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Posts posted by MattyXXL

  1. “logical fallacy of misleading vividness” - The odds of being involved in a nuclear incident are low and the odds of survival by hiding under kindling is low but the vivid perception of the results drives fear induced reaction.

    So, the question becomes less about if the fear driven response is valid and more a question of the quantity and quality of responses effects us.

    The same goes for the sacrificing of our rights for "security" and/or the illusion of it. At what point have we sacrificed too much?

    "Militarizing our schools I think is going to have a negative psychological affect on the young ones, and ultimately on society" - A very true statement but it's all about that cutoff level.

    What I find infinetely more scary is the realization that many of these things applied to schools AND society are not safety driven but agenda driven.

    Some interesting research is to look at how schools in Austria changed after the country voted to be annexed by Hitlers Germany. I'm NOT saying we have Nazi schools but I am saying that there's interesting parallels.

    Holy shit... You smoke some good shit dont you.... WOW

    All through middle school and high school I dealt with metal detectors and x-ray machines everyday, Id didnt stop a thing..

    if someone wanted to get you they would find a way... Trust me I got my ass beat a couple times.

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