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InitialDriveGTR last won the day on March 22 2012

InitialDriveGTR had the most liked content!

About InitialDriveGTR

  • Birthday 02/24/1990

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    stuff that interests me.

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  1. I'm just gonna stay out of the politics forum like I have in the past. not my strong suit.
  2. I personally think what these sites are doing is a good thing. Even if the sopa thing passes, i think within a couple years a "second internet" will rise, sort of based on the concept of ham radios, free from the big company crap and government intervention type stuff
  3. Phrase that comes to my mind: "THINK MCFLY! THINK!"
  4. Someone make sure I wash my car tomorrow. I've been neglecting the paint...

  5. This car is poking insane. Re-reouted the whole charge system, bored out the intake manifold, installed a 3" Throttle body, tuned the BOV, and made a blanking plate for the turbo. I wonder what the honda kids that were laughing at me thought when I spun 1st through 3rd....

  6. Living in Willow 2305-A this fall. Finally returning to UMD.

  7. Out to pick up the 164

  8. If a man shoots himself in the foot he will walk with a limp. If he keeps it up, eventually he can't stand. Someone take away my poking gun.

  9. Someone just gave me a 71' Volvo 164 with 91K miles...Kinda stunned a bit

  10. Ferris bueller you're my hero

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