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Posts posted by RAzOR

  1. Fascist is someone who practices fascism.

    Fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

    In this case the dictator is the strict application of the religeon itself through Shira Law. Not a particluar person. I think it is more of a Theocracy with Theocrats myself.

  2. I don't really believe that any one person or group of people can Hijack a religion.

    It is happening right in front of you. The Islamic radicals such as Iran, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah get the airtime on TV, radio, etc while the silence of the remaining 990,000 moderate Muslims does nothing to prevent perception that the religeon is represented by the radicals.

    The longer this goes on, the more and more it becomes true. The moderates must step up or the radicals and the news machines will drive this to a full on war with all of Islam- something which would be terrible.

  3. There is nothing in the Quran that says that. It does say to defend oneself if one is attack. But if you are attacked and the attacker asks forgiveness, that Quran states that the truely pious one is the one who accepts that apology and essentially turns the other cheek.

    As for a central leader in Islam there is such a concept which is called the Caliphet but there is too much in fighting right now for the Muslim people to accept one person a the Caliphet.

    Thanks for the inside info. It is SOOO important for everyone that the moderate, sensible Muslims speak up RIGHT NOW and take control of their own religeon. Until they do, Khomeni, Iran, Al Qaeda, and the rest of the nut jobs will continue to hijack and fly your religeon right into the path of increasing bloody and deadly war with the rest of world.

  4. Well the Pope was quoting some byzintine leader from the 14th century saying some nonsense that the Prophet peace be upon him only brought war to the world, and faith thur the sword. This is of course stupid and false at the same time. But the fact that Pope did not say right after quoting that it was wrong, and this is not the church's view point now, is the reason that Muslims are upset. This Pope unlike the previous Pope is much more Hawkish on Muslims.

    As for the question of when muslims do something wrong they do not apologize. My question is who is going to do the apology? We have no central Leader like the Pope. One speaks for the muslims as a whole. If I do something wrong to anyone it is my responsiblity to apologize. If someone else does something wrong that's their fault not mine.

    I've been told that it is not false. Does the Quran not say (in words) that those who do not convert should be killed?

    I don't know for sure, just what I've been told. But if it says it, it says it. Muslims have to deal with it as part of modernizing their religeon. Obviously many do not share this view, but those who do hold this usually get the air-time from the idiots in the modern media and this enables them to, in effect, speak for all if Islam and this creates the problem. As you have said, there is no central authority. I think Muslims need a leader very badly and quickly for the longer the drumbeat goes on, and longer they are silent, the more Muslims will be grouped all together which is horrific for both sides. It's a lose-lose.

  5. Veterans wounded or injured during service should get free, quality health care for the rest of their life. as far as the rest I'm not sure. It's seems a bit tricky. Shyeet the whole thing is tricky. Free car for all veterans makes it simple.

    Socialized health care - thesuck.

    Current system = works but wasteful and too expensive

    Solution = eliminate all insurance except for MAJOR MEDICAL. Allow for competition between drug companies. Doctors should deal directly with patients and patient with their docs. No HMO middleman sucking up the funds.

  6. Being a certain ethnic group is not suspicious monkey nuts. Racial profiling at an international airport of all places is about as stupid as you can get. Don't make me warn your suspicious ass. I am sick if you coming up in here with your almost all black avatar. I want you to change it or I will

    The ugly face of AVATAR HATE. I know it well. Now that I think of it, I do kinda miss the dancing kid. Hmmmm.

  7. "The Jet Blue woman was asking me again to end this problem by just putting on a new t-shirt,"

    Just put the T-shirt on dude. The first amendment does NOT mean you can say anything you want, whenever you want, however you want.

    So many claim it does. It DOES NOT.

    This poor guy just got caught up. Plus I think a nice rally with the the other 1000 shirt wearers through the DC Mall would be far a more effective use of his free speech than fighting some airport security workers and making John Q. Public very uneasy.

  8. i do not not have a agenda, and for the record did i even say i was a liberal, you just assumed that i was. Its not like it is being forced down your throat when you are watching TV, the easy thing to do is just change the Darn channel. the point of my letter was that this guy has used his position to promote his ideals through the selling of his products, and that is bullcrap. and for the record dont label anybody republican/demorcrate/liberal/conservative without knowing them because it just makes you look like an idiot

    If we all based our consumer habits on our ideological alignments, this would indeed be a crazy place. Nevertheless, you are entirely within the right to decline to do business with this seller. Obviously, this seller is not afraid of losing customers in favor of his/her ideology.

    I don't think its good business. Also, if I were you, I would be mad too. I don't buy from someone expecting or desiring to get into an ideological dialog with them. I want shoe mounted lawn aerators and that's it, thanks.

  9. If you want to believe what these people tell you then go for it, as for me I need proof.

    BONUS: Einstein believed in a Supreme Being but not in a personal God:

    "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings."

    Sidenote: The most disturbing analogy I've heard of for the relationship of humans to superior extraterrestrial life (UFO's etc) here on Earth is that we are so inferior that they largely ignore us. It would as if I, as the superior life form, went into my backyard and greeted the ants on my deck and offered them human technology. It's preposterous and undoable. I ignore them mostly only occassionally observing and messing with them. Yet they have colonies, a queen, and an order. The only time I bother with ants is when they are: A. in my kids Uncle Milton's Ant Farm (alien abductions, anyone?) or B. In my house (Bermuda Triangle?, Dragon's Triangle?). The whole idea of us as ants relative to extraterrestrials is wholly unnerving to me. I hope this analogy is wrong. I certainly would at least like to have the opportunity to try to understand superior life forms before they "remove" us from their kitchen.

  10. I believe in evolution which is how we came about. I, for one, don't believe in a god, so creationism and intelligent design seem incredibly dumb to me. I believe that science can explain how the earth came to be but I don't believe it can explain sexual preference

    And all you have to do to believe in a Supreme Being is watch a space program on the Discovery Channel or Space Channel or what have you. I mean holy f!ck this place is big BUT it's got an edge- an outer boundary beyond which is... what? Then you've got the big bang which apparently just happened on its own, about 11,000,000,000 years ago. Dark matter, leptons, neurtinos, cosmic rays, quasars, black holes and event horizons. Then you go the other way. Atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, sub quarks.

    And we all happened by chance.

  11. So you're saying that Grant chose to like guys over girls? I don't completly agree with the exposure theory because I've met some guys from normal average upbringings like me (mirror image lifestyles) but I'm straight and they're not.

    No. If you re-read my comment, it's a combination of two criteria. But again, no unified scientific theory has been established.

  12. I don't know how anyone, even a Christian, can say that homosexuality is wrong or sinful. Guess what? brokeback people don't choose to be brokeback. Its just the way they are (the way God made them).

    Ask Grant when he decided that he wanted to prefer men to women. Not when he realized it, when he chose it.

    Better yet, ask yourself when you decided to be straight...Oh yeah, you didn't. Its just the way you are.

    Wrong. No credible, comprehensive scientific determination has yet been made as to the cause of homosexuality in one person and not in another. It appears to be a combination of a genetic predisposition and exposure.

    And the Christian Bible clearly cites homosexuals acts as sinful but at the same time, everyone as sinners. Just different sins for different folks. The focus of the Christian Bible is struggle against committing sin.

  13. He's an idiot. "A chocolate New Orleans" and this:


    ====and this just in!====

    Mayor Nagin Apologizes Again for World Trade Center Comment on New York Trip Friday, September 01, 2006 service_ap_36.gif

    NEW YORK — New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin opened a visit to New York on Friday by expressing regret for having criticized the slow redevelopment at the World Trade Center site, saying he will "never again refer to that site as a hole."

  14. Crazy bitch!!! I am in the middle, neither dem. nor Reb. (more liberalish), but I HATE really Right fielders like her. Darn, their husbands just died, calm the monkey down, and they have a right to be angry. I see her point about having that be the forefront for y they didn't like the administration, but keep it in and don't say dorogatory things about it.


    Her point is that the 9-11 Widows conitnue to exploit their loved one's deaths to forward their own political agendas.

  15. here's a f'in idea...who the hell cares...how many kids die every day in 3rd world countires...who gives a ish about some douche bag family who killed their kid because she was giving them mouth....


    So by your super-genius logic, all kids that die here aren't worth a damn because so many other country's kids die.

    Pure genius. Maybe you should adopt a kid from a third world country and put your money where your mouth is. Oh, too busy tuning your 850 and seeing movies? Yeah, me too. Too bad kids! Good luck with the UN rice. Jerk.

    Back on topic. Jon Benet was an exploited little girl. I think its safe to say those kiddie beauty pagents are a blight on society. I agree with Unijoe that this monster got a free ticket out out Thailand where he supposedly was about to be arrested for molestation over there. What a jerk. I hope we nail him hard in CA for his prioir. Poor Colorado DA just can't stop fucking this up.

    As far as theories, Jon Benet had skin/DNA under her fingernails. This should match the killer's DNA by all reasonable logic. Of course if its a setup, that skin could have been planted there.

    My gut tells me it was possibly the Mom who had to be sadistic just to put her daughter through those pagents all the time. OR the Dad who approved of all this and could've been a secret petiphile.

    A GREAT website and write up on ALL that is known is here.

    BE CAREFUL this site is really addicting and interesting.

  16. So liberals think what they do is right, and conservatives think that what they do is right. What's new today? I just can't stand when someone quotes literature that focuses on what they believe in, when the opposing side can quote literature that supports their own side....it can go both ways.

    You are right Pras- everyone can throw out statistics, sayings, quotes, etc. As people in the middle ground with a very important voting function, we must take the time now more than ever to examine the evidence for ourselves- and we have never had more tools at our fingertips. Witness the birth and explosion of talk radio (virtually 100% conservative) and the political blogosphere (also dominated heavily by conservatives). This was a pressure relief from being under the monopoly of the "Old Media" pressure cooker of selective reporting. So many could sense it, but only a few could nail it and when they started trying to crack that nut, the whole dam gave way.

    But even when there isn't a clear right and wrong readily found, an ideology, for example, can be judged as "more right" and "less right". It can also be evaluated against moral absolutes.

    To me, Liberals believe more in what "feels good and feels right- what seems right." while non-liberals believe in what they hold to be right for whatever reason. I'm not judging here, just observing. I think, not coincidentally, that far more often than not liberal solutions to modern societal challenges tend to honor a path and end point like "everyone's a winner" or "we can all have it our way" or "no one's right and no ones wrong" or "you shouldn't have to feel that way".

    Which consistently leads to no one being happy in the end. Try to please all and you will please none.

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