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Posts posted by donstruke

  1. Hillary Clinton [ 9 ]  [19.15%]

    :ph34r: With crap like this, it makes me pray to our Founding Fathers and thank them for the electoral college.

    Own up if you voted Hillary, I want to hear this.....

    Does anyone not think there's a file in somebody's office about how Vince Foster really died that will be released a few weeks before the November election, when Hillary Rodham Rodham will not have time to get more lies out?

    Of course the Foster story - make that the alleged story - is just one of allegedy several that pack alleged torpedoes allegedly aimed at her.

  2. Guys: It's possible that some of you missed this parag in the AP article that Ken linked: "Most estates already are exempt from federal taxes. The Internal Revenue Service said just over 2 percent of people who died in 2001 left estates subject to taxation. "

    I'll put that in perspective. My sources are the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, and the IRS.

    - In 2003, when only estates valued at $1 million-plus were subject to tax, just 1.5% of estates had to pay estate taxes.

    - In 2001, out of 2,363,100 total adult deaths, only 49,911, or 2.1%, had estates large enough to be hit by the tax.

    - In 2001 the portion of an estate exempt from taxation was raised from $675,000 (which equals 1/100th of what 850 owners have spent on repairs) to $1.5 million in 2004. In 2006 the exemption goes to $2 mill for individuals and $4 mill for couples. Time to start looking for that rich young widow..."Marry me and I'll save you $2 million." Which is a much better line than "Come here often?"

    - The number of small businesses and farms subject to the estate tax in 2004 was - get this - 300. In 2011 if the 10-yr mods to the 2001 legislation are completed, when only estates valued above $3.5 million are subject to the tax, that total of small biz and farms falls to 50.

    I do not disagree with a lot of what some of you have written but I wanted you to have these stats. By the way the current move to have estate taxes deep sixed more or less dates to 1992 when heirs to the Mars, Gallo, and Campbell soup fortunes hired the D.C. law firm Patton Boggs to lobby for repeal.

  3. Really? You're not so crazy :) I actually enjoy it! ;)

    Listen up to The Winkster, ev'rybody...he is the ONLY VSer who is an actual Volvo mechanic living in MECHANICSburg. Coincidence? I think not.

    OK, then, time for me to re-up my PayPal and throw in here, despite being totally T-5Rless.

  4. Canada spends less than the U.S. and yet has a better Birth rate, higher birth weight and a longer life expectancy plus it covers every citizen.  What more could you want in Healthcare.

    Higher birth weight = Big Deal. We win on Higher Teen Weight...down here we have tons (no pun intended or implied) of 14-yr old girls waddling around with Whoppers and Super Sized Fries in their lil' hands, their cellphone jammed between an ear and a shoulder, and rolls of fat jigglin' above their lowrider jeans.

    Save us, O Canada, ship down some of those low carb baby harp sealburgers. We'll send Celline Boring back to you.

  5. QUOTE

    Why isn't he running on his Senate record? He has 20 years in as a senator, but he mentions Vietnam more than his voting record....

    Kerry does not HAVE any record as a senator to mention:

    -In 20 years only five of his bills have been passed.

    - He has missed approx 80% of all voting sessions.

    (Edwards has missed about 50%, btw.)

    - He has missed 38 of the 49 (I may be off by one or two, but it's close) voting

    meetings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    - In his 5,500+/- word convention speech, he spent only about 75 words referring

    to his Senate "career"

    He was the one who decided to base his campaign on his 14-week "tour of duty" in Vietnam.

    QUOTE Clinton was much, much better, I agree. Only thing I didn't like about Clinton, really, was that he was way too wimpy on the military. Probably my favorite Democrat of all time.

    Oh, puh-leez. Just read about the many times Clinton (and Richard Clarke) could have done something against terrorists, but didn't. Read about the missile technology he gave to China in return for campaign funds. He is a reptile, and I don't mean to insult any reptiles by that.

    Check this on Kerry's appeal to terrorists:

    "No one should have been surprised when Sen. John Kerry announced that, if elected to the presidency, he would be a more “sensitive” commander in chief. As word of this would-be policy spread around the globe, a shiver went down the spine of the United States Department of Defense and all of our intelligence organizations. At the same time, terrorists everywhere celebrated and hoped all the more fervently that the junior senator from Massachusetts is successful in his Oval Office bid.

    Terrorists love an enemy’s sensitive leader. Obviously planning to carry on the Clintonista plan for national security, which failed 100% of the time for eight years running under Bill Clinton and Richard Clarke, the former sailor-turned-communist-sympathizer also claims he is going to overhaul the United States’ intelligence apparatus. This news, too, was greeted with joy by Osama bin Laden, Moqtada al Sadr, Abu Zarqawi, Yasser Arafat, Ayman al Zawahiri, and the rest of the gang, for Kerry has long demonstrated his deep desire to “reform” our intelligence assets and military by fiscally disemboweling them.

    And Hanoi John also plans to “reach out” to our so-called “allies” that George Bush has correctly identified as being no more than fair-weather friends, namely the French and Germans. In other words, Kerry is going to suck up to the massively corrupt Jacques Chirac and his minion. Of course, any seasoned military man will tell you that having Frenchmen on your side on a battlefield is far more of a worrisome detriment than an asset of any kind. I personally thank God the French army didn’t show in Iraq, as a more inept military force has seldom existed. Terrorists have a name for the French army: fresh meat.

    Kerry’s Achilles’ heel is his voting record, which without a doubt shows him to be a clear and present danger to America. He simply does not agree with the principle of offensive combat that says you must gain and maintain contact with the enemy rather than allow him to come to you, thus dictating terms to those on the defense. Let there be no doubt: if we fail to aggressively (rather than sensitively) fight the war on terror by bringing the fight to wherever the enemy is, far more Americans will die here at home and abroad than would otherwise have. The terrorists are literally praying Kerry is elected, which means they will again be afforded the opportunity to rebuild their training, logistical and operational assets while Kerry scarfs pate de foie gras with one of the most crooked presidents in the sordid history of France.

    I for one am not fooled by Kerry claiming he will mend his ways and become a staunch proponent of a vigorous, aggressive, well-armed and well-trained military, backed up by a dynamic intelligence service. He is what he is—an unrepentant, radical leftist who loathes the very idea of a strong military—and he can’t change that facet of his nature.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is naïve and gullible and should wake up and smell the cordite.

    Bob Newman"

  6. I concure.

    The government lies, the media lies, you get the point.

    We need change in this country. period.

    Somebody seems to have missed a few WMD believers:

    JOHN KERRY: "Why is Saddam Hussein attempting to develop nuclear weapons when most nations don't even try? According to intelligence, Iraq has chemical and biological weapons ... Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents..." (Oct. 9, 2002) [see: www.commondreams.org/views03/0826-03.htm, www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/speeches/spc_2002_1009.html]

    WESLEY CLARK: "He [Hussein] does have weapons of mass destruction." When asked, "And you could say that categorically?" Clark responded: "Absolutely." (on CNN, Jan. 18, 2003). On finding the alleged weapons Clark said: "I think they will be found. There's so much intelligence on this." (on CNN, April 2, 2003) [see: www.fair.org/press-releases/clark-antiwar.html, www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0301/18/smn.05.html, www-cgi.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0304/02/lt.08.html]

    HOWARD DEAN: "[He and others] have never been in doubt about the evil of Saddam Hussein or the necessity of removing his weapons of mass destruction." (March 17, 2003) [see: www.wtv-zone.com/Morgaine_OFaery/HDean4pres/deantrpswar.html]

    JOSEPH LIEBERMAN: "Every day Saddam remains in power with chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear weapons is a day of danger for the United States." (August 4, 2002) [see: www.counterpunch.org/wmd05292003.html, www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,59538,00.html]

    JOHN EDWARDS: "We know that he [Hussein] has chemical and biological weapons." (Oct. 10, 2002) [see: www.senate.gov/~edwards/statements/20021010_iraq.html]

    AND I offer this for anyone who believes WMDs are the only danger:

    David Kay's report said we hadn't found "stockpiles" of WMDs in Iraq, but we have found:

    -- chemical and biological weapons systems, plans, "recipes" and equipment, all of which could have resumed production on a moment's notice with Saddam's approval;

    -- reference strains of a wide variety of biological-weapons agents (found in the home of a prominent Iraqi biological warfare scientist);

    -- new research on brucella and Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and continuing work on ricin and aflatoxin;

    -- a prison laboratory complex for testing biological weapons on humans;

    -- long-range missiles (prohibited by United Nations resolutions) suitable for delivering WMDs;

    -- documents showing Saddam tried to obtain long-range ballistic missiles from North Korea;

    -- facilities for manufacturing fuel propellant useful only for prohibited Scud-variant missiles.

    Kerry for prez? Bush is no Edmund Burke but also he is not an admitted war criminal, or a man who was praised by North Vietnam for helping their cause, or a man whose statements in the 70s caused U.S. POWs in Hanoi extensive harm, or a man who served in a unit where 250 +/- of its 300 veterans have gone on record condemning one of their fellow veterans (and only seven are supporting him - some believed to be on his payroll).

    Kerry has missed about 80% of Senate votes in his 20 years there. Only five of his bills have been passed. He has missed 38 out of 47 voting meetings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    Dubya is not an intellectual but the man does have an MBA from Harvard.

    Kerry would be a disaster as our president, bottom line. BTW there is no statute of limitations on war crimes. Kerry through his own admission is guilty of such crimes. He has IMO lower morals than Clinton.

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