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About GiRaff3

  • Birthday 04/05/1983

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  1. Sean's Commander e-mailed me back and said that he did NOT attend Battle Assembly like he was supposed to...hmm...Apparently their 2 week training is coming up and that is the next time they will see him for sure. I cannot believe they are letting it go this long...meh.
  2. Today is my first day back at work in 2 weeks. I sent an e-mail to his Commander asking for an update.
  3. Well, the email I have from his Commander is on my computer at work. I have been using the web based version of my email, but it does not have all of my old messages. When I get back to the office on Friday, I will send and email to his Commander and see what is going on. If we do not get a response soon, I do not know what else can be done.
  4. The feedback thing can work, but sometimes it doesn't. People have been jumping into these threads about Sean, saying he is a good guy and they had a great experience buying from him or trading before. All it takes is one time for someone to go off of the deep end. I am going to see if his Commander e-mailed me back during lunch today.
  5. NO response from his Commander. We sent an e-mail back and forth last week, I am surprised he has not got back to me. He was supposed to talk to Sean at the battle assembly last weekend.
  6. I am going to check my military e-mail during lunch. I will report back.
  7. If you do not mind recieving the e-mails, quality controlling them, and then sending them to me, I would REALLY appreciate it! I am sure we are both on the same level of what the military is going to expect when this information reaches his commander.
  8. Everyone, please check my latest post! http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php/topic/135080-wheres-l8-apeks/page__st__120__gopid__1817018 If you have something to add to this thread, do it ASAP!
  9. UPDATE! His unit commander just called me! I left my number on Tuesday. He is genuinly concerned and wants to try and keep Sean out of trouble. I told him everything I knew: how much he owed, a lawyer being contacted, not responding to those he owed money/parts to. This weekend is the unit battle assembly, so he is going to be spoken with, he will share his side of the story. I exchanged e-mails with his commander and we are going to keep in touch as the process goes along. The ultimate goal is for EVERYONE to get what is due to them and Sean gets his pee-pee slapped while learning a valuable life lesson. Regardless of how messed up this all has been, I would like to see him get squared away and not torn apart. For those people who Sean owes something, please post in this thread so I can use the information when the time is right: http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php/topic/135732-who-does-l8-a-p-e-k-s-owe/
  10. Unless someone from his unit (the UA or CO) contacts me, I do not know how much more I can do. I would LIKE to see him take care of everyone, keep himself out of trouble, and end the madness!
  11. Alright, genuine PROGRESS! I just spoke with his unit administrator! FACTS: Sean attended his units June battle assembly (drill). He has not reported any issues to his leadership (family emergencies, extended travel, hospitalization, etc.) His UA was genuinly concerned and knows that legal action will be bad news for his military career. She said he will be contacted as soon as possible, hopefully today, and the "process" will begin. She said his commander will be informed and most likely contact me. I shared my military e-mail address and she thanked me for making them aware of this before he ended up in jail, getting fined, or on probation. There has not been a timeframe put on how long it will take to square him away. With my experiences as a leader dealing with Soldier issues, some are resolved quickly, some take a LOT of time. Typically, when it comes to legal matters, things end up taking a bit longer. Another factor is the motivation of his leadership, and how serious they are about squaring him away. If some of you are impatient/too angered at this point, you are welcome to see this crappy situation to any end that you deem necessary. With what we know right now, between the info I just shared and his login habits from other websites, it would seem that he is up to no good. Of course, even with the evidence stacked against him, perhaps there is still some sort of misunderstanding. I asked her to keep in touch with me to let me know the progress they make with him. I told her that I cannot stop anyone from going after him, but if she keeps me in the loop, I can share what info I have and hopefully their actions will be enough to keep you guys from tearing into him, legally. That is all I have for now.
  12. I hope I can make some solid progress within the next few days, I report for BNCOC on Friday :(
  13. I just got off the phone with someone at his unit. Apparently the UA was busy, so I left my contact information and I am waiting for a call back...
  14. He IS junior enlisted. I sent an e-mail to his AKO, warning him that people were ready to take legal action, and told him that I was contacting his UA to try and keep him out of trouble. I do not know about his legal options, sorry. There aren't too many of us who are into Volvo and serve :D
  15. Yes, I am a Soldier. In the Guard and Reserve, the company commander and/or 1SG are generally not full timers. Most manners are handled by the readiness NCO (Guard) or unit administrator (Reserve). Serious issues that cannot be resolved by the full time staff get forwarded to CO or 1SG. I called his unit number and got the UAs out of office message. There is an alternate number to call and I will try in a bit. I am just going to let them know that there is legal action on the horizon if they do not force him to fix this.
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