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Status Updates posted by boosted_brick

  1. women could at least feign interest in me

  2. stuff balls its busy here

  3. after this long weekend, i need a night out.

  4. I know I post a lot of weird or dumb things on here. I don't get any outside socialization so this is where I post my random thoughts

  5. Do women ever pay for dates?

  6. I complain about being single but dating a girl from around here would be silly. Work will take me elsewhere.

  7. Seriously, noone wants a beer?

  8. someone come drink with me tonight

  9. well SOMEONE texted me last weekend and i don't know who it was... i hope they text me again :)

  10. i just wonder, do you ever think of me anymore, do you?

  11. so i could clean my ptc or i could just buy a new intake pipe... 165 or elbow grease.... hmm.

  12. ...in the back of my 'lac with the suicide doors

  13. i guess i'm gonna have to find a stuff job around here to get my own place while i wait for a good wind job.

  14. i got a stack of new dvds and no women to watch 'em with

  15. I need to start meeting new people. The lack of friends is really getting me down

  16. someone come get some beers with me this week


  18. i have a bad feeling all these monkeyin vets are gonna prevent me from getting a job

  19. y'all need to put your numbers on here so i don't have to keep your number in my phone. i rarely get texts so keeping names forever is silly.

  20. No job means I can't get my own place. Fml

  21. Lookin like a scrub. Taking my kid on a walk. Honk if ya see us.

  22. listening to the lion king soundtrack through the baby monitor ;)

  23. Home alone on a Friday night. Well, at least I have a movie.

  24. it's been brought to my attention multiple times now that women aren't interested in dating a man with a child. isn't that kind of a double standard?

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