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About Y2kV70R

  • Birthday 08/31/1979

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  • Location
    Brookhaven (delco) PA

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  1. **OT*** Does anyone have pics of the silver R wagon with the hood up and chairs next to it in Delaware96R's sig? PLEASE..... Shane
  2. Chuck, I also wanted to add that I love this site, and spend way more time here than any other site. Keep up the great work... -Shane
  3. Kind of confused, since my number is already listed up there ( I won from the hat numbers). In any case, It was great meeting everyone, even though I didn't get to meet everyone. First time to a shows this size, and learned a valuable lesson. Leave the Mrs. and little one at home. Next year I will make a full weekend of it, and since I live relatively close, I would be willing to lend a hand setting everything up (mods, you can hold me to that, just remind me in plenty of time). Any way, I won the IPD t-shirt, which was promptly traded (I'll never tell). Great job to everyone who worked to set this up. -Shane (I love hot moms)
  4. A little confused. I have never seen such a post by a forum moderator. Any who... I met some of you at Carlisle, and all seemed pretty decent. Met George too, but not passing judgement. Me and another member from another board had a discussion about the demographics of those who support/visit here, v70r.com, and swedespeed. If you look at all 3 sites, it becomes very obvious what the general socio economic make up is of each. Not bashing in any way, but it is the truth. If I was a vendor looking to sell high end parts, of course I would go where the money is. How many Aston Martin, Lamborhgini, or Maybach dealerships are there in lower middle class neighoborhoods? That being said, I sure hope that no vendor would badmouth people as a whole. I know if I was running a business I would not. To state that multiple people's stories were very similar doesn't necessarily make it true. All it takes is for one person to miscontrue something for it to get way out of hand. Anyway, it was a cool get together, and next year I will make a weekend of it, and leave the Mrs. and little one at home. Was a lot of driving for the little bit of time I got to spend. -Shane (I heart hot moms)
  5. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! I may e bugging you very shortly about this. I too will be doing my own work. I assume you had a full blown shop to work in?
  6. You have me on the edge of my seat..... My '00 R is screaming for a six speed. If you don't mind me asking what kind of $$ are we talking?
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