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Posts posted by Volvokiller

  1. Tranimission and Diffs are done and in, car is painted, seats and most of the leather bits are done, stereo is in the works. I hope to work on the headliner this weekend


    You've really made some strides in the last 6 weeks then. Last I saw your car it was pretty bare.

  2. You can't afford them. Last I heard they were looking to sell everytihng as a package. Somewhere in the $500k range for everything. These are full blown racecars people. I've stood next to them, my friend sat in Derek Bells car, the header on these cars cost more than I bought my S70 for.

  3. They could care less about Volvo backing, but you are correct. Volvo stopped backing them some time ago. They were going to be sponsored by the Breast Cancer Awearness group for Seca but decided not to run.

    Right, but they need backing to continue. Volvo threw lots of $$ at the project and the cost of the cars is rediculous. They could care less about where the $$ is from, there just needs to be alot of it.

    Edit - I see where I mis-typed in my first post. Without ANY backing the cars will not run in 2006.

  4. From what I was told, since Volvo is done dumping $$ into the program, At-Speed is actively shopping the cars to privateers. Some of the people who worked for At-Speed on the S60R's are looking to follow the cars where ever they go. It was my understanding that without Volvo facotry backing, the car would NOT race in 2006.

  5. Well I got to take a peak at the project car up close yesterday. It has a lot of potential. I also got up close and personal with the 04 and 05 S60R Race Cars. Its really a shame Volvo pulled the sponsor $$. We know the head fabricator at AtSpeed and he invited us over to check stuff out. They do some really trick work. Sorry, no pictures!

    Best of luck with the car Charles.

  6. Please don't delete this thread. I enjoy laughing at it. Are you a senator? Becasue you seem to know everything about politics.

    And obvisouly Alzheimers doesn't make people idiots. But if there was a person with such diminished mental capacity in the White House, what makes you so sure that America won't/couldn't/didn't elect an idiot?

    "The democrats, rather than accepting Bush's offer to write this bill together, are trying to turn it around on him and politically assasinate him with his own bill."

    Now here is a statement we can actually discuss. Had your first post contained this statement, I might have responded completely differently. I do think its a shame the way politics are handled in the US. This is a good example.

    Anyway, your antics in the LA post have proven to me (at least) that your thoughts are to be taken lightly. Nice work!


  7. I didnt' say he was the best president ever, smartass, nor did I say I voted for him "cuz he seemed like a nice guy." I hate a plethora of different reasons to vote for Bush and NOT to vote for Kerry.

    If you DON'T think the kind of response the democrats gave the president is chilidish you need to go back to like... hmm... lets think here. 8th grade? Sounds about right.

    They are just refusing to do the work and just whining, then when another plan gets passed they'll all whine and complain that they had no say. Totally an 8th grade girl thing to do.

    Well do you really think a complete idiot can become president of the most powerful country in the world?


    Was that a direct quote from the Democrats in your first post? A press release? Oh, you embellished slightly right? Thats what I thought. I don't agree with everything the Democrats stand for, nor do I think they are always right, but your first post was idiotic and juvenile.

    If that is a direct quote, or a press release, then I do think that was a childish resonse. Or maybe it was your post, which would make you the child.

    - Cut from other post - "George seems so much friendlier than Kerry, too." This is what YOU said. So sorry, not nicer, friendlier. My bad dogg. Did you have reasons to vote FOR Bush? Or just against Kerry? And I think voting for a President because he is a "Family man" or "friendlier" and against "Botox man" is pretty 8th grade girlish.

    As to a complete idiot being president, let me remind you that for half of First Actor Regan's term he had Alzheimers. Now I actually liked Regan, but it still makes one wonder...

    I don't have anything against you personally, I understand that people have different point of views. I think it was your post where you called my perspective "wrong". I don't mind other people opinion, but when someone tells me what I think is wrong, I'll get defensive. Especially if its abstract, like political theory. Its like asking what someones favorite color is, and then telling them they are wrong.


  8. Bush says, "Okay, let's work on social security together, but you guys need to put forth some ideas.  It's an important issue, lets not make it a bipartisan one.  TEAM WORK!  GO USA!"

    Democrats say, "We are waiting for your full proposal and refuse to work on it at all until we have made ourselves feel better by ranting about what a bad idea your proposal is.  Why do any work now when we can put it off till later and make you and your people waste your valuable time putting together a proposal for us to hate on?  We will not give our ideas until we waste time being political nanzy panzies whining and crying about what a terrible idea you have.  Your idea sucks.  Bdoyle rules."


    Bush - "Okay, I'm a bogus president who doesn't know his jerk from his elbow. I don't feel like doing any work so you guys make something up and I'll ask my fellow Rebublicans if I should sign it. Go me!"

    Democrats - "We don't feel like doing a bunch of work only to not get it passed because you are dumb. Why don't you actually do some work. We'll work on getting rid of this 400 trillion dollar debt you've created. We're plenty busy."


  9. I am a Turbobricks transfer as well. But I started trolling about two months ago. I was looking at, and then purchased a 98 S70. So I actually have a reason to be here, and am enjoying what I am learning. Now I have to try and not spend all my $$ on the S70. I just bought it to daily drive while I hook up my 242! Stupid car disease.

    I have a different username on TB, but I reverted back to 'ol faithful for the VS guys.



    ....please help me, I need a turbo

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