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Posts posted by fromtheshadows

  1. You have to have the situation under control before you can make policy on it...they dont have immigration under control at all. we need to build a wall (for securities sake), and then worry about whos already here. If we dont have strict border control, thers no way we can curb the influx, we dont have enough enforcement for the policies we have. If you think we could deport all the illegals...you dont live in SoCal, no way in hell. Check out the numbers, I wont bore you, theyre staggering. Im the only white guy in my apartment complex and I know Im not the only one with a gun, theyve all got guns, I may be the only one with a legally registered gun....

  2. I heard that guy on the radio,..he is a fing idiot. No really he wont answer any questions directly and then if he doesnt like the interview he has his lawyer do all the talking..this is evangelism at its worse, this guys rich and he is def going to hell

  3. What excuses am I making? Ashamed? No just enlightened. Starfish, sounds to me like youre in denial. I bet you support the war in Iraq too, 175+ years? the Iran Contra affair was in the 80's dude. I dont have to look that far into the past to criticize America. I wasted five years of my life working for the military. Princess starfish, Maybe if you got off your pedestal you could look back into our history with a realistic POV. Please save the patriotic rhetoric. Me a pansy?, come say it to my face, PM me for the time and place...your better off to take your chances in the Marine Corps... boy.

  4. I think they shouldve released to the world Press that he spilled his guts and told them everything he knew about the inner workings of Al Quaeda and their future plans, then released him to the Al Quaeda, because he was so informative, as an act of Christianity. Taxpayers saved, Al Quaeda executes him. Christianity rocks

  5. I live in Socal and the only problem was that the one day I decide to go to McDonalds, only the drive through was open it was packed so I said screw this Im going home to cook.,..so they saved me some calories and added some time to my life. Hats off to the Immigration amnesty movement...but seriously, also think about why theyre in mexico, they consider themselves La Raza...the race, the indigenous peoples of america, the native americans that we pushed out. What else? Do you know who Steve austin is? No not stone cold, he was one of the original Texas Rangers. For years these guys would go to south america and with gunboat diplomacy take over the farms. They would force the workers to work for nothing, and ship the crop back to america for processing where the factories and companies would package it and make the money. The farms were getting no money. In the case of Puerto Rico, they turned their currency into US dollars overnight and their native currency wasnt worth anything, in both situations farmers and workers had to sell their land and move...where? to America. Same thing with the Banana Republic. Guatemala,..have you heard of the Iran Contra affair...nm. America has been Raping other countries for years and now were paying for it cause when a countrys standard of living goes down where do ppl go? America..PS, Rush is a homo

  6. I dont oh yeah! tho, when I was in japan, I was filling up on the high octane stuff everyday...it was like 100 bucks a tank I dont remember cause that was a while ago and it was by the liter, but it was really expensive to drive my gtR at about 10mpg

  7. I gave up on trying to use common sense with these common Americans long ago only to be labeled a liberal and the like. THE reason for the Iraq war was because Bush had no other way to retaliate against the terrorism of 9/11. He was lost and he knew if he didnt do anything he wouldnt get re-elected. Obviously 52% of americans are ignorant to how politics work. Casualties have kinda fallen off the front page haven't they?

  8. nice discussion. theres a fire in here. i wouldve shot him. out of fear for my own life and my company. That soldier did his job. You cant expect a kid trained to be a killing machine to make a perfect calculated decision in war, theres no time to calculate, youll end up a statistic. And as far as war crimes, I think the playing field should be fair, meaning that if your enemy will stop at nothing, the definition of what a war crime is should be rethought. That said, I still think this war is a travesty, a misuse of power and my tax dollars. i cant stand THE MAN. (not you volvospeed admin) down with the man.

  9. Please dont tell me that because you took 2 sysmesters of economics this makes you a Econ Wiz? Hell, I was an econ major for 2 years, that makes me a GENIOUS!

    Tell me this (your remark about america recovering from economic disaster), with the gap growing at an ever more rate between the middle and the upper class, thousands of people dropping out of the middle into the lower class, the ever increasing privatization of utilities and media ect

    who recovers economically? Me, you? Or the upper 5 percent ;)

    America will recover the worst economic disaster, it has before, but not all of its ppl will survive the recovery unscathed. Ill recover, im a survivor ;). The upper 5% wont have to "recover" because theyll be just fine (standard of living-wise).Unless the poor people storm their houses in revolutionary fashion and take everything they have, then the poor people would be the recovering ones, It will all balance out until the day we all run out of our natural resources...

  10. The army thats fighting right now isn't like the the red coats where they line up and then the blue coats line up and bang, you are right. The injurys and deaths thus far have been cause by something very real, if you don't want to call it a real army that ok with me, but it's certianly real. The fight thats going on right now is the hard part, cause all the rule books don't apply, every thing thats know about armys don't apply. The fight thats going on right now is to me the real reason to be there. Saddams armys, the ones with the uniforms, the ones that march in ranks etc. were never going to march in any city in the USA, but whats being fought right now is the real fight that has and will be brought to our cities. My hope is that all the good thats being done over there to get the people back on their feet and begin living a life with freedom and lack of surpression will take hold. Then much like places here in the USA the people that live there get fed up with the drug dealers working their blocks, they start to take action along with the Police and then and only then does the problem begin to change.

    OK...by real army I meant federally funded. Just like if I decided to lead a group of guys to march on washington you wouldnt call that a real army. (Im not planning anything if anyones watching) PLease stop splitting hairs here ppl. Im also pretty sure if some stupid country saw what Bush was doing as a conquereor of foriegn nations , compiled a theory that the elections here were fixed and started bombing the U.S. in the name of doing good, killing innocent people, Id shoot them as soon as I saw the whites of their eyes. There arent drug dealers working the blocks of Iraq, and before we took sadaam out there was order, terrorists wouldnt dare, or they would face that crazy sadaam. Now there is chaos. I think youre underestimating how many people hate us for this, and how strong this war has made our opponent. Look at Iraqs borders. Now think of palestine. Israel hasnt won that war yet, and theyve got the same weapons as we do. It has given our opponent the worst kind of ammo. As soon as things settle down...boom. Thats the guerilla way. As far as the "good" being done over there, what good? killing innocent ppl, killing rebels because they fear us enough to take up arms, please dont tell me we are doing Gods work here. The Iraqi ppl are not free under american military watch. Trust me I know Ive lived on military bases my whole life and the military isnt even free for the ppl in the military. Your expected to go where they want you to when they want, and if they say "strip search time", well its strip search time.(not that ive ever exp. that, ahem)

    There are many other US cities, many more countries that need our help more than Iraq did. Where there are drug dealers working the blocks ...and poverty, lets just say there are places here in LA that I would almost need a police escort to walk through. Why dont we clean them up while were at it. MIlitary style? Cause someone needs their vote, or doesn't want their opponent to have it. Having a say in your future is freedom. And Iraq wont have that. Freedom cant be forced onto a ppl. It contradicts the definition. I claim we violated the prime directive on this one.

  11. I dont believe polls for the simple fact that, well, I dont get polled, do you? haha polled. If we can find one person on this board that actually participates in these polls, Id like to know. If we do find even one, you do the math. How accurate can these polls be. THEY ARE JUST HYPE.

    As far as there havent been that many soldiers killed in Iraq, whats the life of over 1000 ppl worth these days. Since President Bush declared Iraq combat operations over in May 2003, nearly 3,000 have been wounded in action. For some life will never be the same. Might not compare to past wars, but there's also no real army were fighting either. Are we winning yet?

  12. Please dont tell me that because you took 2 sysmesters of economics this makes you a Econ Wiz? Hell, I was an econ major for 2 years, that makes me a GENIOUS!

    Tell me this (your remark about america recovering from economic disaster), with the gap growing at an ever more rate between the middle and the upper class, thousands of people dropping out of the middle into the lower class, the ever increasing privatization of utilities and media ect

    who recovers economically? Me, you? Or the upper 5 percent ;)

    Well, that was in response to ontheheels statement that i musn't have taken macro or i wouldve know that you have to cut taxes and etc... I wasnt saying that im an economic whiz, I was stating that because you know an economic principle doesnt mean it applies in every situation. That its harder to know when to apply that principle and why than knowing the principle itself. Just like its harder to understand the point of someones post without following the thread :P

  13. http://money.cnn.com/2004/02/25/news/economy/greenspan/

    Greenspan is a politician too guys, he can be replaced.

    I took macro and micro. Youre not wrong, but youre not right. Saying that one side of Keynes economic theories are always applicable, and the end all and be all of economics is just close minded. What about inflation? I think we should worry about inflation right about now. The Keynes way to curb inflation is through spending cuts and tax hikes. So there is a bubble were talking about. There are many economists that believe strongly in the "invisible hand". In KE If govt spending increases then output will also increase. But if your borrowing to spend at an exponential rate (running up an ginormous deficit), its a gamble. odds against us and all sorts of other cliche's..but I wasnt even hinting at the short run economic aspect of America. Go take a HISTORY course. America will recover almost any modern day fiscal policy blunder. And we wash the blood off our hands pretty well too. I personally believe in debt neutrality, but in saying that,I didnt say a tax cut isnt healthy for the economy ( in the short run), I criticize the economic level of the tax cut and the amount. Beyond that I dont think the businesses that are outsourcing jobs deserve a tax cut etc.etc. As I said the unemployment rate is very deceptive, and in this time I believe its figures are very underinflated. I didnt say govt spending wasnt good for the economy either, but I will criticize what the govt. is spending OUR tax dollars on. I also believe this short run solution is just that. Its all good if you believe the presidents foriegn policy isnt hurting America in the LONG RUN. Thats fine, but I dont really see the issues Ive brought up being fixed by your "basic stuff". Maybe one day We'll rule the world of oil. Every reign comes to an end. Big deal short run crap. The president didnt have to lie to me or to anyone else, all he had to say was, Its time to win the war we need to wage to steal a bunch of oil. and id of voted for Kerry anyways.

  14. I expect 4-8 years of living in south america if he is elected

    Thats funny I was thinking the same thing If Bush is elected <_< seriously, you guys arent going anywhere, But Im seriously getting outta here if I have to dodge the draft. And a word of advice, Canada will extradite you. They'll never find you in south america :D

  15. First of all id like to state for the record I think legend854t5r needs to chill out be4 he has an aneurysm. Dont hurt urself kid. Comparing me to your gf and then calling me an idiot? Hey bro its not my fault your gf is an idiot, but you dont know me so it'd be wise to refrain from the personal attacks...jerk clown.

    I would also like to say Farenheit 9/11 was a MOVIE and about 40% of it was hollywood all the way. You say Im stupid, but you think they wont reinstate the draft? I bet you think that people are lining up to join the military now huh. To go fight for THEIR freedom? They have stop-lossed all the troops they can for now, with the bulk of our military in Iraq. Bush has plans to move all the troops from Korea and Europe to Iraq, and the special forces guys who were hunting for Osama Bin Laden in afghanistan, theyre in Iraq now too. Great idea on all accounts (sarcasm again) but sooner or later theyll have to let all those troops come back. ...NEXT? I guess the SELECTIVE SERVICE BOARDS are staffed up for no reason? If this war is supposed to be for the good of the world why are we in it essentially alone?

    Anyone have family or friends that have seen any "real" action in Iraq that you are in close contact with? I have and the soldiers I know are questioning their mission. I think the Iraq conflict needs to be won with intelligence, not force, and with no allies to cooperate with, and Bush in the White House were doomed to live out another "Vietnam".

    Brings me to my first reason Im voting for Kerry:

    1.Kerry's plan is to internationalize this Iraq conflict in order to share the burden . Remembering Vietnam I think he knows it will be more difficult to win the war in Iraq than win peace. He will be actively seeking to mend the broken trust of our allies, and call on NATO to make the security of Iraq a top priority.

    This will be a little easier by giving other countries a stake in Iraq's future by encouraging them to help develop Iraq's oil resources and by letting them bid on contracts instead of locking them out of the reconstruction process(halliburton)

    There are a lot more facets to this and as you know he has a PLAN.

    2. Kerry plans on rolling back the tax cuts for the wealthiest of americans to help pay for education and healthcare. If you look at the numbers, the money's there just from the rollback to where we were be4. How can you cut taxes in a continually inflating society without creating a market through war and keep the economy stable? Bush couldnt do it, so Im going for a different strategy in Kerry.

    It is very possible to run at near FULL employment during wartime, and Bush cant even do that.


    Bush has lost nearly a million jobs when his tax cuts were supposed to have created six million. Unemployment figures only count those who are drawing unemployment, and once they cant find it and stop trying they fall off the figures, and in some cases underemployment is worse (bachelors degree holders working at starbucks). Beyond that...theres no doubt that this war is good for big business, which will trickle down and lead a somewhat stable economy. The unemployment rate is being held down NOT because of the tax cuts. gimme a break. The tax cuts were designed for the profitability of the ultra big businesses that will be profiting from the war. The stockholders will be happy, but I think its all a conflict of interests having people in the white house who cater to these ultra big businesses to line their "former" business colleagues pockets with blood money.

    3.Im going to bed now so I lifted this:

    By borrowing from future generations to give tax relief to those who need help the least, George W. Bush’s economic policies have, for the first time in history, forced the federal government to spend $1 billion more EACH DAY than it takes in. John Kerry believes that we need a smaller and smarter government that wastes less money. He has put forward a sensible plan that will at least cut the deficit in half in his first term, while investing in economic growth and investing in workers. To restore fiscal discipline and strengthen our economy, Kerry will repeal Bush’s special tax breaks for Americans who make more than $200,000. He will cut excesses in government and reign in out of control spending. And he will implement the McCain-Kerry commission on corporate welfare to undermine the special interest groups that make it hard to cut tax loopholes and pork barrel spending projects. lift done...word.

    4. Im also hoping Kerry can do something about regulating these gas prices. this is bloody ridiculous. 2.80something for a gal of 91 octane? And going up? somethings not right here. Maybe another form of energy would be some healthy competition.

    The other reasons Im voting for Kerry have to do with immigration, moving towards other viable forms of energy than oil (oil is all bush knows). If theres a doubt in your mind that Kerry will be better for the environment, you need to go back to school. The fact that everytime I hear Bush talk all I can hear is the voice of the teacher in "Peanuts".

    The only real response that wasnt OT I got was from inlineturbo, and although i totally disagree with almost every point he brought, up Ill just have to respect that his views are that way for a reason. ...I think Im seeing into the future...yes, just as I thought Kerry wins the popular vote....IN THE VOLVOSPEED MESSAGE BOARD.hahaha

  16. Not trying to stir up the bees nest. Im just wondering what part of Bush's ticket attract you. This is not a thread asking why your not voting for Kerry we already know who will be the best pres. in our own eyes.. I would really like to know what about the "Bush administation's" policies are attracting your vote. I see a lot of ppl talking the talk (really just typing the type), but no real substance in Bush's corner. Do you like things the way they are? Don't feel the need to change any of our current paths? Always vote republican and sticking to your guns? ...and things of that nature. Maybe you just wanna get drafted. :P ok that was a bit of stirring.

  17. Hey, I just thought that maybe if you were going to go around talking about politics like you know what you are talking about you should at least get it straight - George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, no Jr, no Sr.

    yeah genius i meant it that way. hes just george bush jr. to me. maybe you should take your own advice...

  18. one word for you. halliburton. The only thing I have against Edwards is that he keeps using the Clinton thumb when he talks. other than that you guys are never going to win a schoolyard battle of wits, you seem so unarmed. i cant believe the maturity level in here. can you ppl say the same things over and over and over?

    Cheney is SLIME. sorry y'all haven't caught on to that.

    I think you guys secretly think edwards is cute ;) . whats the topic of this thread anyway?

    ...how the republicans plan to fix iraq?...wait im lost

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