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  1. Ah, but they did. They installed a customer supplied clutch and flywheel. Right or Wrong the work was still performed. If you go into the mall and steal a shirt from gap that has a stain on it.... doesn't matter that the shirt wasn't correct, you still stole it. I'm More playing devils Advocate here as he did the only option left to him because this shop didn't play ball in any way shape or form. With them not agreeing to look further into the problem, then letting the car go without looking further into the issue then after finding they were in the wrong refusing to refund or partial refund. This shop clearly has a management issue and is in the wrong. Lets see how good they are at disputing credit card back charges. Hopefully for the customers sake, not very good at it.
  2. From experience, no shop will pay another shops labor. Unfortunately you might not win this one with the credit card as their statement back to the card company will likely be. "we offer a warranty on our work, customer declined the ability for us to warranty our work and took vehicle elsewhere knowing full well he would have to pay". Be interested from both a consumer and a business owner stand point in how this works out. Very surprised the 1st shop let the car leave without taking it apart again on their dime to at least check their work. By not doing that they invited this situation. Shame on them. I would have taken it apart for free just to make sure it didn't go to another shop and find I did something wrong. Wow, just wow.
  3. Don't do that. That's whats wrong with this country. If they did it and they put it backwards it's on them to do it again and get it right and not charge you. Doing a charge back is next to stealing. Calling them and saying they did it wrong and asking for a refund is a MUCH better way to go about it. If they refuse threaten small claims court. They almost certainly won't want to deal with the time needed to go handle that and will much more likely credit you your money back. Shops also can't handle bad feed back on google or yelp so it's very important to them (if they have any dignity) to get it right and send you out as a happy customer. I can understand the technicians point of view as that he's dealing with something out of the ordinary and he doens't feel he did anything wrong. But make the offer, take it apart and if it's their fault it's on them, if it's your part that's wrong you'll pay twice. Being a spec clutch I'm not sure I'd take that gamble cause in my 15 years of playing with modified cars I've come to learn that spec is about = garbage. I understand it's really the only option for a upgraded clutch on your car but in every other make and model I've had them in it's always been premature failures and odd ball problems. Now as a small business owner I (thankfully rarely) have to deal with chargebacks. In my case 100% of them are false and people just trying to get something for free. Some it's down right theft, and it's the biggest nightmare dealing with the card companies and presenting my case to attempt to get paid for something. And it's a 50/50 shot on me getting paid each time. I'd really like to see it be made illegal to do a charge back.
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