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Black Betty

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Black Betty last won the day on May 26 2022

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  1. I put 15.8 gallons into a 16.5 gallon tank yesterday...then ran my lawnmower out of gas later that day.
  2. Imgur has been the easiest for me. It has some of the editing tools that photobucket had as well.
  3. That's the only downside to the DWS, with tire width > HP (245 vs 225) I have a hard time breaking them loose too.
  4. Love the DWS 06 on the BMW. We had two small (1-2") snow days here but it was the wet slippery stuff and the tires were great. Nothing compared to a dedicated snow. They are also pretty quiet and grip well in the dry/wet. I'm not so sure how much of that will translate over to an SUV though. DicountTireDirect may have a good sale for the 4th. I think I got ~$200 in rebates when I ordered mine between the sale, Conti rebate, and DTD credit card rebate.
  5. As long as you are within the range (distance) of both, the cheaper one should be good enough for a hobbyist.
  6. Just for the sake of argument, $14,500 in 1991 is $25,500 in 2016 dollars. 2017 Sentra Nismo MSRP is $25,855 with delivery. I'm not sure where the $32K came from.
  7. Nope, you even welcomed me to the PNW last year
  8. I have a kid (16 months), moved to WA, bought a house and drive an old BMW...
  9. BIL does security installs. He put Arlo camera's up in the house. Checking the retail prices for these I wouldn't have bought them. They are nice because they are wireless but that means having to deal with batteries and conserving battery life. So you end up turning down the quality, and not recording continuously. They also take a long time to detect motion. They have only been up for 4 days so I haven't seen the true battery life yet. All we really wanted was a baby camera to watch on the kid. Ended up with a whole security system ( 3 glass break sensors, 2 smoke sensors, sensors on all windows and doors, and 3 Arlo cameras) so I can't complain. edit: the arlo camera's blow big time. The main issue is that they don't record until motion stops, they just record sessions at whatever you tell it to. The maximum you can record per session is 2 minutes then there's a long lag time to save the file and restart the next session.
  10. Figured. Movers still have everything in storage so I only have a few hand tools that I thought to pack. Pretty soon this Van-line is going to be paying our hotel bill if we don't get our stuff.
  11. While we are on weeding....How about a way to keep black berry bushes from growing back? So far all I've tried is cutting it down and pouring a mixture of vinegar, salt and soap on it (some homemade pintrest recipe she found).
  12. Solar PV is great but look at the process/minerals needed to make the panel. Li-ion is even worse for environmental cost due to the mining that occurs. When do a full life cycle analysis you start to realize there's nothing that's entirely green. Hydro/wind/tidal seems to be the most green to me, but bottom line is reducing our energy consumption is the biggest way to reduce pollution.
  13. Can't make something from nothing. Hydrogen takes a bunch of energy to make. It solves the quick refill/recharge problem that electrics have but still just moves the pollution from the tailpipe to the grid. As far as automakers cheating on emissions. It's because passenger cars are certified on g/mile or g/km. So everyone drives differently and the drive cycles are no where close to what people consider normal. If you really want to make a difference start reducing your energy usage, not finding new ways to power your energy usage. Start car pooling, run the A/C and heat less ect.
  14. Exactly what I'm not trying to do. It gets easier when you have a kid... I found some Bilstien PSS10 coilovers for ~700, or KW V3's for ~$1500. Still didn't bite. The only two things on my radar are a set of BBS RK wheels, and clear tail lights.
  15. Yeah most quoted the E36 ~3200, but it was hard to find all the numbers in one place. I'd love to scoop an LSD for it but I'm trying to do as little as possible to it. This car is more like a fun beater so I can save up for something nicer/long term. $1000 for an LSD or $1000 towards the next (better) car....
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