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Posts posted by JCviggen

  1. do pulls with progressively increasing amounts of boost pressure. Do'nt just jump on there with 24psi or whatever insane amount and beat your head against the wall.

    True, avoiding the torque mountain in the midrange would help keep the timing at higher revs.

    Until TT product a manual that actually describes how injector pulsewidth and spark advance are actually calculated, and what inputs affect them in what way, the system is next to useless.

    By this logic pretty much no-one would be allowed to tune M4.x ECUs...or many other OEM ECUs for that matter. In this case first of all you know where to start (a tuned map) secondly the amount of fuel that gets injected is easily monitored by AFR. The correction done by O2 sensor input happens pretty quickly. If you are worried about knock you can get stuff to monitor that too. Simply avoiding tuning M4.x because it does not offer the transparancy of an aftermarket EMS is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You can perfectly monitor knock and AFR or EGT to ensure your engine is safe whilst tuning.

    TT lets you do no less or no more than what most tuning companies can do. Its early 90s volvo technology we are working with here what do you expect. Even the ECU does not know the IAT. Or the IMP for that matter. So there is very little to document.

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  2. I understand the frustration. How was the cooling? The run seems long and with quite a lot of load, if the cooling isnt brilliant the car will see considerably higher IATs. But thats the case on most dynos anyway. Whats the brand of the dyno? 250 isnt always a bad score depending on load and rolling resistance.

    A little strange how your MAF readings dropped towards the end of the run (and that led to the AFRs getting leaner at the same time as a result)

    As bad as the midrange looks timing wise, from 6000 something onwards your AFR improved and timing wasnt too bad anymore at that point (for a dyno environment) and still it wasnt really making that much power. You have a difficult car evidently!

  3. Yea shouldnt be hard to find videos of "legit" religious nutcases considering they are a good part of the earth's population.

    Am halfway through "The God delusion" by Dawkins, pretty entertaining holiday reading, and it does make you wonder about the dangers of a lack of critical thinking.

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  4. The initial infrastructure investment would be huge.

    Difference being though the money for a good part stays within the country as opposed to sending it abroad for oil.

    The problem with public transport is not necessarily the cost but how effective/efficiently it can be designed and run. If its slow, unreliable and expensive you're not going to convince many people to get on it for example. If you do get it working properly (not the likeliest of scenarios) there are all kinds of advantages, traffic jams for one thing cost handfuls of money as well with time and gas being wasted.

    Oh and your fuel prices are still not high. Less cheap than you're used to, perhaps.

  5. A few I did recently..

    Crazy Horse Paris. Bloody dark in there, ISO 6400 F2.8 .......most of them only publishable in the R forum though.




    A fashion thing in Paris as well


    Made several versions of this with different post-processing, not sure I like this the most but it was the first I clicked.


    This one just on my way back to the hotel after the Laureus awards, Abu Dhabi by night. Not particularly nice composition I just wanted a shot to remember the place and rested the cam on a bench that was standing there.


  6. I don't really see a big advantage in a COP setup...unless you are struggling with misfires they are not going to add much power of their own. They are a neater solution if installed from the factory..retrofitting like this kind of removes that main advantage.

    The 850s had a very decent distributor based ignition system, supports over 500hp if you want it to. So it seems a lot of hard work for the novelty.

  7. I can't say I agree w/ that mindset, but if it works for you.. I couldn't recommend a Lumiquest EZYBox more for you, it'd be the perfect setup for you, small, quick, and easy w/ beautiful light. You're name is being published w/ these photos, I'd be rocking them out every chance I get. Just saying.

    Of course you're right, i must've been exaggerating. Obviously you never know what you get and you just have to go with it trying to make the best of the situation. I had a small softbox which also got stolen but I wasnt very happy with the light it produced perhaps I had the wrong one! The facial expression and body language is what matters in a typically rushed interview shoot, that the light could be softer one could hardly tell by the time its printed (on paper that is frustratingly not 100% white) and is especially unnoticable to non-photograpers.

    Nearly every fellow press photographer I meet is just going with on camera flash and a bouncer or white card. Obviously its not an ideal light setup but it is the most practically viable. When customers and subject are happy I cant complain, still learning a lot every opportunity I get after all I have only had a DSLR since february lol

    As I remember the Figo shots i could bounce the flash of a wall and ceiling which is already a luxury (though he was sweaty), the stage shot was stage lights only no flash possible nor allowed so it was take it or leave it (was being filmed)

    With the model posing for example the background was so light (was in Malta right near the beach) that the only way to get enough light on her was to fire my 580ex2 straight at her with the bouncer removed at nearly full power (1/1 -0.7 IIRC). If one could choose you'd shoot somewhere else but thats rarely an option. I actually sold some of those pictures twice because the inviting company liked a couple for their own use.

    For the last shoot I went with a wireless transmitter to the flash and that was pretty interesting though I think I'll take an extra flash next time because 1 doesnt cut it.

  8. Hey the last one wasn't :lol: (I dont remember exactly but I believe the front is 90% daylight and the background was my 580 set up 90 degrees to the right)

    Truth be told for most interviews there isn't much time nor does it matter much for the printing, its not a photo shoot its merely a documentation of the interview. If you can see who it is and have a semi pleasing background then you've done your job. Its not going to get framed :) And there's always photoshop if necessary. There is typically maximum 15 to 20 mins to get a few shots at various angles and equipment is kept to a minimum.

  9. A Russian model earning a couple million a year (but actually a very nice person) on stage and after the interview on a stupid hotel balcony

    First one is a bit freaky colours the laptop screen isnt very good but didnt want to mess with it now



    Luis Figo during an interview in a dark hotel (was about IWC launching a new model hence the watch)



    And some Russian singer getting her hair done (took nearly 5 hours :blink: )


  10. Meh, this Tea Partie thing is just a fad...oh wait, I better tell all those establishment politicians that got there asses handed to them this month...

    ...and ironically it probably equates to shooting oneself in the foot. Nominating redneck populists who invent their own words doesnt do so well on a bigger scale. If the Rebublicans would run with anything like moderate people they'd make a killing. Anyway the funniest part is the power that people think politicians have. Doesn't matter who you elect things are going to be shitty for a good while longer.

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