. Especially if he had a note from grampa (real or not).

    The difference is our society. We've changed in an incredible number of ways between then and now.

    I could point fingers at specific things but it's really the cumulative effect. Which is obviously negative.

    Everyone has thoughts about violence. Its the lack of impulse filter some people have that earns them the whacky label.

    I'd say some yes and some no. Everyone has a point regardless of how well your brains typical impulse filtering works.

    People like James Holmes are goofed from birth but there's plenty of people who are normal yet hit that tipping point.

    Really, it applies to everything and not just "going nuts".

  5. i'd stock pile if i were you. looks like barry might be bringing the hammer down.

    This is making for other problems though. I have several friends who have recently picked up new toys that they can't get ammo for until March. Magazines are also hard to find.

    I might unload some guns, ammo, and accessories just to supply people and make a few extra bucks. I don't have guns I don't use (or intend to) though so we'll see.

  6. sorry you feel that way. i chose to filter your stupid decisions as quirky, eccentric, being your own person. not a nut ball who is anti social and a miscreant. :wacko:

    As is your right. I'm not saying that you are generally stupid or anything like that. It's simpyl a case by case basis of an individuals statement.

    It really has nothing to do with you regardless of what we agree or differ on in any regards. Not that I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm an a-hole who is antisocial and paranoid, lol.

  7. Oh I agree there don't get me wrong. I flew frequently when I was on mobile training teams. It's the GENERAL fact that when you opt into a service fully aware of the extras (good and bad) that you have no room to complain IN THAT REGARD. Obviously, there are innumerous reasons to complain that are not attached to my point. It's purely an example anyways.

  8. Gideon you amaze me, you actually think the airport security theater works. I'm not a tinfoil hat kind of guy and even I can see the pragmatic reasons why it's intended to create the aura of security rather than actually fostering security. What it does is calm the public, create jobs / an industry, and waste our taxpayer dollars. So yes, I'll complain about that. I'm all for supporting effective security measures. But we've already been down this path once in this thread.

    I didn't say that it works. Because it doesn't. My point was that it exists in a service that I opt into and therefor have no room for complaint for having to go through it. Which is ofcourse seperate to the fact that it's a tax dollar waste that creates problems perpetually.

    i don't know about where you are, but you are not buying a house without proof of ins here, you are not driving off the car lot without proof of ins. getting a mortage, if you don't have enough down you have PMI.

    secondly gideon, why do you insist on repping me down numerous times in this thread?. you will notice, we've had pages of varying discussion in the political area without reckless repping down.

    i don't care about the system, but repping somebody down for their convictions is poor form IMO.

    You don't need insurance to buy a house. You need insurance to get a mortgage. A service which you opt into. I don't have homeowners insurance but I paid cash in full.

    Driving a car off the lot means participating in the public road system which is a choice. Buying the car doesn't require insurance unless you're financing. Which is another service you opt into.

    I only rep down comments which are stupid. It has nothing to do with who makes it. Only with the intelligence of the comment itself. You choose to opt into volvospeed so you choose to opt into the rating system and its flaws. See the parrallels? Again, it's not about your conviction or reasoning. So long as your statement is intelligent, offers facts, and isn't misleading ... I don't rep down. Divert and I will (as is my option).

    He lives in the desert in Arizona and if I've followed his living off the grid thread thoroughly, I don't think he has a mortgage. Since the cars are used, it's only a question of whether the State requires proof of insurance to register the car - which I'm certain they do.

    No mortgage. The state requires insurance to register if you are registering any type of vehicle for on road use (again, a service you opt into). The S60 is currently not registered as a road going vehicle because I'm not driving it on the road during the build (I have 3 other cars after all). This saves money on registration and insurance as I'm not opting into the services which require insurance.

    i'm not a big forcing somebody into something guy.

    Unless it's gun registration, bans, ammo purchase limits, etc ... You wonder why I sometimes rep statements like this down?

  9. You're not forced into having insurance. You only have to have it if you opt into driving on public roads. Which is a privelage and not a right.

    It's the reason why I don't complain about airport security bull. I CHOOSE to opt into their service fully aware of such mandates and proceedures.

    Furthermore, deaths from speeding kill more in this country than firearms but you think speed limits are bad? ... Just ... WTF? ...

  10. Chuck is bang on in regards to education. Sarah gets taught to break down, clean, handle, and fire - ALL of our firearms shortly after they come home. If I can't hold up a gun for a second from accross the room and have her tell me if the safety is on or off ... Then she's going through it all again until she's comfortable. If I'm to have guns in my home and Sarah in my own then they must be confortable with eachother for all our safety (in several regards). Several states (including my home state of NY) now have mandatory driver safety classes. Yes it's mandatory so it's legislation but it's based on the principle of education. Hunters safety courses are a great deal of general safety info and a nice splash of hunters ethics. EDUCATE the public. Just like we educated them about drinking/driving, smoking (leading cause of death), and more recently obesity (2nd leading cause which kills >800 per DAY).

    This is besides the fact that the 2nd Ammendment was written for the people to have final say in government (through enforcement of the constitution or the threat thereof). That final say is meaningless if the only thing the government allows you to have is muskets and freaking revolvers because you've lost the ability to enforce and have therefor lost that right in its entirity.

  11. If laws/regulations curb issues then why is having murder be illegal still result in murder? If you want to see the effect of laws/regulations on firearms all you need to do is spend a few minutes on google. Australia is the most recent to apply strict regulation and within years was forced to admit that it had ZERO effect on GUN CRIME. Which doesn't even touch on that fact that their other crime rates have skyrocketed.

  12. Exactly

    That many guns makes it to easy for a family to be destroyed. I'm sure all those with family members committing suicide are sorry they had guns handy

    That's right. People who want to kill people change their minds when they don't have a gun handy. Same with suicides ... Are you hearing (reading) yourself?

    Fudge - Even if he finds reasonable data their wont be context. The death rate figure he quoted looks like nothing compared to virtually everything else. That's the only way liberals can "debate" topics. Which is to say that they debate improperly.

    Edit: Sorry, that came off a little more dickish to Flyfishing then I intended.

  13. I'd bet that <1% of firearm deaths are from a registered/legal firearm.

    Also, >821 deaths per day directly related to obesity. Put down that BigMac and pick up a gun. You'll be safer in several ways.

    That's the second leading cause of death by the way. The first is tobacco use.

    Let's not forget that the leading weapon for US deaths is still the club/baseball-bat

    By the way, >50% of those gun related deaths are suicides.

  14. Excess is a cultural point for us but causes more deaths from BigMacs than firearms.

    Never was happy with the 9mm. Too many compropmises imho.

    "CLIPS" ... I get so frustrated when I see this word on CNN. Ban all the "clips" you like, lol.

    Mental health screenings would be a tool used to disqualify whomever they like. I'd argue that most vets, those who carried weapons in the service of this country, wouldn't pass the screening they would propose.

    A nice little tidbit here you CERTAINLY wont see on CNN - 2 days after Sandy Hook - http://www.naturalnews.com/038584_media_blackout_armed_citizens_saving_lives.html

  15. According to NPR, car pedestrian incidents are on the rise, especially in NYC and L.A.


    3 deaths in the last three days and 2500 incidents last year in LA. They say 50% of the incidents police never find the driver. Story discusses a 16 year old kid mowed down and the driver - 18 and unlicensed - got off with 90 days community service and 3 years probation.

    Ban cars? Cell phones in cars? Ban young drivers? 5 years automatic prison if you kill someone with a car?

    I work with police departments on identifying vehicles used in crimes. Generally it's hit-and-run incidents. Last one was on Dec 21st and killed a little 5yo kid. Most of the time they don't catch the badguys even after a positive ID on the year/make/model/trim/color of the vehicle. It sucks ...

  16. HMTD has an RE of 0.8 and an explosive velocity of around 4,500m/s - That ranks it near the bottom of the list on RE just above regular gunpowder and an EV near the bottom of the list just over mercury fulminate. That's assuming it's pure of course. That's equivalent to a 0.015 lb gunpowder pipebomb with no pipe. An M80 in other words (I know I'm underestimating a little but it really isn't enough to do anything).

  17. California shouldn't be used for an example of anything positive, lol. We were expected to clear enemy weapons in the Army. I imagine that Cali is the exception and not the rule.

    Biden keeps meeting with Holder which is just laughable in my eyes. I imagine they are seriously considering most of the provisions in Feinsteins proposal.

    I'd bet we end up with the following: Hicap magazine ban (what that level will be is questionable), the banning of certain firearms (with grandfathering), improve the strictness of background checks, mandatory wait times for all firearm purchases, mandatory registration of all firearms. I'm not saying these things are right obviously ... I just think they are the likely proposals which could pass.

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