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Ihatespeedbumps last won the day on May 18 2022

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About Ihatespeedbumps

  • Birthday January 9

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  1. I would be in for some too, never bought in over the years...
  2. Sucks you took a hit on the Venetian but it looks like you have a plan to get it back in shape. Hopefully, that insurance money will help pay for some go fast parts
  3. Here goes Jim talking about his cars again when nobody asked. It's like you have internet forum turrets.
  4. Considering a turbo Sentra is now 32k (vomit) this is the unfortunate world in which we live. New cars are just outragesly expensive.
  5. My parents both drive identical V70's just like yours. Outstanding vehicles! Sorry to hear about the 850, but looks like it did it's job and life as an organ donor is going well too :)
  6. Yes, accelerator pedal removal required. If you have IAQS the fun factor increases x3. You made the right call with the C30 :)
  7. Great thread/build so far!!! The real burning question in my mind, have you had the distinct pleasure of changing the pollen filter yet?
  8. Make sure when checking your valve clearances that you are near 20C. There is an alteration made for different temps, it can be found in VIDA.
  9. Never seen it before, but I know who's car it is. Guy goes to school at Vandy lives in MA. I've talked to him a few times on SS.
  10. Keep in mind if you are interested in the same hitch I have it's not a universal square style hitch, it's Volvo proprietary and per VIDA it's the only hitch style available.
  11. I just paid our body guy $20 bucks to spray them on the side. He was happy to do it.
  12. Got the Snabb intercooler kit (standard model) installed yesterday. As I'm sure most of you have guessed, vast improvement over stock, especially with the warm temps we now have in TN. Fit and finish was really nice, not too bad of an install, though a few choice words were used at times. But it's silicone, who doesn't? Also got the PCV system knocked out while doing the IC. Surprisingly clean for 118K. The PO must have kept up with the oil changes pretty well. Once I wash the car I'll take some pics of the new IC. Also have to buy some 3M double sided tape and install the wiper delete plugs I've had sitting in my toolbox for 6 months.
  13. Trent, Got the inserts installed yesterday afternoon and I'm loving them. Bumps feel much smoother and since installing the track spec sway bars I had some uncertainty (for lack of a better word) in high speed cornering. All of that seems to be eliminated. Also, no detectable vibration added to the cabin. Great upgrade IMO for 68 bucks. It should be noted that I'm on stock LCA bushings that are in good shape, but original. My guess is the lack of "give" in your suspension is causing this.
  14. Engine has to be supported from the top and tilted towards the drivers side to get the M66 out. Don't have to do the tilt for autos.
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