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5spd 850

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About 5spd 850

  • Birthday 07/02/1981

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    Phoenix, AZ
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  1. There's more to the price of oil going up than just supply and demand factors (which are a large part of it). Oil is a commodity that is traded and valued in US $. Since, the value of the dollar has been decreasing, and inflationary pressure is another cause that has made oil prices rise. Since oil is traded world wide in US $, many people are using oil futures as a hedge against the $ going down, much like gold. This strategy is used much more in other countries than in the US however. The world economy has large amounts of money invested in us $, short term treasury yields have diminished to a point where it doesn't make sense for other countries to keep US treasuries, thus investing in something else that is valued in US $, aka oil.
  2. I have to agree with this. Have any of you ever been in the military, or actually been to the doctor's in Europe. You show up to the general doctor's if your sick. You wait in line for your turn. First come, first serve no matter how sick you are. You get shuffled into a room with a nurse practitioner, not a doctor. Are you bleeding anywhere? can you walk? take this pill? come back if your still sick in a week. I'm being a little overdramatic, but you get the point. Not at all what we're used to the US. We have great healthcare, great doctors, poor insurance systems and it is expensive. It is staying expensive because hospitals cannot turn away people who need medical attention and cannot afford it. Healthcare reform will only do the same by raising some kind of tax instead of the increase of insurance premium. The poor still get medical attention when it is needed. Hell even working at REI provides health benefits to all its employee's. Instead of provided healthcare for all, let's get people some better jobs so they can afford there own. I'm not rich, but middle class, have a good job. I can afford healthcare, I like my doctor's, this is not a top priority in my book.
  3. The best leaders are the people who do not volunteer nor particularly want to be a leader...my vote would be for Colon Powell. Being from Arizona I've seen McCain in action, or a lack there of. My father in law is an Army Ranger who lost his leg in Vietnam, and gets shitty care from the local VA for his prosthetic. Upon numerous accounts of poor service he decided to write/call his local congressman, Mr. McCain, whom being a POW and vet himself, one would think he would have a sympathetic ear to the situation. An act of kindness, a letter of sincerity, or a phone call of hope was expected in return, instead crickets. Being contacted directly from McCain wasn't expected either, but from his office, surely. McCain has been criticized by his own party for being too Moderate. Being registered as an independent myself, I do not favor one side or the other, but have definitive ideas, which I believe is not the case of McCain. Being too moderate, means not getting things done, or making a change. McCain's main goal is to take the least offensive ground possible, not to ruffle feathers, and make enemies along the way. He wants to continue what the previous administration has started, which has only put our country into debt, our economy into a downward spiral, and a foreign policy that is pissing off more and more countries, i.e. Iran and Russia (they're crazy too). A look at the Democratic alternatives: If Clinton wins, that means our country will have been run by 2 families for over 2 decades. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. This is not a healthy cycle. As I stated originally the best leaders are not the ones who volunteer for the position, and I think she is too emotionally involved in this race. She has cried twice so far, this is primarily due to having a vagina. I do not want a president whom makes rash decisions based on emotional factors (Bush number 2 getting revenge on Saddam for trying to kill Bush 1). Last but not least, and the one whom I will actually cast my vote...Obama. Both democratic candidates having somewhat socialistic healthcare reform ideals, which is a detractor. However, I believe Obama will surround himself with intelligent people to aid him in making rational decisions. He is new enough to politics, that he actually cares, has his own ideas, and wants to implement them. I do not always agree with all of these ideals, but believe our country is in dire need of change. Obama being a minority by race, I believe will also aid in him being accepted and tolerated by other countries, which important for free trade, and the overall global image of America. End rant...
  4. Weak...this is Ford's influence. The concept of AMG, and M series are PERFORMANCE, with minor appearance upgrades. This's where Volvo did it right in 1995. You would think that Ford, as a fledgling company with few profitable divisions, aka Volvo, wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize its image or it's sales. The good news is, that they are only producing a very few quantity and probably charging way to much for the package for it to last more than a year. Back to the drawing board...
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